Anti-Prom and The Pink Radio

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"Lydia! Listen, I am sorry but she asked me! How could I say no?" "Hmmm, let me see. No." That was Stiles and Lydia. Two great friends who are always bickering, like an old married couple. "You promised me!" Lydia said next to Stiles locker. "I know but this is Malia Tate we are talking about!" Stiles said closing his locker. "You promised you would stay with me! You promised after Jackson...." she began to say but stopped. "You know what! Never mind! Have fun at prom!" Lydia stormed away. "Lyds come on!" he tried to go after her but she flipped him off. "So what happened with you and Lyds?" Scott asked. "Well, we were supposed to have an 'anti prom' because of the whole Jackson thing. But Malia came up to me and asked if I had a date. I said no and she asked me." Stiles said with a sigh. "Dude, you are such a dick." Scott said as he walked away. "Dude, you are not helping!" Stiles said calling after his best friend.

"Kira! Why can't you stay!" Lydia cried into her phone. "Scott asked me! Lyds, just come!" Kira said back. "No! Both Jackson and Stiles will be there!" She screamed into her phone "I am sorry. Please send me the pictures! I love you." "Love you too, Lyds." Lydia, why do you care so much is Stiles and Malia go to prom? He is your best friend! Be happy for him! Why can't you let it go? He will never like you back! Remain friends! You don't want to lose him because you have feelings for him. All these thoughts jumbled in Lydia's mind. She let out a scream and out with that scream, came a tear. Once that tear slipped, more came. "No Lydia! No tears!" she told herself. "Now," she said pulling her hair up "you will have the best goddamn anti-prom ever!"

Lydia set up balloons and streamers in her room. She turned on her little pink radio with Strawberry Shortcake stickers slowly peeling off. "Perfect! Now, time for my dress." she said clapping her hands. She walked into the other room. Thud. "Nice going, Stilinski!"

She walked out in a light pink dress that went past her ankles. Her hair slowly fell to her side as she took it out of the ponytail it was in. She put little white flowers in it. She wore light makeup. Instead of heels, she wore black high tops. Out of the corner of her eye, she sees her best friend wearing a tux. "Hey." Is all he said. Stiles was looking at you up and down. "Man, you look amazing." Lydia walked over and punched his arm hard. "OW! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR!?" He screamed. "YOU LEFT ME! YOU MADE PLANS WITH ANOTHER GIRL WHILE WE HAD PLANS! YOU ARE AN ASS!" She stormed out of her room. She locked herself in the bathroom.

He looked around for the radio they would use to listen to. He found the perfect CD. He put it in and started to yell to her. "I remember when this movie came out. You were so excited." He said walking closer. "If I do remember, you said you wanted this to be your song to dance to at prom." She smiled and open the door. A few tears came down her cheek. He held his hand out like an older gentleman. She curtsied and took it. (Play song) The lyrics swooped around the room. Lydia's head layer on Stiles's shoulder. "I'm sorry, Lyds." He said looking at her. "It is ok. I forgive you." She smiled at him.

He leaned in for a kiss and so did she. They were so close until Lydia stepped on her dress and fell on Stiles. Her dress was covering her face. She laughed as did he. He slowly lifted the dress off her face. "How did I get so lucky?" He said. "Hmm" she put her finger near her lips "I don't know. Maybe a blessing?" He nodded. Definitely. She looked down at him. She was still laying on his stomach. This time, the kiss went perfect.
Sorry I haven't been writing a lot lately! I started 2 new stories!

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