Memories of Raindrops and Gumdrops

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Sorta a reverse Stydia;) Old friends who are completely opposite came back together again. 

Lydia Martin wasn't your typical girl. To be perfectly honest, you never would have thought that her boyfriend was Stiles Stilinski. Now before Mr. Popular and Ms. Weirdo met again, they totally hated each other. Well that's what Lydia thought.

Lydia was walking out of her house when she saw her neighbor , Stiles Stilinski, leaving for yet another party. It was normal for Stiles to go to parties. He always met a girl, come home with her, forgot  her name, and then completely forget about them. He hopped in the back of his friends Scott's car and she didn't see him till that night.

Lydia sat in her room reading yet another mystery book. She went to grab another blanket. "And the person who did this was-"  She was about to figure out who killed the mayor until she heard a slow curse coming from her room. She got scared so she grabbed the closest weapon near her, her book.

"Martin. Where are you?" said the oh-so-familiar voice. "Stiles! What the hell!" she said while closing her door. Her mother was away but she always shut her door. "I need your help." he said 'With what?"

"You found an old map we made as kids and you want me to help you find the "treasure"." she said while looking at the yellow paper. "Pretty much. Yeah." he said with a slight shrug. "Nope." she said putting the paper down. "What! Why not?" he said while grabbing the paper. "We haven't talked for years." she began "And you told me never to talk to you." She said while sitting on her bed. All he did was say "Whatever." and she gave in.

They walked into Stiles's backyard. "Wow. Things do not change." she said while looking around. Stiles, Scott, and Lydia were once childhood best friend's, but that all changed when they met Erica. Now they barely spoke.

He grabbed "stuff that they needed" and got to work. Stiles started following the map with his finger to see where the "treasure" is. They walked 12 paces forward then 20 paces left. They took one step to the right and it was bound to be there. Stiles dug first then Lydia helped. "This was a bad day to wear white." she said while looking down her  white blouse and light pink pencil skirt. "It is okay," he began "I will give you something." She rolled her eyes and got back to digging.

An hour later

"Wow Stilinski." she began "Nothing!".  Stiles was not giving up. "No! We are going to find this!" He began to calculate their steps. "We were off one." he whispered. "What?" Lydia said while getting up. "We were off one!" He ran to their last spot and moved left. Lydia smiled because she saw how happy Stiles got. She grabbed her shovel and began to dig. "When we find this, I am peeking first!"

"Stiles." Lydia said. "Yeah Martin." "Do you fee-". She was cut off by a few rain drops. Then a whole bunch of raindrops came down. "I think we should go in!" Lydia screamed. She had to scream because the rain  was so loud. "Hold on!" he said. He must've hit something because you could hear metal clashing on metal. He grabbed the box and ran inside. "Hello!" Lydia said while Stiles ran inside and locked the door.

He ran back outside. He found Lydia dancing in the rain. Stiles smiled and just ran out with her

It was still raining but they did not care. Stiles looked at Lydia like she was an angel. The rain on her eyelashes. She was beautiful. But he snapped back into reality when he got splashed. He started chasing her. Then they were hopping in puddles like children. They wish this day would never end but, it had to. 

They walked inside soaking wet. Lydia thought she should go home so she did. Stiles just sat and thought about what just happened. Then he remebered the box. He ran upstairs to his room to find it under his pillow. He hid it because in the middle of digging he remebered something.


"Lydia, remember to bring your stuff for the time capsual after school." A mini 3rd grade Stiles said. "I will! Do you want me to tell Scott?" She asked with a tiny voice. "No! He is a buttface!" Stiles pleaded. "Stiles, what happened now?" Stiles explained how Scott started liking this girl Allison. Stiles clearly explained she had cooties but he didnt listen. "Hey! I  am a girl and I dont have cooties!" "You are fine! You got your cootie shot." 

Stiles put the finishing touch on his letter when he heard a knock. Lydia walked in and Stiles quickly folded it up. "Ready!" Lydia asked. "Yep" Stiles said.


Stiles thought about what he wrote. Even though they were 9, he knew his feelings for her. The whole letter was about his feelings. He was about to start reading it when he heard a knock at the door. He left the letter and went to answer it. At the door was Lydia.

"Hey! We didn't finish looking at the box!" she said walking in. "Ummm... Okay it is upstairs."

Lydia just finished reading the letter. "Aww. Stiles!" she said putting the letter down. Stiles was just there playing with his old toy car. "Remember when we ate all of those gumdrops! We got so sick!" she said while looking at old photos. "Do you want to know why I came through your window?" he asks. "Why?" she asks. "I still like you." he says. "What? But we haven't talked since 5th grade!" she says while getting up. "I never lost my feelings!" he screamed. All Lydia did was run up and kiss. And he kissed back.

Hey friends! I hope you like this one because it was really fun to write! If you have any ideas please comment or message me! Please like and comment! Love you all! ♡

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