T w e n t y - o n e

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"Fuck." I yelled as I held my crotch. I had been trying to find a bathroom for the past 10 minutes but they had all been occupied.

I rushingly walked up the stairs, looking for any free bathrooms. I watched as 4 guys walked out of a room, 3 of them half naked trying to rushingly put on their shirts.

"Aye Jace." I nod my head.

He walked away ignoring me. The fuck?

I shook my head and peaked into the room, a bathroom door was opened.

Yes. I sighed, finally. I waited as the 4 guys walked down the stairs to enter the room.

I finally ran into the room closing the door immediately closing it behind me. I turned around to see a pretty blonde girl tied to the bed which scared the hell out of me.

She was fully naked and had scratch marks and bruises all over her skin.

She looks like she wasn't breathing so I panicked. I rushed over to her and checked her breath.

She was barely breathing. I quickly took out my phone dialed 911.

Shit... I was gonna smoke a blunt.

Well... whatever.

"911 what's the emergency?" Asked the operator.

"Uh this girl, I don't know her but she's barely breathing.. I think she was raped." I rant to her as I desperately stare at the naked blonde. Everyone was going to kill me for calling the cops but I had too.

How could I opp on my bosses son. Eh I mean this party was lame anyways, I don't like to party with a bunch of High schoolers.

"We're on our way." They then hang up the phone. I looked around the room panicking when I saw a necklace on the floor.

I walked over to it and it picked it up, she was probably going to want that afterwards. I untied her from the bed then placed her shirt and underwear on.

I waited patiently for them to arrive. I heard the music stop and people yelling, I heard their foot steps and rushingly opened the door.

I watched as they did all sorts of stuff to her finally carrying her out of the room. I followed them as they walked down the stairs with her.

I glanced around as everyone stared at her. I felt compulsive to defend her.

All I had known about her was that she has been raped.

"Would you like to ride with her?" They asked.

I thought about it.

If I left her I would stay wondering how she was, and who would call her parents? But if I did go what's to say that she or anyone else will think I was the one to rape her. I mean none of these people know who I am anyways.

"I'll go." I say stepping into the ambulance holding her hand. I leaned down close to her ear and whispered.

"Your gonna be okay."

Ah fuck i really wanted that fucking blunt.


I fluttered my eyes open. My eyes widened as I noticed I was in a hospital room.

And then I remembered. My face drop to a frown as I recollected my thoughts. I watched as a boy walked into my room.

He was very good looking. His hair blonde he wore a long light pink shirt that had tiny holes at the corner- to sum it up he was hot.

"How are you?" He said cutting off my thoughts.

I just laughed. "Never better."

"Oh shit sorry.. um I'm Matthew... but I will only respond to Blackbear my rap.. never mind that shit. I found you" he drifted off.

"Oh." I blushed embarrassed . "Thanks."

Oh wait shit. Blackbear the Rapper Jace's dad signed. Fuck, why do these things always happen to me. "Oh god your that rapper.."

"You've heard my music?" He questioned.

"No but Jace told me who you were."

"Um I called your mom, I didn't know if you wanted me to or not."

"Yeah it's cool. My moms kinda a Bitch though."

He chuckled and took a seat on the sofa. "Tell me about it, my dad is annoying."

"Hey, do you mind not telling people."

He sighed and brushed a hand through his hair. "When the ambulance came to get you everyone saw. I'm sorry."

"It's fine." Great. I'll be lucky if Ava didn't see me. "Hey did my friend Maxine come along with you?" I question.

"Maxine? Nah sorry that doesn't ring a bell. No one rode with you but me."

She left without telling me? Maybe I was too busy getting raped.

I sighed. In the time in need, never has anyone been there for me.

"Oh." I said drifting off.

My mom then came rushing into my room hugging me and feeling my temperature.

I was raped, not sick what the actual fuck.

"Are you okay?" My mom said worriedly. "What happened?"

"I should get going." Blackbear said scratching the back of his head. He started to walk off.

"Blackbear wait."

He turns back his head and smiles at me.

"Thanks." I smile.

He then walks out of my room leaving me to deal with my mother.


"Mom just leave it."

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