Heartbreaks and Messes

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Lydia went through her normal schedule. Went to work, came home to a drunk Jackson, made dinner, and never spoke a word to him. It made Lydia very upset.

 One night Lydia's schedule changed, a lot. The whole day it was odd. There was a huge thunderstorm, like hurricane storm. She got off work early, also never happens. And when she came home there were only two bottles of beer on the dining room table. "That's weird." Lydia thought. She walked down her hallway to her bedroom. The door was locked. It was never locked. Good thing she knew how to pick a lock. She grabbed a bobby pin from her hair, a piece of her hair fell in front of her face. She heard the click and opened the door. In the bed were Jackson and some blonde haired girl. Lydia felt upset, mad, and lonely at the same time. 

"So this is what you do to me?" Lydia screamed. "Babe, you weren't meant to be home for another two hours." Jackson said putting on boxer shorts. "Listen," Lydia said pointing at the girl "I hope you like douchebags!".  "Now, get out of my house!" Lydia screamed at the both of them. She quickly dropped to the ground with her knees against her chest. She must have spent hours crying because when she looked up, most of Jackson's stuff was gone. The memories of all her past boyfriends popped up. Jordan Parrish, Aiden, and Jackson for the 10th time. 

Lydia made arrangements with the Lock and Key guy. She would never take him back. At the same time, she felt like it was her fault. Lydia couldn't take the voices. Jackson hid his alcohol and liquor in the cabinet under the sink. She grabbed most of it and leaned against the wall. She started crying and drinking. 

She was completely drunk. She looked her hand and thought she saw 10. On the counter was a picture of her and Jackson. She picked it up and threw it. Lydia started hearing pounding. She thought it was her head but it was actually knocking at the door. "Jackson just go away!"  she said taking another swig from the wine bottle. "Lydia it's me, Stiles, let me in." he said sounding out of breath. "No! I am a mess you can't see, me like this!" Lydia said crying. She heard the door open. "Lydia!" Stiles screamed looking everywhere. He saw her on the ground, her mascara running and her hair a mess. "How did you get in?" Lydia said hiding her hands to her face. "You gave me a key, awhile ago." he said putting the key in his pocket. "What happened?" he said sitting down next to her.

"That jerk! I am going to find him an-" Stiles said. "Why did you come?" she said raising her eyebrow. "We always text each other goodnight and tonight you didn't text back." he said in a simple voice. Out of nowhere, she tried kissing him and telling him she loved him. "Lydia, you're drunk." Lydia sighed and put her head on his shoulder. "I know." she said. "Lydia you do not deserve this heartbreak!" he said out of nowhere. She kissed his cheek. "Here," he said picking her up "let me get you to bed."

He put her down gently. The covers were pulled over her body. "I'm a mess." Lydia said falling back into the covers. "You're a mess, Lydia Martin, but you're my mess." he said kissing her on the head. Before she closed her eyes she remembered something. "I might be drunk but I do love you." she said. He smiled and she closed her eyes.

Her head was pounding. Lydia woke up the next morning to see Stiles next to her. He was shirtless. She tapped his shoulder. He flinched and opened his eyes. "We didn't-" she began to say. "No-no we um didn't." "I was drunk? Wasn't I?" he nodded. "You kinda kissed me and said you loved me." he  laughed while putting his shirt on. "Dear Lord." she mentally face palmed herself. "It is ok. But, there is much, much more" he said getting up. "Get back here. What else happened?" 

He wouldn't listen so, Lydia jumped on his back. He was taken by surprise. They both fell. Lydia was on top of Stiles. "Tell me now or...or.." she couldn't think of an or else. Then, one popped on her brain. "I will kiss you. Fully sober." "C'mon Lyds, we aren't 5 year ol-" he was cut off by Lydia's sweet lips. She stopped kissing him but, he lingered for more. They sat in awkward silence. "You wanna kiss again?" Lydia asked. Out of nowhere, Stiles kissed her. She pulled away. "I guess that answers my question."she said. They kissed again.






Hey guys! This chapter was sorta inspired by One Tree Hill. So ya! Please comment and vote! Make sure to watch the new season 6 trailer! I bet you will love it! Love you all!

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