Chapter 4

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The next dawn, Corey woke up at almost nine o'clock on a calm Sunday morning. He felt groggy, and his head was cloudy as he struggled to gather his thoughts; the events from yesterday left him waking up regularly throughout the night.

At first, it seemed like a dream. It made sense to have imagined meeting an angel. Every time he thought about those magnificent feathery wings, he could picture it in so much detail. And those beautiful hazel eyes popped so vibrantly.

Corey wandered downstairs after having a warm shower. He forgot about the trouble he found himself in last night, still thinking that everything was just fantasy in his sleep.

"Morning son," Richard smiled.

"Morning," Corey yawned and poured himself a glass of milk.

"Have you thought any more about last night?"

Corey narrowed his eyes and stared hard at his cup, but when he turned to question it, the memory of arriving home after his curfew flooded his head. Was it really not a dream?

"Uh... yes and I'm so sorry!" Quickly covering the fact that he forgot, he turned away and continued to frown, feeling guilty about making his parents worry.

"It's okay son; we forgive you," Corey knew they would eventually, "but you're still grounded."

"I know." His son rolled his eyes.

"You can also help me with the gardening today." Richard looked smug while picking up his newspaper.

"Are you serious?" Corey felt like all the joy in the world got sucked out of him.

"Yes, I'm serious. Come, we'll start now." He got up from the chair and walked towards the back door. The sun shone brightly through the stained glass window, leaving dots of red and green twinkling around the kitchen.

Corey groaned and forced himself to stand up. Richard held out a pair of gardening gloves, not attempting to wipe the satisfaction from his face.

* * * * *

All night Panuleon traced the whereabouts of the demons. Once he had reached a certain place, they would disappear. For a while, he thought they might know that an angel was following their trail, but of course, the demons were sneaky and tried to avoid human interaction.

The angel could sense that they were now nearby and was careful not to be seen. Looking around, he spotted two of them as he crouched at the edge of the woods and watched from the trees.

"So, which one is it?" a big bald man, dressed all in black, asked and glared at the other demon.

"None of these," the other man spoke quietly, looking around nervously.

"Kill them," The bald guy ordered. "What a waste of my time, again."

When the humans were massacred, Panuleon found it hard to stay silent. Exposing himself was a very foolish thing to do and would cause too many complications for him to be able to stay in England.

"Who are they looking for?" he wondered when the bald man crossed his arms in frustration.

"Randell, why did you bring these humans to me?" The man asked in a bold, alpha voice as he put the bodies in two black zip-up bags.

"They claimed to have seen the angel. Dalton, I'm sorry, I got it wrong."

Panuleon then strained to hear more clearly. An angel?

"We need to find him, and he'll lead us to the boy." Dalton kicked one of the body bags.

"Do you know how impossible it is to track an angel? Plus they are stronger and-" Dalton held his hand up which silenced the other demon.

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