Positive Answers and Positive Tests

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"Listen Lyds, you will be ok if it is positive!" Allison said looking at the pregnancy test box. Lydia was pacing around the floor of her apartment. "Maybe not!" Lydia said. Allison gave her a that look. The look that meant "stop right now or I will expose you." "Fine!" Lydia said throwing her arms up.
                          2 minutes later...
Beep Beep. Lydia ran into the bathroom. She ran out with tears in her eyes. "It is positive." She said dropping to the floor. "Lyds! Don't cry! Aren't you happy?" Allison said holding her best friend's shoulder. "Well duh!" She said letting out a sob. "Then why are you crying?" She said on the verge of crying too. "Because I don't know how Stiles will feel." She said with more tears.

Lydia was still pacing. Allison left due to her job. It was about 2:30 in the morning. Stiles was out doing his job. Being a detective caused late hours. Lydia heard the door open slightly. Stiles tried not opening it to much to wake Lydia up. "Woah! Lydia? What are you doing up?" He said approaching his girlfriend. "Um. I couldn't sleep without you." She said hugging him. "Well I am home now. So we can go to sleep." He said hugging her back. "Alright." She said with a weak smile.

"Are you serious Lydia!" Stiles screamed. "I am sorry." She said. "I don't want you pregnant!" He screamed. "I am sorry!" She said louder. "I am leaving!" He screamed slamming the door. "Lydia! Lydia! Are you ok?" Stiles said shaking her slightly. "Yeah! Just a bad dream." She said shaking her head. "C'mon it is almost 6." He said pushing hair out of her face. "Alright." She said laying down. He started to spoon her and she knew she wouldn't want to be anywhere else.

Lydia woke up to an empty bed. As usual. But this time it was different. The smell of coffee and bacon filled the apartment building. She walked out of her room into the kitchen. "Well this is a surprise!" Lydia said walking into the kitchen to see a shirtless Stiles. "Yeah well I took off today. To stay home with you." He said said with a grin. She went up and kissed him on the cheek. "This is why I love you." She said with a huge smile.

"No, no, no." Stiles said looking through some papers. "What are you looking for babe?" Lydia said walking into their room. "Some work papers." He said flipping through everything. "Ok, we'll I have to go out real quick need anything?" She asked leaving. "No. But I love you!" He said. "Love you too!" Lydia was actually going to a doctor appointment. She said. Stiles was pacing thinking if the last place where he put it. "Maybe...I put it in the trash." He said looking at the little trashcan next to Lydia's nightstand. She probably put them in there while cleaning up.

"Hey Stiles." Lydia said from the living room. "Yeah cutie." Stiles said with a smile on his face. "Do you want to go out for dinner?" She asked getting up. "Nah, I am already making dinner." He said with a smirk. "But can you help me?" "Yeah, sure." She said with a bit of concern. "Can you get that bun in the oven?" He said with yet another smirk. "Sur- Goddammit Stilinski how did you know?" She said. "Looking for papers in the trash and a phone call saying your next appointment." He said looking at her. "Why didn't you tell me?" He said looking at her. "I was afraid of what you would do. I was afraid you would leave." She said with a tear on the vurge of falling. "Leave! Lydia! I am in love with you! I would never leave you! Especially if you are pregnant with my kid!" He said hugging her. She wrapped her arms around his neck. He kissed her. She saw Stiles crying but he wouldn't admit it. He dropped on his knees."Well baby Martin-Stilinski get ready for corny jokes and some sarcasm." She laughed at him. "Hey. I am supposed to be the one putting the bun in the oven by the way!" She said with her arms still around his neck. "Well you were taking too long!" He said kissing her forehead.

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