Dream Girls and Dream Boys

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Stiles woke up in the middle of field. Clear blue, greenest grass he has ever seen, beautiful sunflowers, birds chirping. He looked around to see if anyone was near. "Stiles....Stiles.....Stiles" an angelic voice called out to him. He got up to try and find who the voice belonged to. He continued his search but soon gave up and sat under a big tree.

Stiles sat with his head in his lap. A yellow butterfly stopped on his hand. The beautiful creature flapped its wings and flew away into the branches. Stiles laid back on the tree's stump and closed his eyes. A branch began to make a noise and a leaf fell on Stiles's nose. Quickly, he opened his eyes and saw a girl in the branch above him. "Stiles..." It was her. He quickly stood up and she jumped into his arms. The girl had hair that wasn't quit red but more of a strawberry blonde, emerald eyes, light freckles that painted her face, and big lips. She looked beautiful. She wore a long, yellow dress. The same color as the butterfly. Flowers laced her hair. She jumped out of his arms and grabbed his hand. She led him through the fields. The two danced in the sunflowers. Stiles swore this was the best day of his life. One problem, he didn't know the girl's name. He became sidetracked so the two fell on the ground. The girl laid on his chest, laughing a bit. "What's your name?" he whispered to her. Suddenly, the clear skies turned to big storm clouds, the flowers they laid in all died, and the girl quickly got up. She started to run but Stiles grabbed her wrist. She quickly kissed his cheek and whispered his name one, final time.


{while stiles's dream was happening}

Lydia was flying. Flying higher than all the trees and birds. The skies were clear and she felt happy. But, she didn't exactly know what she was. "Lydia.....Lydia....Lydia...." She flew down to the voice but could't find it. She saw a boy sitting alone. Lydia fluttered down to the boys hand. She caught a quick glimpse at of the boy. Brown hair, perfect brown eyes, and moles scattered along his jaw. He was beautiful. A breeze picked up Lydia and she flew high up into a tree. She looked down and saw the boy rest his eyes. She watched him sleep and then a flash came over her. She saw her feet dangling from the tree branch she was sitting on. Then yellow fabric. There was a beautiful, yellow dress on Lydia's body and flowers in her long hair. She smiled at the beauty and shook the branch she was on. Little green leaves fell on to the boy. He looked up at her and she looked down at him. Lydia jumped into the boy's arms and he caught her. Her dress flew behind her while he spun her. She grabbed the mystery boy's hands and took him through the fields. They ran, laughed, danced but neither opened their mouths to talk. The teens ended up in the sunflowers dancing. Lydia did not know if this was real r not, all she knew was that she never wanted this day to end. The two accidentally fell on top of each other. She laid on his chest, staring at the art in front of her.

"What's your name?" She asked him.

The boy almost opened his mouth, until everything changed around them. The clear sky turned to a big storm, everything was dying around them, birds chirped no more. He almost ran away but she grabbed him and pulled him back. He whispered her name once more and slowly kissed her on the cheek.


"And then it just ended." Lydia said to her friend Allison, walking through the mall.

"I never figured out her name, Scott!" Stiles stomped his foot, causing few people in the mall to give him a look.

"I don't even know if he/she is real..."

Stiles walked into someone.

Lydia walked into someone.

He looked up and saw....her. His butterfly.

Her eyes opened and she was on top of.....him.

"I'm Stiles...."


He saw her yellow top. "Yellow's a good color for you..."

"Have I met you?" She said getting up, also helping him.

"I was just about to say that." He laughed.

The girl was about to leave but he stopped her. "Lydia....I hope you don't find this weird but.."

"You were in mine too. It was amazing." She took out a pen and wrote her number on his hand. "Call me."




HEYYYY! I got a chrome book for christmas so i will be writing a lot. I hope you all had a happy holidays! idk what this was ahaha. i was running out of ideas. btw, if ya didn't know. bold-lydia. italicized-stiles. and both is when they think together. LOVE YOU ALL!

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