Camp Beacon Hills

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Stiles sat on the old bus with his friend Scott. They came a few days earlier because they are the councilors. Scott was going on and on about this girl named Allison he met last year. All Stiles could think about was Lydia. She was a short girl with strawberry blonde hair. She was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.

"We are here!" Issac said pressing his nose up against the glass. Stiles could feel the butterflies in his stomach. "Here we go." Scott said to Stiles.

"Come on Lydia!" the tiny brunette girl said to the strawberry blonde. "I do not want to meet Scott!" she said with a huff. "Remember Stiles?" Allison asked. "Tall, skinny like a twig, and really bad acne?" Allison nodded. "Then yes. I do." "Well, that is Scott's best friend!" Allison said with a smile. "Oh that Scott!" They heard the bus pull up so the began to run.

People were hugging and saying how much they missed the other. Allison and Scott were hugging. "Where is Stiles?" Lydia asked. "Oh, he is grabbing his bags."Scott said. Stiles walked out holding his bags. Lydia was looking in the other direction.  He felt goosebumps up his arms. "Lydia." He whispered. Lydia turned around. "Stiles?" she said while her eyes got bigger. His acne was gone, he got buffer, and he lost the buzz cut. "I didn't even recognized you!" she said running over to him. She gave him a hug and he hugged back.

"Guys do you think Derek is still here?" Issac asked. "I am still here." Derek said popping out behind Issac. They all had their mini-reunion with their once camp counselor. "Go get unpacked and meet up at the mess hall." They waved goodbye and went their separate directions.

"My Lord he is so good looking!" Lydia said while falling back on her bed. "Stiles?" Allison asked while putting her suitcase under her bed. "His name just sounds beautiful!" Lydia said with a sigh. "Let's get going." Allison said.

They all sat at one table. Laughing at Issac's corny jokes and just talking about memories. "Stiles?" said a girl's voice. "Malia?" She ran up and hugged him. He hugged her back. Lydia could feel her skin boiling. "Malia this is the pack." Stiles said. "Oh cool." He introduced everyone. Lydia was the last person to be introduced. "Oh so this is Lydia?" She held her hand out and Lydia shook it. "Well, I got to go." She said while waving. "Dude, are you dating her?" Issac asked. Lydia was going to leave if he said yes. "No. We are just friends." Lydia felt calmer now. "Be right back!" Issac said. The group chuckled.

"Lydia you looked so jealous when Malia came!" Allison said with a laugh. "Shut up!" Lydia said punching her in the arm. They walked into their cabin. "Goodnight." Allison said. "Night."

Lydia couldn't sleep. She walked to her normal spot , near the lake in the woods, and sat to think. Her feet dangling into the water. Crack. She turned around quickly to see a familiar face. "Stiles you scared me half to death!" she said. He sat next to her. "Well, you shouldn't be out in the woods by yourself!" Stiles said. "Remember when we use to come here?" Lydia said breaking the silence.  "Yep." Stiles said with a chuckle. "What happened to Issac?" Lydia asked. "He asked Malia." Lydia laughed. "What did she say?" "Yes." 

"Do you like her? "

"No," he said "I like someone else.". Once Lydia heard that she got curious and mad. "Who?" she said. "Well,she" Stiles got cut off by Scott. "Derek is checking cabins, we got to go." They ran off. Lydia ran back to her cabin. Allison was awake . "Scott was here? Wasn't he?" Lydia said while jumping into bed. Allison smiled and turned the lights off. I was this close to finding out who Stiles Stillinski liked. Lydia closed her eyes and fell asleep.

"One more day till the kids come." Derek said "So do what you want." 'Guys! Let's go swimming!" Allison said. They all agreed and got changed. Lydia and Allison walked down to the lake. "Issac! Don't you dare!" Malia said. "Too late!" he screamed. Malia was in the lake and Issac was in after her. Allison jumped right in. "Lydia! Come in!" Allison screamed. Lydia shook her head. Scott and Stiles walked down. "Scott! Come in!" Allison said. Scott took his shirt off and jumped in. "Stillinski." Lydia called. She patted the seat next to her. "Yes, Lyds." He said with a smile. "Tell me who you like." "No" he said while taking his shirt off. Lydia couldn't help but stare. Back when they were campers, he never took his shirt off.  She stopped staring when he cleared his throat. "Sorry." she said. "I will tell you if you come in." Lydia hated how she looked in her baithing suit. "Fine." she said. Quickly, she took her shirt off and jumped in. 

"I am in Stilinski." she said covering herself. "Why are you covering yourself?" he asked. "Because I am ugly in my bathing suit." she said. "Never say that! You are beautiful in whatever you wear!" Lydia blushed. She looked around. All of their friends were further away. "Tell me now!" she said splashing him. "Wow. I dropped so many hints and yet you cannot figure it out!" Lydia thought for a second. She know realized the looks he gave her, how he acted, and what he said. "Me?" He shook his head yes. She splashed him again. "Why didn't you tell me!" "Because you are cute when you are mad!" he chuckled. She tackled him into the water. "I love you." she said. "I love you too." They kissed until they realized everyone was watching. "Finally!" Allison and Scott said.







This is probably trash. How are you all? I am sorta sick so tat is why I am updating now! I will try to update soon! I really like reading and writing one shots! So this was sorta based on Dead of Summer besides the scary part! hAppY ocToBeR!

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