F i f t h t e e n

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All I could do as the random girl grinded on me was, think about Ariana. All I could see in my head was her hand in Nate's as they walked out of the party.

They were going back to her place which fucked me up. They were probably fucking at this moment. I pushed the random girl off of me and checked my phone. When I stared at the date my head pounded.

It was her birthday.

"Derek." Haley seductively whispered grabbing my hand. I looked up at her and got up.

I needed to get out of here, I needed to clear my head. I walked out to the patio and leaned over the wooden patio deck. I breathed in and out and pulled out my phone to call Ariana.

I held up the phone to my ear anxiously waiting for her to answer her phone.

Voice mail.

Ariana never lets the phone ring long off to voice mail unless she's busy. She was fucking Nate.

I threw my phone across the deck and pushed both of my hands through my greasy hair. "FUCK." I yelled.

"Derek." Kelly softly said rubbing my shoulder. "We never finished what we were gonna start 2 weeks ago."

I shrugged her off and rolled my eyes, "Kelly just go. I don't wanna finish that shit." I walked away from her trying to recollect my thoughts.

I liked Ariana, and I blew it. She's the first girl in a long time to understand me and I loved that. I wanted to be with Ariana and the thought of her with Nate or any guy for that matter was just repulsive.

I knew the perfect gift I was going to give her. I just hope she likes me as much as I like her.

I head back inside, hearing my music over the speaker made me grin. I had come from nothing. Looking back at my life and my life now it was vastly different.

I spot Ava, she was drinking something at the counter talking to Gilinsky, those two had been talking more and I didn't like it. My sister and him both know the rules I have.

I shook it off and walked over to her. "I'm gonna take off, I wanna go plan something for Arianas birthday."

"Derek Luh... Brother are you catching feelings for a girl." She gasped.

I looked around trying to play off the flushed cheeks I had. "Maybe. Listen do you want a ride home?" I ask.

"Nah, Gilinsky will take me" she turned to Gilinsky. "Right?"

"Yeah, I got it Luh. Go home."

"Thanks boi." I chuckled as I walked off into the distance. I went out to my car. I got stopped about 5 times before reaching my car.

I took a few breaths before hitting the steering wheel forcefully. The thoughts of Ariana even being in the same car as Nate got to me.

Everything was getting to me.

Fuck, I actually like someone.


I hate writing in boy p.o.vs because I suck at them. Anyways short chap sorry babies.

But thanks for 6K LIKE OMGGG thankssssss.

Drama + smut coming soon be patient babiess💛💛

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