Blind Dates And Mystery People

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"Another one!?" Lydia screamed in lot her phone. "Yes, Lydia, it kills me to see you lonely!" Malia yelled at the other end. "But I am not! And all of your blind date attempts fail! Remember the crazy cat guy who was obsessed with his own mother!" "This one is a good one! I promise. I went out with him before but it just didn't click. Maybe it will for you!" She said. "Fine! Send me the information!" "Yay! Right on it." What did I get myself into?

Lydia walked into the little coffee shop that was located down town. She rode her bike because it wasn't that long of a ride. She ordered an ice coffee and waited for this mystery boy. It was about an hour until a boy popped into the seat across from her. He had brown hair and eyes. Also, little moles scattered across his face. "Hi-um." "Shh. Just go along with it." He mouthed to her. She nodded and waited for his response. Suddenly, a blonde girl walks in looking all over the coffee shop. "There you are!" She said She ran up to mystery boy and tried to go in for a kiss. "I told you, I have a girlfriend!" He said putting his huge hand over Lydia's. She smiled at his response and looked up at the clearly mad girl. "Then why did you hit on me!" "I asked for a pen! Now if you'll excuse us we have a very important thing to do..outside." He grabbed her hand and ran outside of the coffee shop. "Sorry about that!" They hid in an alley way as the girl, Erica, ran past. She really wanted him. "Oh yeah, I'm Stiles." He said putting his hand out for her to shake. "Lydia." She smiled. "You have a beautiful smile, Lydia." She blushed. "Sorry about that. I asked to borrow a pen at the bank and one thing lead to another and she ended up chasing me down the street." They both laughed. "Anyway, what brings you to the coffee shop?" "Blind date." "Me too! One of my exes set it up." She realized what was going on. "Malia?" "No way." She nodded. "Well, that was a good beginning for our date." He said sarcastically. "It is all good. Better than the other ones Malia set up for me." Lydia said with a laugh. "Let's pretend that whole thing did not happen and I take you somewhere special." "I am fine with that." "Well, let's go."

They walked around the town talking about themselves for about an hour. "Well, Lydia Camille-Grace Martin, I think we should go out to eat." "Ok, Mieczyslaw Stilinski." They laughed and went into the restaurant.

They finished their dinner and walked out of the restaurant. Lydia was about to say something until Stiles interrupted. "No-No." He ducked down and turned his back. "What?" "One of Malia's failed attempts to get me a girlfriend." Lydia turned around and saw a brunette walking down the street.  They were so close to not being spotted when-"Stiles?" She said. "Crap. Do what we did earlier." Lydia nodded. "Um-hey Cora." She smiled and looked over at Lydia. "Who is this?" Again, he put his hand over hers. "My girlfriend, Lydia." He smiled proudly. "Don't believe it." "What?" "You can't get over me that quickly. I clearly haven't." "Cora, this is my girlfriend. We went on one date." "A few." "Fine a few." "Prove it." He looked into Lydia's eyes and kissed her. At first, she was surprised. Then, she went along with it. "Believable for you?" She rolled her eyes and said "You will regret this." He laughed and looked at Lydia. The two were still in the same position. "You are a good kisser." Lydia said. "You too." He smiled and blushed. "Wanna kiss aga-" She interrupted him with a kiss.

"Playing your fake girlfriend was fun." She said. Their hands were interlocked and swinging. "How about you play me real girlfriend?" "I would love that." She kissed him and they both smiled through the kiss. "Goodbye." "Wait where are you going?" "I rode my bike here and-" "Nope, not letting my girlfriend ride her bike in the dark, come with me." "Fine." He put her bike in the back of his jeep and rode her home.

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