Guess Who's Back?

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"Beautiful morning, isn't it?" Lydia said walking down the steps to see her boyfriend sitting on the counter eating cereal. "Not as beautiful as you." He said with a wink. She lightly patted his chest and whispered in his ear. "Get down." As he got down, he kissed her cheek. "Remember, our flight leaves at 3:30 so you better be ready." He said putting his bowl away. "Already packed, get it." She said with a wink. "Ugh, you are such a dork but I love you." She scrunched her nose and kissed him. "I am going to go run some errands, need anything?" He grabbed his keys and wallet. "Nope, just for your little butt to be back here before 3:30." She said smacking his butt gently. "Will do." He left doing the same thing to her.

Stiles and Lydia walk up to the Stilinski residence. The first face he sees is Scott. They have this huge handshake and they hug for 20 minutes. Lydia walked up under the opposite arm Scott was under. "MY FAVORITE PEOPLE." Stiles screamed. Lydia unpacked while Scott and Stiles sat on the couch talking for hours. "Sorry to ruin the fun but we have a party to attend to." Lydia said in a short black dress and heels. "Nope! Lydia, you look too hot!" Stiles said getting frustrated. "I am not getting changed! Why should I anyways?" She yelled at him. "Guys will be looking at you left and right! I know I am right now!" She shook her head no. "Get changed!" He sighed and ran up the steps.

Screams were heard for miles when Malia, Kira, and Lydia all saw each other. They all went to a little club out of Beacon Hills. The music was loud and everyone was drunk. Everybody got their drinks and went to the dance floor. Stiles stood there awkwardly while Lydia danced around him. The music made his head pound and the smell of alcohol just made him sick. He sat down in the corner. Then, the worst thing ever just happened. Jackson Whittemore walked into this club. Immediately, he got up and looked for Lydia. The lights were off and only the strobe lights were on. It took forever but he finally found her. "Stiles! There you are!" She jumped in his arms and kissed him. "Hey baby, we should leave." Lydia shook her head no. "Please, just five more minutes!" She begged. He nodded and went outside to clear his mind. There he stood, Jackson. Stiles tried to go back inside but it was too late. "Stilinski! Where's your little loser friend McCall?" He asked walking up to him. "How did you know we were here?" Stiles asked grinding his teeth. "Saw that piece of junk." He pointed to Roscoe. "I also saw Lydia. You are still chasing after her? Pathetic." He spat. "No. We are actually dating." Stiles said making his hand into a fist. "Funny, I thought she didn't know who you were." Jackson laughed. "You know she doesn't actually care for you, right? Probably still loves me. Ha, never could have loved that piece of trash. Little bitch never left me alone. I bet she was broken when I left her. Ah, would pay to see that." He continued bashing on Lydia until Stiles punched him in his jaw, leading to him falling on the wet ground. Stiles jumped on top of him and lifted him up. "Never, ever, call her that." Jackson punched Stiles, leaving him on the floor. He kept punching Stiles. "Who's going to stop me? The little slut and the big bad wolf?" More punches were thrown at Stiles's face. "What did I tell you about calling her that?" He said. One more punch and he heard Lydia gasp and Scott calling his name. "Jackson? Stiles why are you hurting him?" Stiles bit his bottom lip. "He was calling you and Scott nasty names. Especially you!" Lydia looked at Scott helping Jackson up. "C'mon, tell everyone we will see them tomorrow." Lydia said grabbing Stiles.

The car ride home was silent, way too silent. Stiles was bleeding all over and just wanted to cuddle with Lydia but he knew there would be a lecture.

"Go upstairs to the bathroom." Lydia said. He followed. Luckily, his dad wasn't home to hear him and Lydia's fight that is brewing. She walked in with one of his shirts on. "God, I couldn't breath in that dress." She mumbled. Lydia went under the sink and grabbed a little first aid kit. "Shirt off." She said opening the kit. There was bruises all over his bare skin. She looked over at them. It was silent as she got the supplies. She patted the toilet seat for him and kneeled down cleaning up his wounds. As she was done she just sat on the bathroom floor and brought her head to her knees and just sat there. "God Stiles! Why did you do that!" She finally broke the silence. Quickly, he sat right next to her. "I did it for you, Lyds." It was quiet but she heard it. "Why me? I'm not that special!" Stiles lifted her chin up with his finger. "Hey! Hey! Hey! Never say that!" She tried to look away but he kept looking at her. "Look at me Lydia! I am the one that doesn't deserve you! You are the most smartest and most beautiful woman I have ever met! And me? I am the most scrawniness and stupid guy! You deserve the whole world! And to be called nothing but amazing! And when I heard Jackson call you those horrid names it broke me because I know you are the opposite of them! Even when you didn't know my existence in this world, I knew that you were never that! Lydia you should just leave me and find another man that deserves you!" By now they were both crying. She crawled into his lap and he wrapped his arms around her. "I love you so much, Mieczylsaw Stilinski." She said into his chest. "I love you more, Lydia Camille-Grace Martin." He said into her strawberry blonde locks. They sat there in each other's arms for hours on that bathroom floor, telling each other what they love about each other.
I AM BACK!!! Thank you all so much for your kind words about my grandmother! I wish I could show her my writings but all good things come to an end:( I could go on for hours talking about her, her stories, and how she taught me to live! Anyways, I have a few more stories up my sleeve for you guys to make up for my absence! LOVE YOU ALL!

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