Undercover 46

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When we got to the terminal all the other magcon boys were there waiting for us. So I ran up to them and was engulfed in a giant group hug.

"Oh my goodness I'm to tired for this." I whined. Cameron chuckled and rubbed my back.

"Well we're supposed to be boarding any minute now so don't sleep now. Wait till the plane." Cameron said. I groaned and sat down in a chair.

When we got to Greece we got all of our luggage, I made a quick put stop at a coffee shop, and then we got into the vans that were waiting for us. We all piled in and I was squished in between the window and Taylor. I looked out at all the beautiful scenery. Once we got back to the hotel we got our rooms and I shared with mahogany who was DJing for us.

I showered right away I then changed into some more comfortable clothing. I put on a pair of black high waisted distressed shorts. A black and white striped crop top. I left on my glasses and black Birkenstock's and left my hair the same.

I walked to Nash and Cameron's room and knocked on the door. Cameron answered with a smile. Mahogany then ran up behind me and put her hands on my shoulders.

"Hi Lox. Come on in guys." Cameron said while giving us both hugs. I smiled as I walked in to see the boys had already trashed the room.

"You guys we are going to be going on a tour bus after tomorrow so don't get this room much more dirtier." I said while pushing some clothes off one of the beds. I then sat down. Mahogany chuckled at me and sat down next to me.

"I'm hungry." Hayes whined walking out from the bathroom.

"Well it's like 6 pm here so let's go find something for dinner." Cameron said. "But I have a meeting with Bart because he doesn't seem to be doing his job. But y'all can go without me."Cameron said while slipping on a shirt and walking out.

"Well let's go see if some of the other boys want to come." Nash said while finding a shirt.

The next day I was laying in my bed. And I was to tired to even get up. But Mahogany shook me.

"Hey get up. And Cameron informed me that it's going to be really warm in there. So like choose your outfit based on that." I groaned and pulled my phone out to see what it was like outside.

I then went and showered. I then put on a white romper with light red flowers and blue leaves it then had a high neck. I put on a pair of tanish brownish sandals that had little studs. I brushed out my hair. Did very minimal makeup. Then put in a pair of rose gold flower earrings.

I walked out of the bathroom to see Mahogany all packed up waiting for me. I then quickly packed up my stuff. We then lugged all of our stuff down to the lobby where Taylor was waiting for us.

"Everyone is waiting on you guys on the bus." Taylor said while getting up. We just rolled our eyes. He grabbed one of my suitcases and helped us out. I walked onto the bus.

"Took you long enough." Blake said while sitting up in his seat. I took a deep breath and sat back by Cam and Nash.

"Oh Ava this is Darrick out videographer." Cameron introduced. I smiled and waved at him.

"There's going to be food there right?" I asked. The boys chuckled at me.

"When we get there I can run to get some breakfast at McDonald's or something." Darrick said. I smiled.

"I like you already." I giggled. I then got up and sat in the front where there we some comfortable chairs. I sat next to Brandon.

"Hi buddy." I said while poking him. He looked up from his phone with a smile.

"Oh hey Ava. So you ready to perform?" Brandon asked while putting his phone and sitting up. I just shrugged.

"I don't know. It's just this might be the only time I perform for these people and I don't want to screw up and totally mess up and ruin their experience." I confessed. Brandon shook his head.

"No they'll be to excited to see you, that even just being in your presence will make their day. So I'm sure you'll be fine." Brandon reassured me. I chuckled and nodded.

"Okay so we are almost there guys so be ready to get off as soon as we stop." Cameron announced while walking to the front of the bus.

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