T h i r t y - e i g h t

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    "You fucking scared me Derek." Ava said gritting her teeth as she paced.

    I chuckled. "I'm okay Av."

    "Ariana came by everyday. It's ironic that the one day she doesn't you wake up. That the one day she's a patient as well. I swear you two have the most horrible timi-"

    "What?" I question as my hands turn into fists. "She's here in the hospital what happened?"

"I don't know, she avoided telling me."

I stare off through the glass sliding door just hoping that she'd be okay. I don't understand why she would come to see me everyday. I hurt her.

I didn't deserve her.

Like god answered my prayers there she was, my lil ma rolled into the room in a wheelchair. Her hospital gown identical to mine.

"Derek." She cried as she got up from her wheelchair and embraced me in a tight hug. I hugged her tightly back stroking her hair as she sobbed onto my chest.

"Ariana, remember what the doctor said." Nate says.

I was still upset with Nate, he slept with my sister. That was unacceptable. "Why are you even here?" I question staring at Nate.

Nate stares at Ariana.

"Derek, I love you so much. I don't care about anyone else past mistakes, and I hope you feel that way too because I just wanna be with you. I cant deal with anymore drama. I just want to be with you."

"Ariana. I love you too." I kiss her forehead before pushing her chin up and wiping away her tears.

I kissed Ariana's lips, the way her lips had felt. I missed them. I missed having Ariana's presence with me.

"Ariana, what the hell happened to you ma?"

She got up and started to tear even more. The tears falling more rapidly down her cheek as she stared at Nate then back to me.

I swallowed the lump in my throats before pursing my lips together. "I don't wanna know."

Ariana sits onto my hospital bed and smiles.

"God how much I missed you, your smile and you touch." I say to her holding her hand. I eye Nate and Ava to leave.

Ava clears her throats and grabs Nate. "Let's go get coffee from starbucksssss." She complains dragging Nate along with her out of the room.

"Ariana, you mind telling what happened. Why are you in a gown baby?"

    "Derek." She got up and paced. "I feel like when I tell you this we'll just have more drama and i just wanna be with you Derek. I'm sorry that i was a bitch and did what I did but Derek please I can't live without you anymo-"

    I smiled. "Ariana, whatever it is it won't make me stop loving you."

    She sighed before plopping down onto the hospital bed. She bit onto her nails and looked into my eyes. The guilt and hurt in her eyes almost tore my heart apart.

    "I slept with Nate after I left your house." She looked down onto her hands. My jaw fell open. I was angry.

    I wanted to punch Nate. It hurt knowing Ariana did what she did but it was nothing compared to the shit I put her through. She loves me and I love her, I'm not losing her again.

    Ariana began to cry. "I'm so sorry derek. i'm sorry." She got up. "I understand if you want me to go."

    I grabbed her wrist with the little force I had and looked into her eyes. I brought her face closer to mine and kissed her lips.

    "Ariana, it hurts to know that you were with another but I understand. Ariana just promise me that you don't have feelings for him."

    "Derek, I love you and only you. I wouldn't even dream about wanting or loving anyone else." She says.

    The way her blonde hair was out pushed behind her ear made her look 10x more beautiful. Ariana was beautiful.

    Ariana is beautiful. And I want her in my life forever... life is too short.

    "Ariana this still doesn't explain why your at the hospital?"

    She moved back onto the hospital bed and frowned as the tears rolled down her cheeks. She avoided my eyes and let out a big sigh as if she was chocking.

    "I had a miscarriage."

    I moved over to the side and gestured for her to lay next to me. She did just that and laid with me as I cuddled her.

    I never imagined myself as comforting but what it seemed Ariana was comforted by my embrace with her.

    I wanted to kill Nate.

    The little fucker slept with both of the girls I care about more then anything. Ariana was hurt by me she was blinded by that.

    Nate had full control.

    Nate impregnated Ariana and thought that he could come to visit me and it would be chill?

    Fuck no. Nate was going down.

    He doesn't know what's coming to him, but for now I needed to make Ariana know that I still love her and want to be with her.

    "I love you. And I know I'm being real fucking cheesy right now this word 'love' but like just doesn't describe the way I feel about you. Nothing will make stop having these feelings for you ma. God I feel like a whole different person."

    She giggled making my heart feel warm. She looked up at me, her face looking so innocent. How could one so devilish have a face that was so innocent She smirked. "As long as this new you fucks the same way.. I honestly love it."

    She had no idea how much I wanted to sexually punish her for what she did. I wanted to be aggressive with her and tease her.

    The feeling of my dick in her was one of the things that fluttered my mind since we last had sex which was wayyyyy to long ago for my liking.

    I craved her.

    She had no idea on the impact her touch had on me. This girl has me wrapped around her fingers.

    "About that.. Ariana you had a miscarriage and I know this very touchy, stop me if you please but are you sure your ready for sex after that."

    "Derek, your talking to a sex addict."

    I chuckle softly as I stroke her hair.

    "Ariana, I want you to be my girlfriend if I can't have you as a girlfriend then i don't th-"

    "Derek, I'm yours.. i've been yours for a while."

    Mine. I liked how it sounded.

    Ariana, the sexiest ma of all california was all mine for the taking. She was mine and no one else's. No one could touch ariana the same way as I could.

    Ariana is my girlfriend and I am her boyfriend.

    It was about damn time.


    this chapter was nottttt edited🙂. lmfaoaoa. I can not thank you guys so much for 90k I love you guys more then youllll ever know🖤.

    Sorry for the slow updates.. i'm working on a new book :) read it or don't it's alll chill i'm just greatful for the reads that this book hassssss <3. Ly children.


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