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lydia ran around her shared apartment looking for her other converse sneaker. "where the hell are you?" she began to look under the couch. "lydia?" she heard her roommates tired voice call her name. "stiles, have you seen my other converse?" she said crawling around on the ground. "good morning to you too." he said walking over to the cabinet that held cereal. "stiles, please help! i have to go grab last minute gifts and return some." he poured some lucky charms in a bowl. "fine."

"what gifts do you have to return?"  he said under her bed. "ya know, shirts that are the wrong size, ungrateful ex-boyfriend's present i spent a fortune on!" she laid on her bed. "how could jackson do that?" stiles laid next to her. "i told you he was a dick." she smacked his chest. "i'll check the bathroom." he said.

lydia laid on her bed staring at the ceiling. her ringtone interrupted her thoughts. mom❤️ would like to facetime. she accepted the call. "hi honey!" her mom said with a smile. "hey mom!" "i can't wait to see you! i miss you!" "miss you too, mom!" "i can't wait to meet that boyfriend of yours!" lydia's face went from happy to upset. "about tha-" "lydia i found it! it was-" stiles came into view of the call. "is that him?" she looked at stiles and mouthed "go with it". "yep this is him! his name is stiles! well mom we gotta go! bye!" she hung the phone up. "what the hell just happened?"

"your fake boyfriend?" stiles said shaking his head. "please! your dad is on a cruise with melissa (a/n still bitter they didn't end up together) and scott is with malia! please!" he looked down at the stressed strawberry blonde. "fine but you buy me food for january and february. whenever i ask." "deal! go pack!" she pushed him out of her room.

they boarded their plane and and set off for lydia's mother's house. "4 hours on this plane." "goodnight." he began to get comfy.  "stiles." she stopped him. "thank you. it means a lot." he nodded and drifted off to sleep. lydia knew they were about to land so she woke him up. "wake up, we are here!" he stopped his snoring and woke up.

"listen, my mom is going to be weird about you. very touchy, expecting me to be touchy, and....kissing." stiles slammed on the brake of the rental car. "k-kissing?" she nodded. "it's fine. we're fine." he began driving again.

"LYDIA!" "MOM!" lydia ran into her mom's loving embrace. they hugged for two minutes. her gaze went on stiles. "mrs. martin, nice to meet you." "stiles please, call me natalie. lydia you were right, he is cute!" she said hugging him as he looked back at lydia, who's face was darker than a tomato. "come in! lydia show stiles upstairs to where you two will be staying!" they walked up the stairs where pictures of lydia when she was younger laid on the wall. "look how cute you were!" she rolled her eyes.

"i can stay in my old room if you want me too. it's no-" "no it's fine. your mom would expect us to anyway." she nodded. "let's go downstairs." he took her hand in his and walked down the steps. "mom, do you need help?" "nope but- LOOK AT THE LOVEBIRDS!" she yelled, almost dropping the turkey. they both blushed, looking at each other. "sorry just make yourselves comfortable." they nodded and sat on the couch. at first they sat far away from each other but once lydia's mom came in, his arm was around lydia's shoulder. they all watched elf and ate cookies. "mom, we are going up. night." she kissed her on the cheek and took stiles's hand once more.

stiles sat on the bed while lydia got changed in the bathroom. she walked out brushing her long hair. "ready to sleep?" she nodded. she laid on the left side. he put his arm around her. lydia moves in closer to him. "you ok with this?" he asked. she nodded and quickly fell asleep.

"christmas eve!" lydia's mom barged into the room. she woke up the young couple. "whoops, sorry. lydia, honey, could you go to the store for me?" the half asleep lydia nodded and went to the bathroom. she quickly jumped in the shower and got changed. "stiles let's go." "no." he mumbled. "stiles!" she attempted to pull him up but he pulled her back into the bed. she was on top of him, looking down at his face. "fine." he stumbled into the bathroom. she sat on the bed recapping what just happened. does she like stiles? lydia's thoughts circled her head until stiles interrupted. "ready?" she nodded and grabbed his hand.

"how am i doing?" stiles said looking at lydia in the passenger seat. "pretty good. my mom loves you." he smirked. "who doesn't?" "don't get cocky on me." she hit him on the chest.

they got into the store and went through the list. lydia sat in the cart as stiles pushed her. the two were joking around and laughing. "lydia?" she heard a voice say. "allison!" she jumped out of the cart and hugged the plain girl with dark brown hair. stiles stood in the back awkward while the girls talked. "who's the hottie in the back?" allison whispered l. "my boyfriend." "nice going, lydia! well i got to go! have fun with your man friend! just don't get pregnant. you're too young!" she said walking the other way. "looks like i'm a hottie." he wiggles his eyebrows and lydia rolled her eyes.

"mom we're home!" lydia yelled with the bags. they were about to head to the kitchen but natalie stopped the two. "not so fast! look up." in unison, the 'couple' saw mistletoe above their heads. "no-uh-mom-we can't-um." lydia begged not to. stiles spun lydia around and kissed her passionately. she was shocked when he pulled away. "i gotta pee." she ran up the stairs. he chased after her.

"lydia? lydia?" he looked in every room except the one on the end. he walked into a hot pink room with butterflies on every wall. there she sat, on her green bed, with her head in her knees. "what's wrong?" "nothing." "tell me." "no." "please. i don't know wh-" she cut him off with another kiss. he fell back on the bed with his arms around lydia's waist. that kiss lasted 2 minutes. "wow." they said together. "how about being my real girlfriend?" "i'm fine with that." "merry christmas." "they kissed again.


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