T h i r i t y - f o u r

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    I stayed by his side throughout the night. and the next day as well. I couldn't spend any of my time at home while Derek was in the hospital, a hospital in which i had no good memories in.

    4 missed calls on my phone from Nate.

    I didn't feel like talking to him. I felt guilty. I shouldn't have gone so low to do the same thing that Derek did to me.

"Ariana go home. We have school tomorrow, especially you. You have to rehearse your graduation." Ava says making me sigh.

"I don't want to leave his side." I say grabbing his hand. I rub my thumb against his hand. "what if he wakes."

"Then Nate will call us."

"Wait why Nate?" I say with disgust.

"Because he doesn't have anything going on so he can check up on derek no problem. He's on his way now." Ava says scrolling through her phone.

"How's gilinsky."

"Still with madison." She laughs. "I know that he's doing it just to hurt me because I slept with Nate but really saying I love you to her."

I sigh not wanting to say what i needed to say. "What if he did actually catch feelings for her?"

"It makes no sense how fast he switched up on me though."

"I know-" I stopped as I watched Nate walk through the door.

    I quickly pick my stuff up and kiss derek's cheek. I could see the uncomfortableness all over Ava's face as her eyes fell on Nate.

    I wish I could've been a bigger person and tried to stay in comfort for Ava but the feeling I felt, the sharp pain in my heart like someone had stabbed me needed me to get out of there.

    "I'll be back after school tomorrow." I say to Ava.

    "Can you give me a ride." She says as she strokes Derek's hair.

    "Yeah of course." I say walking out of the room.

    I get into my car to see that the tears that I were holding back just came pouring out. It was too much. Too much drama.

    Why couldn't things just go back to the way they were before all the drama started. I should've just accepted Derek's proposal to date. I could've grown ready to it with time.

    It was just too much, I just need to focus on school and this last month of school. Thank the lords that I didn't have to take finals. My grades in all classes were above 90's.

    I needed to focus on school like a normal teenager.


    By this time everyone knew I had a thing with Derek. I didn't mind the rumors going around school but it just distracted me from my goal.

I picked Ava from her house and brought her to school. We talked about derek and she talked about gilinsky.

Hearing her problems with Gilinsky made me realize that I don't care about any of what derek did, all the matters is that I love him.

"Thanks for the ride." She says before exiting the car to meet her friends that had been waiting for her.

    "Hey ashley." I say waving towards her.

    "oh my god Ariana. You haven't answered any of my texts are you okay?"

    "Yeah I'm fine. russo was fucking derek." I look around the outside entrance and search for seats. "Let's sit."

    She leads me to a bench and frowns. "God I'm so sorry my love."

"Derek's in a coma and right now I'm just trying to focus on school like a normal teenager. I really don't see how my grades haven't dropped because of all the drama."

"Ari, i'm so proud of you." she hugs me tightly. I part myself from her body and watch as her smile dissolves into a frown.

I track her eyes and watch as they lead me to Maxine. I scoff and turn right back around to face Ashly.

"Say it to my face bitch." I hear Maxine shout. "just mad because Derek used you and all along just wanted me."

I turn around and speed walk my way to her with my fists ready when I feel someone grip me back.

I struggle to escape her grasp but finally do.

"You're a backstabbing hoe. I'm done, I've always been here for you, always backed you up and here you go going so low as to going after the boy you knew I loved. You don't care about anyone but yourself. So honestly Maxine go fuck yourself." I say stepping forward so that our noses were inches away.

I walk back to the benches to take my seat.

I watch as Ava walks over to Maxine. "I would think again if I were you. Derek doesn't give a shit ton about you."

"Oh well he's in a coma who cares, probably won't ever wake up."

"What the actual fuck bitch." Ava yells as she starts pulling Maxine's hair.

I get up rushing over to them and pull Ava away and let go of her when she's feets away from Maxine. "She's not worth it." I say calming her down.

"Really fucking low Maxine." I say staring into her cold eyes.

Ring Ring Ring. "There goes the bell." I say as I walk into school.

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