Just Friends?

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This is sorta based on a Zoey 101 episode! 

Her friends just told her some serious news. "This can't be true!" Lydia mumbled driving to the Stilinski's to set the record straight. Her friends just told her that her closest guy friend likes her. She knew they were just friends! Did she ever think of them as anything more? On occasions like when her best friend, Malia, started to like him and asked him out. That was just jealousy. But why would she be jealous of her friends dating? She shouldn't be jealous that they were dating but she knew it wouldn't last. And it didn't. Everyone knew that they should be together. Well everyone except them. Stiles had hope, could Lydia?

It was usual for them to just walk into each other's homes. So, that's what Lydia did. Walked into his house and marched upstairs, usual. She opened his bedroom door. "Hey Stiles? I have a ques-" She was stopped to see her best friend sucking off some girls face. "OH MY GOD I AM SO SORRY!" She screamed and was about to shut the door but his voice stopped her. "Lydia, this is my girlfriend....Cora." She nodded and ran out of the house back into her car. A tear slipped out but her question was: why was she crying? Her best friend is happy and has a girlfriend. The door opened and Stiles was sitting next to her. Lydia turned her head the other way. "Lyds, you ok?" She took a deep breath. No Stiles, I just realized I had feelings for you but I am too late. "Yep. Just a little shook because you actually got a girlfriend." She punched his arm. "Haha, very funny." They laughed and Stiles got out of the car. "Bye, Martin." "Bye, Stilinski." She was about to drive away when she heard "Love ya." If only he meant it the way she wanted it to be.

After that, Stiles started bringing Cora around more when the pack met. Everyone loved her but they were still team Stydia.


Lydia sat in the kitchen reading a book at the Stilinski's, waiting for Stiles to come downstairs. Her car stopped working so Stiles offered to drive her. She kindly accepted but brought a book knowing how long Stiles took. She heard footsteps and saw Cora walking down the steps. "God he takes forever." Cora said with a laugh. "Yep. He has always been like that ever since we were younger." Lydia giggled out. "So you and Stiles? How long  have you known each other?" Cora said examining her dark blue nails. "Pre-school. Scott, Stiles, and I have been friends for years." She clicked her tongue. "Did either one of you ever you know, dated or liked each other?"  Lydia knew this question would come sooner or later. "Nope. Just fri-" She was cut off by Cora's bitter words. "I don't want you talking to Stiles anymore." Lydia put her book down. "Excuse me?" She asked standing up. "Did I stutter? You and Stiles are not allowed to be friends anymore. Never talk, look even think about him. You understand?" Before Lydia could think Stiles walked downstairs. "Ready to go?" Lydia's face went pale. "Um, Stiles I have to go to work. They just called and um they need me for an extra shift." Before Stiles could say anything, she ran out the door. Cora smiled an evil smile. "Maybe I should go see what's wrong." He said half way out the door. "No!" She screamed "I mean, her job needed her." He nodded and they left hand in hand.


Lydia hasn't talked to Stiles for 3 weeks. She didn't want to ruin his relationship. That is the longest they have been apart without contact. She told Malia and Kira the situation but promised to keep quiet. At these times she wished Allison was here. She sat alone in her room looking at old photos of her and Stiles. Her tears got a few wet but she didn't care. Then, she heard a knock which echoed her empty house. She ran to the window and saw it was Stiles. He looked nervous and upset. She was tempted to let him. NO LYDIA! Her mind screamed. "Lydia, I know you are in here! Open up!" He yelled. She panicked and ran out the back door. Barefooted and in her pajamas. It was a cold January night and she was running into the woods behind her house. They had a little fort back there that he probably forgot about. She was there for a half hour, shivering and probably getting pneumonia. As she was getting out of the fort she heard a crack of a branch. She held her mouth with her hand so the person couldn't find her. "Lydia Camille-Grace Martin, I know you are in there. I know that because when your parents would fight you would come hide here and tell me to come." She sighed and got out. "Just leave, Stiles! Be with your little girlfriend Cora!" She was about to run back to her house but Stiles grabbed her wrist and spun her around.  His arm was wrapped around her waist and his other still on her wrist. "That is what I am here about." Lydia rolled her eyes. "Great." She mumbled. "Malia and Kira told me about what Cora said. So I brought it up to her and..." Lydia looked into his troubled eyes. "What Stiles?" She said."Oh my god! Take my jacket you must be freezing!" He said taking his lacrosse sweatshirt off and giving it to her. "STOP CHANGING THE SUBJECT!" SHE YELLED. "She told me to choose between you two." He said looking at his feet. "What?" She put the big sweatshirt on and stepped away. "She said I either stay with her and stop talking to you or I break up with her." Lydia could hear the sorrow in his voice. "So I guess you came to say goodbye." She said with tears on the brim. "No, I came to do this." She looked up at him. He picked her up, holding her by the waist and kissed her. He smiled through the kiss and it made her smile. "So I guess you didn't choose Cora?" He kissed her again. "I guess Cora was just a distraction because I thought you would never like me the way I do. I was scared to admit it but I love you." Another shiver went through her body but it wasn't the 20-degree weather. It was him. He made her get butterflies and goosebumps. "I love you too." Stiles continued staring at her eyes. "Um, Stiles?" She asked. "Yes?" He said sweetly. "Hate to ruin this moment but I cannot feel my feet." She said looking down. "Here." He swooped her up bridal style and carried her back to her house.

He chose the right girl.






HEY FRIENDS! I WAS WATCHING ZOEY 101 AND I  GOT INSPIRED BUT I PUT MY OWN TWIST ON IT! Anyways, I was thinking of doing a Stydia roommate fanfiction! Comment if you think I should! Love you all!

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