The Senior Prom

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This is based on the Friends episode The One With The Prom Video. So all credits to the creators of Friends and Teen Wolf.

Allison's parents had left her with the Stilinskis her whole high school year for protection. So Stiles and Allison were basically brother and sister. They had many awkward moments together like when Allison started liking Stiles best friend Scott. Then when they started dating and so on. There was another awkward moment that Allison never knew about. When Stiles had a crush on her best friend Lydia.

They are all still very close. Actually, their apartments are right across from each other. Stiles and Allison are still very close. By the end of senior year, Allison's parents sadly passed coming back from hiding. But the Stilinskis had open arms for her. 

Stiles still had many feelings for Lydia. It hurt him a lot to see her with other guys. That day he told his friends about his feelings towards her. Their quirky friend Kira told him about lobsters and how they mate.He scared some guy off first. Then, he used that excuse towards Lydia but she got mad at him.

Later that night, they all met up at Allisons and Lydia's place to watch some old tapes that Allison found. Stiles walked in and Lydia just shot him a dirty look. They just got through Allison's first day of kindergarten. "Hey what's this?" said Allison. Stiles, who was in the corner, looked over to see. He looked like he just saw a ghost. "DON'T PLAY THAT!" Stiles said running over to her. "Why?" she said with a slight smile. "Yeah why Stiles?" Lydia said. He gave up. She  put the CD in and they started to watch.

"Hey! that was the night of senior prom!" Lydia said. "Yeah!" Allison said. The gang continued watching. Stiles just regretted everything. 

In the video, it showed Lydia and Allison in their prom dresses waiting for their dates. "Hey, your dad must've filmed this." Scott said. All Stiles did was nod.  The camera then showed Stiles sitting on the steps staring at Lydia.

~On the Video~
"Why!" Lydia said while stomping her foot. Allison's date (Scallison wasn't a thing yet) broke the news that her date wasn't coming. Allison stood next to Lydia with tissues in his hand.

The Sheriff, Melissa, and Stiles all felt bad. "Hey why don't you take her?" Melissa said. "Yeah!" the Sheriff said. Both of them new his feelings towards Lydia. Even Allison knew (Stiles did not know that). Well except Lydia.

Stiles shook his head yes and went upstairs. "Thata boy!" the Sheriff said. Stiles ran upstairs with hope in his head.

He ran downstairs (almost tripping) to see a horrifying sight.... Lydia's date Jackson showed up. Stiles almost cried but held it in. He walked upstairs with no words. "Turn it off!" said Melissa. Then it stopped...

Stiles was still standing in the corner. Lydia ran up to him and gave him a big kiss. The only word that was said was from Kira's mouth. "See he is her lobster!".
heyyyy! kinda like Holland said Stiles and Lydia are like Ross and Rachel... So yeah. Hope you like!
Love you all! ♡

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