Undercover 38

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I started to cry I was so happy. Hayes held me tightly.

"I'm sorry for crying it's just, I'm actually happy for once. It's been a long long time." I said while sniffling. I then laughed it off. I looked around to just see people smiling all around me. Hayes just rubbed my arms.

"Well party's over guys. Now let's bring the birthday girl up to bed." Will said while walking towards us. I chuckled and wiped the tears from my eyes. Everyone mumbled as they walked away.

"Thank you silly Willy. Now can you tell mom I want French toast for breakfast please?" I said as Will walked me upstairs to my room. Will chuckled and nodded.

"Whatever you want birthday girl. Now how about you just slip on some leggings and then go to sleep. I know you're really tired. Now go sit on your bed Avy and I will find you some." Will said while walking over to my closet. I just curled up in my bed and went underneath my covers. And my eyes kept getting heavier and heavier. And then I fell asleep.

When I woke up the next morning with everyone surrounding my bed. I smiled and looked around to see everyone smiling back at me. They all then started singing happy birthday to me. I squealed and clapped with happiness

"Oh my goodness thank you guys so much!" I cried. Skylynn crawled up into bed with me.

"Happy birthday baby. So how about you get up and I can make you some birthday French toast with a fruit salad with strawberries, apples, oranges, and grapes. And then hot chocolate." Mom suggested. I smiled and nodded. "So you go change and get ready and breakfast will be ready for you when you come on down." Mom said. Everyone then left and I got up and walked over to my bathroom. I took a quick shower and then threw on my robe. I then walked over to my closet and picked out an outfit.

I wore a pair of maroon high waisted shorts. A black lace up flared long sleeved shirt with embroidery on it of flowers. A pair of black Birkenstock's. I just brushed my hair out, put on mascara and then put on my glasses.

I then slowly walked downstairs. I walked into my kitchen and my mom had my breakfast sitting there waiting for me. And she had a big smile across her face. I sat down at the counter and began eating. Skylynn then came flying into the the room giggling.

"Good morning skylynn! What's so funny?" I asked. She giggled some more and then went running back into the living room. I chuckled and shook my head as I kept eating my food.

"Good morning birthday girl! Eloise came to say happy birthday!" Jeanne said while walking towards me with Eloise in her arms. I gasped and cheered and clapped my hands.

"Oh my goodness! Hi Eloise. It's auntie Ava, your favorite auntie. How are you pretty girl." I said in my baby voice. While I played with her. Eloise just giggled and clapped her little baby hands together. I then finished eating the rest of my food while Jeanne sat next to me and we talked.

"Well thank you for sitting with me, but I think I'm going to go watch some Netflix in the living room now." I said while putting the dishes in the sink. Jeanne then quickly stood up and ran over to me with Eloise in her arms.

"No, um how about you and I go shopping? You know since we are having a family dinner tonight here and your mom always wants everyone to coordinate for like everything and she told me you get to choose the colors pr it's going to be based off your outfit. So let's go I'll help you." Jeanne said nervously. I shrugged.

"Sure! But are we going to take Eloise?" I asked. Jeanne stopped and smiled.

"Um no. Hold on I'll go pass her on to Will and then I will be right back, so go to Will's car and if that's not there then my car and then yeah." Jeanne said while walking into the living room. I chuckled and shook my head as I walked outside to the garage. I went and hopped into Jeanne's car. I then sat on my phone while I waited. And I had so many birthday wishes and they all made me smile.

"Hi I'm back. Okay so let's head to the mall! And also I know this is going to be really awkward for you but how about we go to Victoria secret when we are there and that stuff there can be a gift from me. But the rest of the stuff will be from Will. Or your mother will just reimburse us." Jeanne said with a smile as we got into the car.

I just looked at all the birthday wishes from my fan and it made me smile. I then went to Snapchat and opened all the ones from my friends. And they all just warmed my little heart. I then went to go look at my text before Jeanne started talking.

"So what are you thinking you want to get? Your mom said she wants extra fancy. Like heels kind of fancy." Jeanne said as we pulled into the parking lot. I just groaned. She just chuckled at me.

"Well don't worry your mother said she invited some friends so you're not going to have to spend time with old people like me the whole time." Jeanne said with a little chuckled and a smile across her face. I chuckled a little.

We both walked in together. And we just looked around for a moment and then decided to go to Victoria Secret first. And there waiting for me was Izzie and Tilly! I ran over to them squealing. And in their hands they held a card and some panties and bras.

"Oh my goodness what are you guys doing here? And what is all this you're holding?" I asked them with a big smile.

"It's a secret, but here take this here card and shop for what you like." Tilly said with a wink. We all giggled some more and I then walked back over to Jeanne who was just waiting outside the store.

"Is there something going on I don't know about?" I asked. Jeanne just smiled and shrugged. I groaned then walked back into the store with me.

"So what do you want to get? You have a max of 150 dollars." Jeanne said while we looked around PINK. I just shrugged as I looked at the bralettes.  Jeanne nodded her head with a small smile. I picked out a couple of bras and panties then grabbed a sweatshirt I liked.

"Okay I'm good." I said with a smile. Jeanne chuckled and walked over to the counter and checked me out. Once we were finished we walked out to a couch. I then opened up the envelope from Tilly and Izzie. It was a cute little card that was pink and had a giant crown on it and said 'damn happy. Ruth day to the prettiest princess'. I then opened it and there were birthday wishes from them both, and then it said 'hey go to the store that starts after G and ends after L'. I stopped and had to think about it for a second, H&M!

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