Chicken Noodle Soup

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Stiles has a cold. Lydia is taking care of him.

Lydia is talking to her friend Kira and her boyfriend Scott. It was a usual day at Beacon Hills High School. But Lydia a question popped into her mind.

"Where's Stiles?" she asked. "Oh crap!" Scott exclaimed "I forgot to check on him." "Scott, you can't" Kira began "your chemistry test." Scott looked a little bummed. "I can see him." Lydia spoke up. "What?" he said questioning the strawberry blonde. "I can go. I have no classes, well important classes to go to." Scott shook his head yes and Lydia was off.

Lydia got out of the car and of course, it was raining. This whole week it was raining this whole week! "Hello?" Lydia said walking into the Stilinski house. She knew the Sheriff wasn't home,so she went upstairs. She knew exactly where she was going.

She walked into Stiles's room. He was on his bed covered in tissues. Once Lydia closed the door, he flinched up words. All the little tissues looked like snow falling to the ground. "Oh," he began to say before he sneezed "hey." He looked tired and cold. "Get in bed!" she exclaimed while pulling the covers of his bed. He sighed and climbed in his bed. "I will be right back." She said while opening the door. He let out an "okay". Lydia went to his kitchen and began her work.

She found a tray to put the assortment of her mom's "get well soon"kit. First, she brought up some Orange Juice and cough syrup. She quietly put it next to his nightstand and quickly ran downstairs to make soup.

Now Lydia is more book smart than kitchen smart. She knows the basics get the pot, fill it with water you know the rest. Well, Lydia got past everything except putting the soup in the bowl. That went downhill.

Stiles was half asleep until he heard glass breaking and a girls scream. He ran downstairs to see Lydia, with tears in her eyes, on the floor cleaning up the chicken noodle soup that was on the floor. "Lydia!" Siles said while picking her up off the floor "What happened?". "I was making you chicken noodle soup" she began with tears rolling down her cheeks "and I burnt my hand." Stiles grabbed her hand and led her to the bathroom.

"Please !" she began "you are sick, go lay down." "Not until your hand is better." he said rummaging through his medicine cabinet  sneezing occasionally.  He found aloe and bandages and started putting it on her small, weak hand. She flinched every time he put the aloe on. 

"You know," she said biting her bottom lip "I came here to take care of you, not for you to take care of me." "I know," He said with a smirk appearing on his face "but taking care of you is funner." "Funner is not a-a-a-ACHOO." A sneeze cut her off. "This is what happens when you take care of a sick person." Stiles said. "Oh shut up." she says while walking out of the bathroom and punching his shoulder.

"You know Lyds," Stiles said with a mouthful of soup "this is pretty good." Lydia has a cheeky smile and replies with a very simple thanks. The two sick teens sitting on the couch watching The Notebook and eating some homemade chicken noodle soup. 

Stiles pats the spot next to him on the couch. She gives a nod and lays next to him."Thanks Lyds." he whispers. "For what?" she whispers back. "The most perfect sick day." He whispers back. She blushes hoping he doesn't see. Stiles falls asleep quickly but Lydia stays awake thinking. What does this  mean? Does he like me? All  these question were fluttering her mind so quick.

Her train of thought was interrupted by thunder. She jumped a little which one Stiles up. "Hey it's ok." he said in a tired voice. That voice made her get goosebumps. The things this boy was doing to her. He puts his arm around her waist and falls back asleep. She feels like he was her protection blanket She falls asleep in his arms.

Scott and Kira pull up to check up on them because neither Lydia or Stiles were answering their phones. The door was unlocked so they could walk right in. Right in front of them was a beautiful sight. The two teenagers (who are clearly in love) were sleeping together on the couch. They quietly stepped out and left. There was no reason to lock the door because they both knew Stiles was going to protect Lydia.







Hello fellow shippers! My first one shot story ever! Anyways, I will write more soon! School has just started and I am going to be busy. By accident I typed Stydia, lol.  FALL IS UPON US! YES!!! And you know what that means;) TEEN WOLF IS COMING BACK! well thats my que to go to sleep..ha that sounds funny! Love you all!


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