Undercover 33

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This is what Kayla looks like

The sound check went really quick. I chose my song that I was going to sing and then went and sat next to Mahogany the rest of the time. I didn't even notice what was going on because I was on my phone the whole time. I was tweeting, snapchatting, and instagraming about how excited I was for the show. We all went back to the room and rested until it was time to go out. I sat all by myself.

"Hi Ava." Carson said awkwardly. I looked up from my phone and smiled awkwardly then gave him a wave.

"Hi Carson." I said quietly. I then looked back down at my phone.

"So are you nervous for today?" He asked. I took a deep breath and then stood up from where I was sitting. I brushed myself off.

"Well I have other things I am worrying about and anxious about. So preforming is only number two on my list compared to other things. But are you worried." I asked while sticking my phone into my back pocket.

"I actually sort of am. Mostly because I'm singing today. Ugh. But I am usually nervous before most performances. So about last night though or I don't even remember how long ago it was, but do you have something to say about it? Or an answer?" Carson asked. I started to get nervous and just stuttered.

"Eh. Um. Well. Actually I have a confession Carson. Earlier that day Charles had admitted he likes me to, but like the way you do. And I don't know what I want to do Carson. This is actually stressing me out. I don't want to hurt either of your little hearts. I love you both. I just don't know what to do. So it would be fantastic if you'd let me think about this some more." I said with warm cheek. Carson just nodded his head. I took a deep breath and then walked over to Hunter.

"Oh hi there Ava. You good? You seem a little shook." Hunter said. I just took some more deep breaths quickly.

"Yeah, I kind of just told Carson that Charles also confessed that he liked me. And I don't know what to do now." I said quickly and out of breath. Hunter held me close and rubbed my back. I stood there just taking deep breaths.

"We will figure this out after the show, but for now how about we stay far away from those boys. Okay?" Hunter said. I nodded and took a few last deep breaths. I then walked over to Nash and Cameron. I walked up to them with a big smile.

"Hey guys what's up>" I asked quietly. They both looked down at me and smiled.

"Fantastic, and you look really good in that shirt." Cameron said. I smiled and curtsied a little bit. We all chuckled then a little bit.

"So how much longer until we go out for the show?" I asked. Cameron and Nash both looked down at their phones, and then back up at me.

"Uh like 10 15 minutes." Nash said. I just nodded and then went and sat on the couch next to Mahogany. She looked up from her phone and smiled at me.

"Hi Avy. You excited for your performance? Because a lot of people are hyping you up on like almost all social media's." Mahogany said. I took a big gulp then a deep breath.

"Really?" I said weakly. Mahogany just nodded. "Oh no even more pressure for me not to bomb this." I said sighing a little bit. Mahogany chuckled at me a little bit.

"Don't worry Ava. You are going to amazing you are a little star. You are so talented for being this young!" Mahogany said before turning back to her phone. I smiled and nodded.

"Thank you Mahogany I really needed that." I said. Mahogany smiled and nodded while still looking down at her phone. While I was sitting on the couch I felt someone tap my shoulder. I looked behind me to see Joey standing there.

"Hey Ava how are you doing? Because I'm super excited to see you preform, because I've just heard people say nothing but good things about you. Mostly about how you have the voice of an angel!" Joey said. I gulped and nodded.

"Ah yes, well that makes me even more nervous. But whatever I guess I'm gonna have to live with being nervous." I said with a shrug of my shoulders. Joey chuckled at me.

"Well I wish you the best of luck!" Joey said. I smiled at him.

"Thank you so much Joey!" I said standing up and giving him a small hug. I then sat back down and went on my phone until Bart came into the room. 

"Okay guys we are going to start soon, so Ms. Ava could you please go up to the side please, you're performing first." Bart said with a warm smile. I stood up, smiled and nodded shakily. Hayes and Nash walked me over to the side of the stage and hyped me up. Mahogany was waiting with us too.

"And to start us off we have the favorite Grier. Can you please help me welcome Avalon Grier onto the stage!" Our announcer, Kayla said. She then looked over at me and smiled. Then back up at the crowd. Nash then had to pretty push me up onto the stage. I held the microphone in my hand and awkwardly walked to center stage.

"Hey guys. So I'm Ava. Obvi. But so today I'm going to sing SOS by Rihanna." I said. I then looked over at Mahogany and she turned on the music. I took a deep breath and got in the zone. I became my sassy me. I strutted around stage and did my sassy faces as I sang. Once the song was over I was nearly out of breath! I bowed and everyone cheered for me. I smiled for ear to ear. I then ran off the side of the stage over to Nash and Hayes. They both hugged me.

"Oh you did amazing Avy! Ahhh!" Nash said. I giggled and gave them both individual hugs. The rest of the boys then ran over to me. And they all only had good things to say about how amazing I was! Kayla then had us all come up back on stage. And there waiting for us were our biggest fans from Austin. They were all breathing hard, squealing, giggling, and couldn't stand still. I figured mine was the girl wearing a shirt with my face on it. So I walked over to her.

"Hi there what's your name? Also I really love your shoes." I said and she screamed at the top of her lungs. I tried to calm her down by having her take deep breaths.

"Hi Ava I'm your biggest fan in the whole freaking world. I am Madison. And thank you so much!" She said before giving me a very tight. I giggled and hugged back.

"Well it is so amazing to meet you! You want a picture?" I asked and she nodded very quickly. So she handed me her phone and we took a quick selfie quick. Kayla then interrupted our little meet and greets.

"Boys and Ava please pay attention. So now that you have met your biggest fans from Austin, we are now going to do a little bit of a competition between them to see who knows their idol the best. So are y'all ready?" Kayla said and the crowd cheered like crazy. She then cleared her throat. and everyone quieted down.

"Okie dokie. So what is their favorite shoe brand?" Kayla asked. Everyone then raised their hands, and majority of the answers were either Nike or Vans. But Madison was last to answer.

"Well in the summer slash spring she always wears Birkenstock's but during the colder months and stuff she wears Vans and Toms." Madison said with a smile and nod. I nodded and was very surprised at that answer.

"Wow okay so everything seems to be true. Okay but next question, how many siblings does they have?" Kayla asked. That one was a very easy question for everyone. We then did a few more questions. But in the end everyone got them all right and they got a piece of merch from them of their choice. I gave Madison one last hug before she skipped off of stage. And then that was the end of the show. We all walked off stage and into the back room where Bart was waiting for us so he could bring us to the room for the meet and greet.

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