Undercover 43

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After the rest of the people went through and told their favorite stories of me it was now time to dance. The DJ turned up the music. Taylor grabbed my hand and we ran out there together. By now I had already pulled off my heels and put on my white slip on vans.

"So how's your birthday so far?" Taylor asked. I chuckled and shrugged.

"Best one so far. Because you know something could still could get ruined." I said while chuckling.

"AVALON GRIER!" Hunter and Brandon yelled in sync. I giggled and gave them both hugs.

"Hi guys. So how are you?" I asked them with a big smile. And they both shrugged. A slow song then came on.

"You want to dance?" Hunter asked while putting his hand out.

"It would be my pleasure." I chuckled. I then took his hand. He put his arms around my waist and I put mine around his neck.

"So like you know in the beginning of the summer how I was like super creepy, and by that I mean super douchey. And how I liked you?" Hunter asked super awkwardly. I looked up at him.

"Yeah, what about it?" I asked. He sighed and shook his head.

"Well I don't want to put any more pressure on you, but I like you still. And if you don't like me back it's no big deal. I know how much pressure you already have on you and stress with the Charles and Carson situation." Hunter said.

"Um. Well oh my goodness. I honestly don't know what to say." I said while awkwardly chuckling. I could my face getting red and my palms all sweaty.

"I'm. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable. I just had to tell you." Hunter said while looking down. And his face was all red.

"So are you coming out with any new merch?" I asked to change the subject and make it less awkward.

"Yeah we're in the process of designing some new stuff. It's gonna be sick." Hunter said smiling and nodding.

"Well that's good. I guess I don't even have any so you're doing better than me." I said. Hunter just nodded. The song thankfully ended very soon. I walked over to Izzie who was pretty much throwing herself onto Brandon.

"Hey Ava." Brandon said. Izzie then shook herself out of her trance. She looked up at me and smiled.

"Happy birthday pretty girl. Oh my goodness you look gorgeous in your dress." Joey said while walking over to me. I squealed and ran to him. I gave him a big hug.

"Why thank you. And. Well I don't have anything to say to you." I giggled. We both had a good laugh. Isaac then walked over to me and spun me around.

"Hey cutie." He said. He then kissed me on the cheek. I felt my cheeks getting warm.

"Hi Isaac." I said quietly while looking at my feet. "So you want to go and get some cake with me?" I asked him. He nodded and grabbed my hand. We walked over together. Standing by the cake was Nash and I immediately pulled my hand from Isaac.

"What kind of cake would the birthday girl like?" Nash asked. I smiled.

"I would love a piece of white with raspberry filling." I said with a nod. Nash nodded back. Once Isaac and I got our cake we went and sat down at my table. We talked for a while but he quickly got distracted by some of his friends. So I sat there alone on my phone. I then heard someone sit next to me. I looked to see Carson.

"Hi Carson. I didn't know you were coming?" I said while sitting up straight and looking around.

"Yeah neither did I until Jeanne showed up at my door." Carson said chuckling. I groaned and shook my head.

"Well thank you for coming. I really appreciate it." I said before taking a bite of my cake.

"So I hate to rush you, but have you come up with your answer yet? If you don't it's not that big of a deal." Carson said. I looked down at my plate and just started playing with my food. I sighed and looked up at him. All of a sudden his lips were on mine and I felt this explosion inside me. But I pulled away right away.

"Carson what are you doing?" I questioned. I just looked down at my food again. I looked over to see Sadie who had just watched everything. I got up and ran to her.

"What. Just. Happened?" She asked while taking deep breaths. I felt some tears in my eyes.

"I don't know Sadie. But I promise he kissed me. I didn't want to kiss him. He forced the kiss on me." I cried while throwing myself onto her. She started rubbing my back.

"Oh Ava, I know I saw. I promise it won't happen again. I will watch him. I know it wasn't you fault so calm down." Sadie said while comforting me. Even though she wasn't a comforting type of person.

"Ugh I don't even know what I want anymore. It's just people forcing things onto me and I have to agree with. And I don't even know anymore." I said while leaning my head onto her shoulder  she jsut put her arm around and squeezed me tight. I looked up to see Will walking over. I perked up a little bit.

"May I have this dance Ava?" Will asked while putting his hand out. I sighed and giggled. I nodded and got up. I walked over to him and he put his arm around my shoulder.

"So how has your night been?" Will asked. I just put on a fake smile.

"It has been good. I'm just so tired and exhausted though, so I'm ready for it to be over." I said and we both chuckled a bit. A slow song then started. I reached as high as I could and put my arms around his neck. He then put his arms around my waist. I put my head against his chest and it seemed like there was nothing wrong with the word for this song because I felt so safe.

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