Undercover 41

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After we ate at McDonald's Jeanne and I got back in her car. We started to drive back home.

"So how was Carson?" Jeanne asked with a smirk. I looked out the window and shifted in my seat uncomfortably. She chuckled at me.

"Fine I guess. He was fine." I mumbled quietly. Jeanne shook her head at me as we pulled back into our driveway. And standing there with balloons, party hats, and noise makers was Cheyenne, chantel, Ben, Max, and Isaac. I hopped out of the car and ran to them.

"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Ava! Happy birthday to you." Chantel sang while skipping up to me and putting a party hat on my head. I chuckled at them.

"Oh my goodness you look beautiful Ava. Happy birthday dear!" Cheyenne said while giving me a hug. I smiled and hugged her back. I just waved at the boys.

"Well thank you guys. But what are you guys doing here?" I asked as I let us into the house. They set all their stuff on the table.

"To wish you a happy birthday." Max said. I rolled my eyes. I then went and sat on the couch. I then heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I looked up to see Zan and Hayes.

"Hi Zan man. You are just the cutest puppy ever." I said in a baby voice while playing with his ears. Hayes chuckled as he came over to me. "Hi." I said while looking up at him for a moment.

"Hi. So um we are going to leave soon so I'm gonna go and talk to Jeanne quick. And I'll be back." Hayes said. He then rubbed Zan's head and belly quick before walking away. I just sat on my phone curled up on the couch. Cheyenne and Chantel sat on opposite sides of the room in chairs on their phones.

"Hey Avy. Um Hayes said we are going to leave in like I don't know yet because I'm going to get ready then we'll leave. But yeah. So I'm gonna go get ready now." Jeanne said before running up the stairs. I sighed and sat farther back in my seat.

"Hey, you okay?" Chantel asked while pulling her phone down. I sighed again and then sat up in my seat.

"Yeah. I guess I was just hoping to have some more human interaction today, other than just Jeanne. Like don't get me wrong I like Jeanne but I want to spend time with other people. Ya know?" I said. Chantel just nodded.

"Well you get to see us!" Isaac said while sitting really close next to me. I smiled and leaned my head on his shoulder.

"Eh. But you're an animal though. So I wouldn't say you're a human. So." I said while looking around. Isaac rolled his eyes at me.

"Oh shut up." He said quietly while moving over. I just scoffed and rolled my eyes at him.

"Miss Ava you have me. You're best friend." Max said while giving me a hug. I smiled and hugged him tight.

"Aww. Mr Max you are so kind." I said as he let go. He then handed me a gift bag.

"Open it. It's really good. My mom helped me pick it out. I only got you something because you're my best friend." He said while sitting down next to me. I took out all the tissue paper. And then looked it in the bottom of the bag where there was a pair of Vans. They were a light pink nude color.

"Oh my god Max you are so good to me! Ah. Oh my god" I squealed while giving him a big hug. Then we heard some footstep coming up the stairs from the basement. I looked to see Taylor and Brandon coming up the stairs.

"What does Max do?" Taylor asks as he walked over to me. I just smiled.

"He treats me well, like look at these shoes dude!" I said while holding my shoes up. I was jumping up and down by now.

"Bro. These are awesome. And you Ava! Hot damn gorgeous." Taylor said while spinning me around. I giggled and have him a hug.

"Hi Brandon. How are you today?" I asked and it was super awkward. He just smiled, and he looked as he was in pain.

"Doing good thanks. And happy birthday." He said quietly with his arms crossed. I smiled and nodded.

"Well I'm bored. And I'm sure Jeanne is going to take a long time. So let's do something since I've been doing like nothing all day." I complained. Taylor chuckled at me and put his arm around my shoulders.

"I don't really want to do anything to get you all dirty. Okay? So let's watch some Netflix and I'll rub your feet." Taylor said while sitting me down. I just smiled and did as I was told.

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