Undercover 13

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This is what Rebecca looks like

After we finished eating, and Carson paid we walked around town for a while. Every once and a while our hands would brush against each other and I felt all bubbly inside, and it was a good bubbly.

"Hey lets get some ice cream. My treat." I said while walking up to the towns ice cream parlor. He opened the door for me and let me in, he followed.

We walked up to the counter and I stood on my toes so I could see what the flavors were. Carson chuckled for a second then stood by me.

"Oh my goodness so many choices!" I squealed. I looked over at Carson, we smiled at each other, then looked back at the flavors.

"AVA! Hi!" Squealed the worker. I looked up to see one of my friends who's going to be a senior, Rebecca.

"Reb! Hi! How are you?" I squealed back in joy.

"Fantastic! And I see you're doing well." Rebecca says back. I nodded and we both laughed. "So what can i get you both?" She asked.

"Well I'll have a single scoop super man in a waffle cone please!" Carson said. I smiled at him then turned back to rebecca.

"And I will have a single scoop of the mocha stuff in a waffle cone please!" I asked for while pulling out a $20 bill from my purse.

"That will be $5" rebecca said while handing me my cone. I handed her the $20 quick and we walked over to the register while quickly licking our ice cream.

"Thank you Reb!" I said as she handed my the change. We both flashed smiles at each other before Carson and I left to stroll around again, we ended up sitting on a bench in the park.

"I don't know about you but I had a lovely night!" I said.

"Definitely. Me too. With an even lovelier girl." Carson said, I looked down at the ground and blushed.

"Well thank you my sir!" I said chuckling.. We both then sat there in silence for a couple of seconds.

"Hey I know this is going to sound bad, but why do you like me. Seriously." I asked. Carson then turned his whole body toward me.

"Well you are so pretty, and your beautiful blue eyes, and your laugh is so cute. And you just have this presence about that I love. And I don't know there are just so many things!" Carson said with a smile, and it made me smile. "And that smile of yours too." Carson said and it made me giggle.

"Thank you. I think." I said and it made me laugh even more. There then was a breeze. "Oh it's starting to get chilly." I said.

"Do you want me to get Jackson to pick us up?" Carson asked.

"Sure." I said while leaning my head onto his shoulder. Carson and I looked at each other and smiled. He then slid his arm around my waist. And with his other hand he texted Jackson to pick us up.

I then laid my head down onto his shoulder. We both looked up at each other and flashed a smile quick. He then wrapped her arm around my waist. It was absolutely perfect. I felt so safe. All of a sudden we saw Jackson and Olivia walking towards us taking pictures. Carson then  stood up and walked towards them. I then got up and slowly strolled behind them.

"Really guys is this really necessary guys?" he asked. They both just bursted out laughing guys. I just stood behind them silently. "I am so sorry about them. Now can we go home, Ava is getting cold." Carson demanded. They both nodded and walked to the car. 

It was silent the whole way back to my house, except for the radio playing in the car. and when we got back to my house Carson gave me a quick hug before I left. I sighed and got out of the car. I walked into my house to see Zan and Skylynn waiting for me.

"Hi Sky!" I said while she hugged my legs. I then walked into the living room to see Hayes and Cameron on the couch. "Wheres Nash?" I asked while sitting in between them.

"He went home to drop off Hunter." Cameron explained. I nodded while pulling my phone out. I saw the time and went up to my bedroom. I then grabbed some pajamas and went to the bathroom. I took a quick shower, got changed, then went back to my room and brushed my hair. I sat on my bed with my phone and got settled in, when there was a knock at my door.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Nash" he said before walking into my room. i groaned and sat up. 

"what." i asked

"I want to know how tonight went, with Carson." Nash asked. i just shrugged at him.

"I'm tired can we do this tomorrow?" i asked, Nash nodded before getting off my bed and walking out of my room. I took a deep breath before laying back down in bed.

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