Chapter 54

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Throughout the day, Corey had rested. By the time it was almost evening, he felt increasingly better. He didn't ache, he didn't have a headache and he didn't feel cold anymore. But he was still weak and needed one more night of sleep to fully regain his strengths.

Panuleon played a big part in healing him. Even though he couldn't help him with his powers, he helped him with his love. From time to time, he would gently start kissing Corey's cheek and whisper sweet things into his ear. Every so often, he would pull him into a long and heartfelt hug.

But as usual, Corey provided Panuleon with exactly the same comfort. They loved each other, and today, they showed Richard and Samantha just how much love that was. They really did need each other and it was all clear through their affectionate actions, their bond and their complete understanding of one another's feelings, thoughts and souls.

Corey told Panuleon everything he had gone through, starting from when the power completely took over his body. The angel listened with the best interest and care. He was also surprised that Zachariah would ask an angel to watch over them but he was more surprised that the woman who Corey had described, agreed to do it.

Angel and human relationships are highly forbidden in heaven.

After a long time of his head being buried into Panuleon's chest, Corey sat up.

"I think I want some air," He said and looked over to the window. The weather looked still and cold.

"Would you like to sit in the garden?" Panuleon asked softly.

"I think, I would like to go for a walk."

"Has your strengths come back?" He asked with a warm smile.

"It's getting there." Corey smiled back before he got up from Panuleon's lap.

"Would you like to go to the woods?" He asked.

"I'd love to." Corey kissed Panuleon delicately on the cheek. He was still very weak but he needed to get out of the house for a little while.

"Mum, We're going for a walk," Corey shouted from the hallway but just like he expected, she came running through.

"Are you feeling strong enough to go out there?" She asked with concern.

"He will be okay Samantha. I will look after him." Panuleon knew that Corey didn't want to get into an argument with his worried mother.

"Well... alright then. But put on a coat and don't stay out too late," She said and hugged them both.

"We can fly to the woods if you would prefer?" Panuleon asked and watched Corey put on some gloves.

"Alright," He agreed before walking forwards and wrapping his arms around his waist. "See you later," He smiled as he leant his head against Panuleon's chest.

And in seconds, they were gone.

Samantha has somewhat gotten used to that but she still finds it hard to believe that it's not all in her head.

* * * * *

The air outside was crisp and cold, but it was rather refreshing for Corey. Even though it won't take long for him to get cold, it was nice to be outside. He also thought it would be nice for Panuleon to be outdoors after two days of staying in one room.

The angel took in a big breath of fresh air as he looked around the bright forest. The evening sun was poking through the thick canopies and the birds sang high in the sky.

"I love this earth," He sighed happily.

Corey watched him with warmth in his heart. To see an angel admiring the natural beauty of the planet he lives on is something that would make anyone open their eyes to a greater appreciation.
He lived in what humans would call paradise.
Heaven is a place of pure charm and allurement but here the angel is, feeling blessed for the views around him.

Corey went over to a big old oak tree and sat at the base of the trunk. Panuleon snuggled up next to him before pulling off one of his gloves and intertwining their fingers.

"When was your first visit to earth?" Corey asked him while his gaze followed a little squirrel, scurrying across the woodland floor.

"When I was sixteen," Panuleon said. "It was the first time that I was assigned to be someone's guardian angel. I got sent to a part of the world where a big army of Romans had started a great war."

"Wow, how long ago was that?" Corey asked with raised eyebrows.

"About, two thousand years ago," He smiled, knowing how strange that must have sounded.

"That's crazy," Corey said in awe of his inspiring companion.

Panuleon carried on his story about how a great beast was going to eat a Roman boy who had found himself running from the soldiers.

"What was the 'great beast'?" Corey asked.

"I think humans call it, a bear," He hoping he had said it correctly.

"And you call a bear a 'great beast' in heaven?" He chuckled.

Panuleon nodded with an amused smile. He likes the sound of Corey's laugh.

"They are rather terrifying, but I would prefer to fight a bear than the wild cat."

Corey thought for a second.

"A tiger? Would you win if you fought against any of those animals?" He asked, knowing how strong the angel is.

"I would like to think so. But let's not put that theory to the test," He grinned.

They both then fell into comfortable silence, watching the wildlife come to life. The sway of the trees against the gentle breeze was very calming and peaceful.

"One day Corey, I would like to travel with you," Panuleon said. He was watching a little ladybird crawl silently across his shoe. Corey, who was already looking at him let a happy smile spread across his face.

"Where would you like to go?" He asked. Panuleon glanced down to see his eyes sparkling with wonder.

"Everywhere," He said. "I would like to experience the world, now that it's my home."

Corey carefully lifted his hand to Panuleon's face and laid it on his warm cheek.

"I would love to travel the world with you."

They had no idea what the future had in store for them. They just knew it promised great things.

They both leant further into each other before connecting their lips. It was soft, gentle, warm and felt amazing. Just like every other time, it was perfect.

Panuleon pulled away so he could cherish the affection he sees in his soulmate's eyes.

"I love you," Corey whispered. Those words have never felt so special but to hear them from his lover's lips was ten time's more magical.

"I love you too," His angel whispered in return.

The End.

Book two is called:

'A Mouth Full of Blood'

(Book two has a sequel that is linked with this story! To find it, it will be on my profile)

So, here we are, the end of the story. This has been so fun to write.
Thank you to everyone who has read to the end, voted and made an extra effort to comment, I really do appreciate it.

With love,

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