Chapter 38

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It has been two hours since the boys were taken.

Two hours of hell.

Corey and Panuleon are still separated. They have been taken to the same warehouse but kept in different rooms. They are almost eight meters apart and it's torture. The people who took them are part of an international movement of anything abnormal. They are just like the secret service, but illegal.

They have been tracking the boys ever since the night he injured his wing and kept falling from the skies. As they watched the house, it was clear that Panuleon was an angel and Corey was in love with him. They soon discovered the incredible bond he shares with him.

So, they had to take them. They needed to figure out everything about the two boys because that's their job, they thrive off investigating the strange and supernatural.

"P-Please, please take me to him. I-I need him!" Panuleon begged while he cowered in the corner of the small concrete room. He could feel that his soulmate wasn't miles away but it's still definitely too far.

The two men in the room ignored him as they continued to look at their computer.

Panuleon traced his finger along a crack in the wall. He allowed more tears to travel down his cheek. He couldn't help but cry. It feels like everything he loves has gone, everything he has ever known has been destroyed and it feels so lonely in the centre of his chest. Corey isn't in his sight and it felt like it was slowly killing him.

"Corey, Please here me. Please be okay," He called out in his head but so far he has received no response.

Corey was in the same position as Panuleon. He was curled up in a corner and crying his eyes out. He has never felt anything so traumatic and it feels like everything that ever made him happy has gone, for good.

"W-Why are you doing this? Please, Just let me see him!" He sobbed but just like the other people, they ignored him too. He was hooked up to computers which were monitoring his heart, his blood levels and the amount of stress he was under. "I can't take it anymore." His voice was barely a whisper before he curled up, trying to comfort himself.

"Panuleon, please here me!" He shouted in his head. The strength they are both lacking is weakening their telepathic thoughts.

Samuel was kept in the warehouse, he was also hooked up to a computer while they registered everything they could about the half angel. He was calm and was gently communicating with Monica. He told her where they are and that they had to come quickly because the boys are still separated.

Every so often, he could hear the cry out for help they were giving each other and it was breaking his heart. He was trying to think of an escape plan but so far, he had nothing. He was chained to a radiator and without his powers, he has no angel strength and can't pull himself free.

He hoped Panuleon could somehow free himself but whatever it was they had tied around his waist was taking all the energy he had.

* * * * *

"Okay, I know where they are." Monica proceeded to tell Corey's dad the directions. They were sitting in the car, still parked outside the house.
Up until now, they had no idea what to do. Of course, everyone was panicking and worried out of their minds. Monica had told them to wait as she knew Samuel would be in touch.

They could all see the heartache and the pain when Panuleon and Corey were pulled so far from one another and they wanted nothing more than to find them. Samantha was giving it all her strength to keep back her tears. Her son has been kidnapped, how could she not be sick with worry?

But this made them realise just how much the boys needed one another.

"Don't worry love, we'll find him," Richard reassured her. If he could help with comforting his wife, then he might be able to comfort himself. He is scared that they won't be able to stand being so far from one another and maybe they'll end up being separated for good. He didn't want to think about that, so he shook those thoughts to the back of his mind.

Humans couldn't fully understand the bond. It's too strong to break. It won't tear. They are together forever and no matter how long they are apart, they are always soulmates.

* * * * *

Panuleon was watching the guys at the other side of the room. He was trying to intimidate them by staring coldly. So far, it was working. He had plucked up all of his strength to stop himself from crying. He needed to look strong even though he was breaking inside. He needed Corey and he needed to escape.

"W-Who are you?" Just like every other time, they ignored him. "Answer me!" He growled and only just managed to create a low grumble from the skies. One guy in a mask turned his head. He stared at the angel, wondering if he made the thunder or not. "Bring Corey to me," He demanded, feeling a jolt of loneliness flash through his chest. He clenched his fists, trying to keep the heartache from showing.

"No," The man said bluntly and turned back to his computer.

Panuleon sighed.

"I am an angel," He spoke much calmer this time. "A-All I have ever d-done is helped, people. Why are you making us s-suffer so much?"

Both guys turned to look at him, then at each other. It was true, hurting an angel like this felt incredibly wrong. After a few moments of discussing something that they thought was too quiet for Panuleon to hear, they said no and turned back to their computer.

Panuleon let the tears fall once more. He has never experienced anything so awful in all of his life. He hoped that if Samuel was here, he could somehow escape and rescue Corey.

"Monica, are you here yet?" Samuel asked through his thoughts.

"We're outside. Is it better to keep Corey's parents and Jenny waiting in the car?" She asked.

"No, let them in but make sure they are safe.
They'll be too eager to see their son."

"Okay, are you injured, my love?"

"No, I'm just eager to bring our son and his soulmate back together," He said and tried to think about what the warehouse looks like from the inside. If he concentrated hard enough, she might be able to see too.

"Alright, you can all come with me, this will be dangerous so you have to wait by the door. Once we're in, Samuel and I will rescue the boys," Monica whispered as they stood outside the big heavy front doors. "Are you ready?"

Everyone shared nervous glances but they slowly nodded.

This is not the first time Monica and Samuel have had to deal with a kidnapping. The authorities are always on their case. There's never anything they can prove. But this is the second time they've been involved with the illegal side of things. They are not necessarily out to hurt them intentionally, but they are very keen to get the results they want.

Last time, they made an agreement with Samuel. If he gave them one of his angel feathers, they'd leave them both alone. But seeing Corey and Panuleon has sparked an interest again. Monica was angry. In fact, she was extremely angry.

After taking a deep breath to calm herself, she pushed the big door wide open and entered the gloomy warehouse.

She was ready for a fight.

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