Undercover 61

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When we got to the restaurant Dad and Nila were waiting for us outside. They waved to us as we came closer. Carson held my hand extremely tight. I looked at him and smiled.

"Oh calm down my dads nice. And Nila is super sweet." I said to him quietly. I then gave him another reassuring smile. He smiled back at me. When we got to my dad I let go of Carson's hand and gave Dad and Nila both hugs.

"Daddy this is Carson, my boyfriend." I said introducing him. Dad stuck his his hand out. Carson shook it and my dad smiled.

"Okay lets go in. I'm starving!" Nila said. Everyone agreed. We were seated quickly then ordered drinks.

"So are you ready for school tomorrow?" Dad asked. I took a deep breath and shrugged.

"Yeah. I don't know yet I guess. I just don't know how people are going to react to the fact that I was on tour for the summer." I said. Dad nodded.

"Well I got you some new clothes. I hope you like them though!" Nila said super excitedly with a giant smile across her face. I smiled and nodded.

"Will let me see Eloise." Dad said. Will stood up and brought Eloise over to him. He set her into his arms before going to sit back down.

After lunch we went back outside and said our goodbyes before we all piled back into our cars. I was squeezed tightly between Carson and Taylor. When we got home Johnnie was grilling with Zan at his feet. Izzie, Blake, Tilly, and Landon were sitting on the porch.

I ran up to them when I got out. Carson was trailing behind me. I got big hugs from Izzie and Tilly.

"Hi guys! How are you guys?" I asked as we walked inside. They all answered. When we walked inside I heard Mom, Cheyenne, and Chantel talking and laughing away.

"Ava you're back! Finally." Mom said. She waved before looking back at the TV. Cheyenne and Change then got up and walked over to me.

"So how was lunch with your dad?" Chantel asked. I chuckled a little.

"It was great. Good food and sad was in a good mood. But Carson was a little nervous. And he was a little scared of my dad." I explained. I saw Carson cross his arms and roll his eyes. "Well it's true Carson." I said and rubbed his back a little bit. My friends just giggled a little.

After a little while the rest of my friends all showed up. We all just sat around on the deck laying in the sun. Taylor then walked outside and leaned up against the railing.

"Are you guys really just going to sit here the whole time?" Taylor asked. We all looked up from our phones. She shook her head at us. "Why don't you go swimming, or even do a photo shoot? Anything literally other than this would be better!" Taylor said.

"We're going to go swimming later." I said. She chuckled and rolled her eyes before walking away.

After a while we ended up going and getting in the pool. I just laid in a floater and floated around the pool. It was very relaxing and just what I needed.

After we were done in the pool it was dinner time. So mom made Mac and cheese and some fruit salad. And then Cheesecake for dessert. Once we ate dinner we took some pictures before all my friends went home.

The next morning Mom woke me up at 6 in the morning. I grumbled and put my pillow over my head. My mom took my pillow away and nearly pulled me out of bed. I then went and showered. I then put on my outfit that I had chosen last night.

A light wash blue button up a line skirt. A black crop top with scalloped edges. A pair of holographic slip on vans. I curled the ends of my hair. I did my eye makeup. Put in a pair of gold hoop earrings.

I walked downstairs to see my mom had made breakfast. I made up a plate and sat at the counter. After I finished I grabbed my lunch box and backpack and waited in the living room before my mom said it was time time to leave.

When I got to school Cheyenne and Tilly were waiting for me in the cafeteria. I waved to them.

"Oh you're so cute Ava!" Tilly said. I smiled and giggled. I then felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around and Carson was there!

"You look so beautiful today." Carson said. And I just smiled even bigger.

"Hi Carson!" I said before giving him a hug. He squeezed me tight. He kissed the top of my head before letting go. Blake and Izzie walking over to us holding hands. Izzie waved.

"Hi besties. You all look amazing." Izzie said. We all smiled a little more. We all sat at one of the table and talked until the bell rang. Blake and I had first hour together so we walked together.

"Ahhh I'm a little nervous." I confessed to him. He chuckled at me. While I just rolled my eyes at him.

"Well it'll be fine. As long as you don't draw attention to yourself you'll be fine." Blake explained. I nodded and did as I was told. I went to the front of the room where the seating chart was to find my seat.

I sat next to a girl named Laura. We smiled at each other then went on our phones. Our teacher Ms. West then came and stood in the front of the class.

"Good morning everyone. And happy first day of school. Or first day of high school I should say." She said.

Ms. West was young and pretty. She was the coach of the girls swim team. And basically the coolest teacher at the school.

"Okay so welcome to to history class. Today we are just going to start with one of those boring get to know you games. We will have your table partners introduce each other. Say their name and their favorite thing they did this summer.". She said. She then walked back to her desk.

Laura and I awkwardly looked at each other and smiled. I looked at the clock then took a deep breath before looking back at her.

"Um. So I'm Ava and my favorite thing this summer is when I went to Greece for a couple days." I said. Laura smiled and nodded.

"I'm Laura and my favorite thing that I did this summer was I met Selena Gomez at her concert." She said. We then went on our phones.

After class Blake and I walked out together. I then looked at my schedule to see that I had English. I said goodbye to him and walked to my class. She didn't have the seating chart up yet so I just sat in the middle by myself. Cheyenne then walked in. She ran over to me waving.

"Oh my god yaaaass. So how was first hour?" She asked. I took a deep breath.

"It was good. I don't know." I said. She sat down next to me and nodded.

"Well I had art with Izzie and oh my god it was lit bro. Even though it was the first day." She said and chuckled a little bit. Then bell rang and more people filed into the room. I looked around at everyone.

"Oh my god THE Ava Grier is in my class. Oh my god. I love you so much!" This girl with dark brown hair brown eyes. She was tall like 6 feet.

"Hi." I said. I squirmed in my seat uncomfortably. I looked around to see everyone looking at me. "Thank you so much! What's your name?" I asked since I actually didn't know who she was, but I knew she came from the private Lutheran school.

"I'm Zoey." She said. And she was basically shaking at this point. I smiled and nodded.

"Okay um everyone could you please sit down." Mr Carlson said. I took a deep breath. "Hi so I'm Mr. Carlson your pre AP English teacher."He said.

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