Undercover 18

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Cheyenne and I walked into my house and it was PACKED!! People I don't even talk to in my grade were there. Chantel is popular and loves to talk to everyone, why would I ever have her plan this party. Oh my goodness.

"Oh my goodness Ava you look so beautiful!" Chantel squealed while running towards me. I put on a fake smile and waved. "So I know you may not talk to all of these people but I thought you should finally get acquainted with them since we are going to be freshman next year!" Chantel explained.

Chantel wore a pink tutu skirt. A black crop top with cut outs on the side. A pair of gold high top converse. Her hair was in low bun. She wore some mascara. And the diamond earrings made to look like cats.

"Well thank you Chantel. You have done a lovely job." I said. Chantel smiled with pride before walking away. Then a couple of boys walked up to Cheyenne and I. It was Hunter, Luke, Noah, Ben, Issac, and Jackson. ugh.

"Hey Ava you look absolutely stunning!" Hunter said. I just smiled.

"Well why aren't you with your little annoying obnoxious friends?" Cheyenne asked. and I was surprised because I know she likes Ben.

"Well I have apologized so many times I can't even count. Okay, so again I am sorry!" He said. I rolled my eyes. 

"Well what do you want." I asked quietly.

"Well I wanted to spend some time with you tonight before we leave on our trip." Hunter said. I just scoffed at him. 

"I want to actually spend as little as much time with you all now so I can actually stand you when we go." I said before walking away, but Noah caught my arm.

"Hey can we at least hang out with you, without him." Noah asked. I looked at Cheyenne. She has her arms crossed and was nodding her head. 

"Uh. Um. Sure. I guess." I said timidly. I then pulled my arm out of his grip and walked away from them, and over to Hayes. I ran to him and gave him a hug. "Hayes. there are to many people here!" I whined. Hayes just chuckled at me. I then looked to see he was with Tez. "Oh hi Tez!" I said and waved at him

"Hi Ava." He chuckled.

"Well you will have to get used to it Avy. There aren't even that many people here though." Hayes said. I groaned before walking away. I went and sat on the couch, which thank god was empty. I looked around to see so many people. Izzie, Tilly, and Sadie all the came and sat by me.

"Oh Ava we are going to miss you so much while you are gone." Tilly cried while throwing her arms around me. I chuckled and hugged her back.

"Oh Tilly you know I am coming back. but yes I will miss you to dear." I said while patting and rubbing her back. I looked into the kitchen to see Chantel talking with Max. I smiled. The girls kept talking, but I blocked it all out while I looked for Carson. I finally stood up and went looking around everywhere. But I finally bumped into Kyle, he was my crush at school before Carson.

"Hey Ava good luck with your tour." He said. I smiled.

"Well thank you. and it has been forever, we need to catch up some time!" I said. He smiled and took my hands.

"Definitely!" He said while taking a step closer to me. I chuckled awkwardly and took a step back. I looked over to see Nash walking over towards us very urgently. So I pulled my hands away from him quick and ran to Nash.

"Avy oh my god I've been looking for you. There has been a car crash. And Carson was in it." Nash said. My whole world then stopped. I didn't hear people talking. I didn't see people, I just saw blurs.  "Ava! Ava! Avalon! Are you okay?" Nash kept yelling. Tears came flooding down my cheeks. I ran up to my room pushing anyone or anything in my way. I barely got up to my room before I just dropped on the floor and cried. There were people behind me watching, but I didn't care.

"Ava please get up." Taylor said while grabbing my waist and sitting me up. He finally picked me up bridal style and put me on my bed. I hid my face in his chest. He held the back of my head and rocked me back and forth. I finally didn't have enough tears to give so I sat up sniffling. I took off my glasses and wiped my eyes off. Cameron took my glasses and set them on my bed side table.

I looked to my door to see Cheyenne, Ben, Noah, Chantel, and Max standing in my doorway.

"What!" I spat at them before burying my head into Taylor's chest again. Cheyenne came and sat next to my and rubbed my back.

"Why don't you go and change into something a little more comfortable." Cheyenne whispered into my ear. I sat up, sniffled, rubbed my eyes, then walked into my closet and shut the door. I pulled off my dress and shoes. I put on a red and black PINK sports bra. A gray t shirt that said Sisters in black. A pair of maroon lacy pajamas shorts. And a pair of white and pink striped fuzzy socks. And on my way out of the closet I threw my hair up in a messy bun.

Everyone then watched me as I went and sat on my bed. Hayes and Nash sat next to me.

"Ava do you want to talk about it?" Nash asked quietly. I looked around my room to see everyone looking at me, but they are people I care about.

"Um. A. S-sure. But could like everyone but you, you, you, you, you, and you leave please?" I sniffled and while pointing at Nash, Hayes, Cheyenne, Chantel, Cameron, and Max.

"Yes. Now could the rest of you please go downstairs and have everyone leave and clean up please." Nash instructed them. Once they all left Nash closed my bedroom door. "Okay so what's up princess?" Nash asked. I took a deep breath while looking at all of them

"Well I feel like Carson getting in a car crash is partially my fault because I told him we shouldn't date or anything right now while I am gone. He seemed okay with it, but maybe he wasn't." I confessed. Max then ran over to me and gave me a big hug.

"Oh Ava, I am his best friend and I thought it was my fault too. And I know for sure that he loved you so much he would never do that to you!" Max said. I sniffled and hugged him back. "How about we go and visit him in the hospital?" Max suggested.

"um, well I feel like if I see him in the hospital I won't want to leave. And this trip is a big thing for me and I'm sorry I don't want to go." I said. Max just nodded understandingly.

"Actually why don't you go. I think it would actually be good for you." Nash said while standing up. I groaned as he picked me up. When we got downstairs we saw Tilly, Izzie, Sadie, Landon, Elliott, Mitch, Noah, Ben, Tez, Hunter, and Taylor were all sitting in the living room waiting for us.

"Hey guys." I said quietly. I waved at them. Nash put me down so I could slip on my black Birkenstock's. Nash, Hayes, Max, and I went outside and got into Nash's car. We silently drove to the hospital. When we got there we got out and I held Hayes's hand tightly all the way there. When we got to Carson's room he was laying in his bed watching Netflix on his computer. He wore a black arm sling and he had a cut on his lip. I ripped my hand out of Hayes's and ran up to Carson.

"Ava! You're here!" Carson cried while giving me a hug with his good arm. I felt myself tearing up a little bit while giving him a hug.

"So like what happened? What's with the sling?" I sniffled out with a smile. Carson chuckled.

"Well we were at a stoplight and Carson didn't stop fast enough so he back ended the guy in front of us. and then the guy behind us back ended us too. and no one got hurt. I broke this because when we got home I was riding my bike and I hit a rock or something and flipped over my handle bars so I broke my collar bone and cut my lip." Carson explained. I chuckled at him.

"Really, you got in a car accident but your broke your collar bone on a bike." Max chuckled at him. Carson rolled his eyes at him.

"And what did you do today? Because I had a picnic for my girl, helped Chantel with the party. got in a car accident, broke my collar bone, and went to the hospital today. So what have you done?" Carson asked. I blushed a little when he called me "my girl". It made me all happy and warm inside.

"Nothing, but shut up." Max said.

"Well I think we should take a picture Carson, so here scoot over. And Hayes please be the photographer." I said while handing Hayes my phone. Carson and I then cuddled for a second while Hayes took the picture. "Well I'm so sorry but I have to go home to get some sleep since I am leaving tomorrow. But when we come back we will visit for sure." I said before kissing Carson's cheek really quick.

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