Ghosts and Girls

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inspired by a youtube video i recently watched! important message at the end of chapter!

"Be back before 1." Stiles's dad yelled. He hopped into his jeep and rode to the opening of the woods. He was meeting up with some kids to drink and swim in the lake. "Scott, I'll be there in like 5. I just got here and I still have to walk. Bye."

He walked along the dirt path, checking his messages when he heard branches break. "H-hello?" He saw a girl on the ground. She wore a light blue dress and her light red hair was tied into a lose bun. "Oh my gosh!" He ran over to the girl. "Are you ok?" He looked down at the clearly confused girl. She began to sit up and he helped her up. "Yep, thanks." She brushed off her dress while Stiles kept staring at this mysterious girl. She was so beautiful but he has never seen her before. Beacon Hills is tiny so you know everyone.

"I'm Stiles." He held his hand out. "Lydia." she spoke up. "I don't think I've seen you around before." She began to walk and he followed. "Yeah, I live far out in the woods. I don't really leave." He looked down at the piece of paper in her hand. "W-what's that?" She clutched it tighter. "U-uh well, it is my star chart. I am into constellations so every night I come out here and see what stars I can f-find." They stood there in silence for a bit. "Would you like to join?" Stiles heard the faint music that he knew his friends were playing. "I would love to."

Lydia showed Stiles her spot. There was a blanket set up and a lot of space books. She sat down and the boy followed. "Ok, I lay here and mark every star I see." She laid down and Stiles sat there. "Stiles, you can lay next to me." Her green eyes glistened brighter than all the stars. He gave in and laid next to her. "Right there," She pointed up towards the sky "is the Big Dipper and a few feet over is Scorpius." "You know a lot about stars." He skimmed over her star list. "Well, my dad used to own tons of books about space and I soon got into it. It is also a great distraction." "Distraction?" He looked over at the girl who had a sudden sad expression come across her face. "Well, if I was having a rough time in my head or my parents were fighting, I would come out here and all my problems would be gone." She looked like she was about to cry. "Hey," Stiles put his hand over hers "I will be here. What are new friends for?" She smiled as she looked at the boy. "Thank you."

A few more hours passed of Lydia talking about the stars and Stiles watching her as her eyes lit up while talking about the topic. Their hands never leaving each others. He looked at his phone and saw it was 12:45. "Shit." He quickly got up. "W-what?" "I'm going to be late." He almost turned away but he looked at the girl. "Do you have a phone number I could text you with?" "N-no but I will be here the same time tomorrow." She smiled. "I'll be there. Bye Lyds." "Lyds, I like it. See you tomorrow, Stilinski."

"Scott, she was perfect. " He said to his friend on his phone. "So perfect you missed hanging out with everyone?" Scott was clearly mad. "It was our usual hang out. You guys getting drunk and swimming. While I sit alone, on my phone." "Fine." "Scott, you would love her. She is beautiful, smart, kind." "Don't tell Malia. She would be crazy jealous." Stiles rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Listen, I gotta go." "Don't get her pregn-" He hung up.

"Lydia?" He saw the girl in the same clothes as yesterday. "Stiles!" She hugged him. "Good to see you too." The girl was ice cold. "Are you cold? You want my jacket?" "N-no. C'mon, I heard there's a metor shower tonight!" The two teens laid down next to each other watching the shower. They sat there all night talking about their lives. Lydia was home-schooled, her father left her mom, and she loved the Beatles. Stiles lost his mom at a young age, he was going to be a senior in a few weeks, and was attending George Washington University for college.

It was towards the end of the night when Stiles had to leave. "Bye L-" he looked down at her feet "Lydia, where are you shoes?" "U-um, a-at my h-house. I gotta go!" She quickly ran away.

Stiles and Lydia have been spending a lot of time together. It has been almost three weeks of them hanging out. Stiles was going to tell Lydia how he felt. "Lyds?" He saw the girl curled into a ball, crying. "Lydia." Stiles ran towards her. "What's wrong?" "M-my dad came back and h-he started screaming a-and-" He hugged her ice cold skin. "Thank you. Let's see what we can see tonight." They were about to sit. "Crap!" "Don't tell me your late again." He laughed. "No, I left your star count at my house." "It's ok, just bring it tomorrow." "Alright."

Stiles looked at the girl laying next to him. "Lydia, I need to tell you something." She turned over to look at him. "Yes?" She looked so beautiful and he lost all of his words. He leaned in to kiss her and she did too. Stiles touched her cold lips for a second. "I'm sorry, I can't do this." She ran out of there, leaving Stiles heartbroken.

SCOOT🐺💪🏼: Dude plz come tn!! We r at our usual spot.
Stiles📌🔍: i'll come later dude. i promise.

He got out of his jeep and walked to their spot. "Lydia? Lydia, I'm sorry if I went to fast for you." He looked down at the sheet with her perfect hand writing. "I'm going to keep coming back until I see you." He sighed and walked towards the blasting music. 

"STILINSKI!" Everyone yelled his name when he showed up. "Hey guys." "DUDE YOU CAME!!!" a clearly drunk Scott hugged him. "Yep." "Stiles, come in the water!" Malia yelled from the water. "I'll pass tonight." He said opening a beer. He was still upset about Lydia. "Come on, it's our last dip before school next week!" He shook his head. "Fine!" 

After an hour, everyone was out. "Let's play truth or dare!" Malia said with a beer in her hand. "We all know you wanna play truth or dare so you can make out with Stiles or Kira!" Isaac yelled at the girl. "You right but hey, you could have been one of them." She winked at the boy who blushed. "Way to go Isaac!" Scott patted him on the back. "Ghost stories!" Kira said. "THERE WE GO!" Liam yelled. "I got one!" Malia said. The fire lit her face up. "So, in the early 70's there was a family who lived in these woods. A mother, father, and their daughter. The dad was crazy and never let his daughter leave but she would sneak out and watch the stars. People say sshe kept count." This story seemed all too familiar to Stiles. "He would yell at the mom and his daughter everyday until he left them. This sent her mother crazy. She drank and never left her room. One day, the dad came back and saw his wife with another man. He went crazy and murdered both of them. That left the daughter. She ran out of the house with her father chasing her. She attempted to swim in the lake to get away but he jumped in, dragging her under water. She tried to fight for her life but she died in this lake." "LAME!!!" Isaac yelled. "People say to this day they see her walking around in a long blue dress, the one she died in, and carries that star paper. Her name is Lydia." It all made sense now.

Stiles sat up. "I got to leave." He ran out of there to the spot where they lay together. "LYDIA!" He sobbed, falling to the ground. "LYDIA HOW COULD YOU? HOW COULD YO-" His sobs got louder until the girl appeared in front of him. "Stiles, I'm sorry. I wanted to tell you bu-" "NO! NO! THIS IS NOT FAIR!" She knelt in front of him. "Look at me, you will be fine. Keep my paper please. Stiles, I-I love you." She kissed his head and disappeared. The boy laid there, heartbroken, counting all the constellations he could find.





well, this is my last chapter. i would like to thank you all so much for this great adventure! i met so many nice people in the past year! so many people who share the love of stiles stilinski and lydia martin with me! your votes, comments,etc. kept me going! they inspired me to continue to write even when i wanted to give up! anyways, should i create another stydia one-shot book? i still have soooo many more ideas! please let me know! love you all!


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