Undercover 12

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"Hi momma." I said to her as I walked into the kitchen, and Hunter following me like a lost puppy. She looked up and smiled, then had a confused look.

"What are you doing home so early dear?" She asked confusedly. I sighed and sat on a bar stool.

"Well, Jordyn showed Carson some of my videos and so they are obsessing over me, and his brother drove me home." I explained. My mother nodded. I rolled my eyes at the situation.

"What are you doing here Hunter?" My mother asked with a smile. He then straightened himself up.

"Oh i was here to see Hayes!" Hunter said. I rolled my eyes and sank into my seat.

"Well he's upstairs in his room, Ava can show you." My mom said. I silently groaned and got out of the seat. I then walked upstairs.

"HAYES!" I yelled. Hayes then came running out of his room with only boxers on, Cameron and Nash followed. "You have a visitor." I said while motioning towards Hunter.

"Oh cool. And he brought us flowers?" Hayes said while furrowing his eyebrows.

"They're actually for Ava." He stuttered quietly and nervously, before quickly handed me the flowers. I took them then scurried off to my room. I put them on my desk, and then hopped on my bed. I then texted Cheyenne and Chantel.


I then waited for them to answer. So I turned on my tv. I went onto Netflix and watched the office, aka one of THE best shows ever!! I sat there quietly watching when I then heard my phone ding. I jumped up and grabbed my phone to see a text from, Carson.

Carson: hey I am so sorry about that!! So how about we make that date tonight. I'll take you to Lola's???

I smiled to myself and squealed a little, getting myself all giddy. I jumped around my room squealing.

Ava: yeah sure. What time?

Carson: um how about I'll pick you up, or Jackson will, at 6:30

Ava: cool see you then!!

I then squealed more and jumped around my room freaking out. I was so excited.

I then finally took a deep breath. I looked at the time to see it was 1:06. So I ran downstairs, so I could get something for lunch. I ended up making myself a ham sandwich and I had some sun chips. I then walked out and sat by my mom who was in the living room.

"Hey mom, I'm so Carson asked me out on a date. For tonight at 6:30" I said. My mother looked up at me with a giant smile.

"Oh that is so cute. Okay." My mother said with the biggest smile ever. All of a sudden Skylynn ran into the room screaming.

"Oh my goodness sky what are you doing?" I asked while giggling. She then squealed some more before laughing. She then took off running again, but go big out the back door. I chuckled and kept eating my lunch.

After I did that, I went upstairs and showered quickly. Once I did that I put in my purple robe and went back to my room. I laid on my bed, when there was a knock at the door. I turned my head to see Cameron. I smiled and waved him in.

"Hi Cammy!" I said.

"Hi avy."  he said while closing my door. I furrowed my brows.

"So what's up dude?" I asked. He took a deep breath and sat next to me.

"He really really likes you Avy. Like a lot. He was just in there gushing to us how much he does." Cameron said. My eyes went wide and my stomach had butterflies.

"No. No no. He can't. I have a date tonight anyways." I said while getting up and running to my closet.

"Well I don't know what else Ava. And what do you mean date?" Cameron said while following me.

"I'm going on a date with Carson tonight, and he's coming in an hour, so could you please leave." I said trying not to shout. He nodded then left. I then picked out my outfit.

I picked a white flowy dress with red and blue embroidery on it. A pair of tall fringe boots. I had some layered gold necklaces. I had a black clutch shaped like a cat that had a chain. I had in some arrow shaped rose gold earrings. I left my hair normal, I brushed through it and then I put on some mascara.

Once I was ready I walked downstairs to see Carson talking with my mom and Hayes. I walked over to them smiling.

"Hi." I said waving a little.

"Hi! So you ready? Jackson is waiting for us in the car." Carson said. I nodded. We both then walked out to the car.

"Hey Ava!" Jackson yelled to me from the drivers seat. I chuckled and got in the back seat, Carson followed me.

"And hello to you too Jackson! Now I'm hungry so let's get on with this." I said. Jackson chuckled and drove off. Once we got to the restaurant Carson and I got out of his car quick and ran to the restaurant.

"You look beautiful by the way." Carson said. I smiled and blushed.

"Why thank you. And you look handsome." I said. He then opened the door for, and let me in. We walked in and were seated fairly quickly. Once we were seated I looked at the menu right away.

"So Jackson was telling about how Hunter showed up in your driveway today." Carson said chuckling. I groaned and rolled my eyes.

"Oh my gosh yeah. He's so annoying, just follows me around like a little puppy." I said while chuckling.  Carson chuckled a little bit too.

"So what are you guys gonna get to drink?" The waiter asked us while pulling out his notebook.

"I'm I'll have an iced tea please." I said and the waiter nodded.

"And I will have some lemonade please!" Carson said with a smile. The waiter nodded again before walking away. "Now what to eat." Carson said while looking at the menu.

"I think I'm going to get one of those one serving margarita pizzas." I said while closing my menu. Carson nodded.

"Well I think I'm going to get some Mac and cheese." Carson said while closing his.

"How original." I chuckled before the waiter came up to us again with our drinks. He quickly set them down.

"Okay, so are you ready to order?" He asked. He then took a deep breath. We both smiled and nodded.

"I'm I will have Mac and cheese. And she will have the one serving margarita pizza." Carson said. And we smiled at each other.

"Is that it?" The waiter asked while scribbling in his notebook. And Carson and I nodded again. The waiter then walked away from us.

"He doesn't seem to like his job." I said and we both chuckled a little.

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