Undercover 37

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I was talking with my friends when all of a sudden I heard some cheetah girl songs come on, specifiacally 'Amigas Cheetah's'. My friends and I all squealed and started dancing. Cheyenne and I started booty bumping on each other. Taylor, Blake, and Hunter just laughed at me. I rolled my eyes at them. After the song was finished I walked back over to Taylor nearly out of breath.

"Hey guys. I love me some cheetah girl." I said while taking deep breaths in between nearly every word. They all chuckled at me.

"Here how about we get you something to drink and you sit down." Isaac said while coming up to me. I made eye contact with him and smile.

"Sure, let's go get me a Gatorade quick. And then we can go to the living room, Cheyenne, Ben, you guys want to come with?" I asked. Cheyenne nodded with a big smile on her face. Isaac then took my hand and we walked to the kitchen. I grabbed a Gatorade from the fridge and then we went into the den, where there weren't very many people.

"So how is wrestling going?" I asked while I sat down on the love seat. And he sat right next to me. But he chuckled at me and shook my head.

"Well wrestling ended months ago, but it went pretty well. Football is going to start up soon in about a month in a half." Isaac said while nodding his head. "And how is Magcon going because it looks super amazing from all your tweets and instagram pictures." Isaac said. I then got a really big smile.

"It's going fantastically. Much better than expected. But there's kind of some drama and now so I'm like ew ew ew. But I have made friends with most of them even though they were my bullies. But other wise I love it." I said with a big smile on my face.

"Like what kind of drama?" Isaac asked with furrowed eyebrows. I just shook my head and tossed my hand.

"I'd prefer not to share, but considering the people who are involved I am sure it will become very wide known soon if I don't take it down." I said with a sigh and a head shake. Isaac just kept nodding.

"Well there has a little bit of drama here at home recently. And it kind of has to do with you." Cheyenne said with a sly smile. I just furrowed my eyebrows.

"I have not heard of this. But please tell me everything!" I said with a big smile and leaning forward. I placed my chin onto my hand that I had balled up. I giggled a little bit.

"Okay well it's not even that dramatic to be honest. But apparently Henry and Gloria were talking and were getting like super duper close. Pretty much dating but nothing official yet. And then like last week um Abby was having a party. And Gloria and Matt were getting like super duper close. And by that I mean they were basically sitting on top of each other and couldn't keep their hands off of each other. It was kind of disgusting. But when Henry saw he basically flipped the fuck out. Oh my goodness it was not good." Cheyenne said while shaking her head.

"Hm kind of sounds like my situation but not really. But whatever. I just don't want to talk about myself since, well I hate to sound conceited, but I'm sure you hear enough about me on social media and stuff." I said with a small smile. Cheyenne giggled at me. I looked up to Isaac and he had a big smile across his face.

"You say that like it's a bad thing. What if we want to hear more about you?" Isaac said. I chuckled and smiled.

"Well everyone has kind of been really busy lately so no one has really cared." Cheyenne said slowly. I just shrugged.

"Well whatever. I think it's better that way, I like to not be the center of attention or however you would put that. Because people in this town hate me, or at least a majority of them." I said while looking at the floor. I then heard Cheyenne groan.

"Oh my goodness stop trying to make everyone feel bad for you. If people hates you then they wouldn't be here!" Cheyenne said. She then took a deep breath.

"Hey guys what have I missed?" Sydney asked while slipping through the door. She then came and sat on the arm of the couch next to me. I just smiled and shrugged.

"Oh nothing." I said while shaking my head.

"Oh good, because Hayes told me to come in here and get you." Sydney said while standing up. I stood up and followed her out of the room.

"What does Hayes need?" I asked while following her through the house.

"I don't know I was just told to come get you." Sydney said while looking straight ahead. I sighed and took a deep breath. We then walked into the living room where it was silent. Everyone was sitting there with candles and a smile on their face.  I saw Shawn sitting on the couch with his guitar. And Hayes sitting right next to him with a big smile across his face.

"Hi Hayes. Um what's all this?" I asked quietly with a little of a giggle. And a giant smile on my face. Hayes just shrugged at me. I then grabbed my hand and pulled me over to the couch.

"So since your birthday is tomorrow I decided that we would since happy birthday to you. But right now it's only 11:59, so we are going to have to wait a minute." Hayes said. I got and even bigger smile and squealed. Hayes then cued Shawn to start playing his guitar and everyone started singing happy birthday to me. And I was the happiest I've been in a while.

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