Thoughts and Reality

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She waited for this day to come, the day her baby would come. 8 months with a huge stomach. 8 months with weird cravings. 8 months with little kicks. 8 months with her best friend right beside her. She couldn't ask for a better person to be the father of her children. If you asked her a few years ago "Do you see Stiles Stilinski in your future?" She would laugh in your face. Now they are married and having their child today.

"C'mon, Lyds! You got this!" Stiles said holding her hands. She yelled and yelled. The pain was excruciating but when she saw him smile and the sound of a babies scream, it went away. "A beautiful baby girl!" Melissa said. She watched as they cleaned her baby off. They brought her over to Lydia. "Well, well, well." Stiles began "Look who is finally out." Lydia looked up at him and smiled. "Hi baby, I am your mommy. You probably already know my voice and his." She said pointing ant Stiles. "How could you? We are amazing!" Stiles said. "All my life I dreamed about being a mommy and now that your here, I can finally experience it! Now, I will firmly introduce myself. I am Lydia Stilinski. I am the so-called "genius of the Stilinski's" but we will let that slide for now. Now that," she said pointing to Stiles "is your daddy. He is sarcastic and cracks jokes every second. I see you picked up my hair color-" Stiles interrupted "Strawberry Blonde!" "Yep, strawberry blonde hair but my question is what color are your eyes?" Lydia tickled her neck and she let out a whine. "Ok, ok, not ready for tickles!" The baby nuzzled more into Lydia's chest. She started dozing off when she heard. "Lydia?" She opened to see her husband smiling. "Yes my love?" He laughed "May I hold our daughter?" She looked down at the baby that was laying on her chest. "Sure just don't wake her up. Us Martin-Stilinski girls need our beauty sleep." Lydia said with a yawn. "Don't worry, you both are already beautiful."

Stiles picked up the baby. "Hey No-Named." He let out a nervous chuckle. He looked over and saw Lydia sleeping. "As you can tell, I am really nervous but that is usual for us. Anyways, real talk. Daddy-daughter time. You will respect your mother at all times, young lady. You hear me?" The baby let out a yawn. "Good. Now I have a story. It is about two of the greatest people you will ever meet. Your parents!" He said enthusiastically. "I met your mommy in the third grade! Your Uncle Scott was there too. We will get to him later. Anyways, she walked into class and immediately I knew I was going to marry her. Of course, she didn't think it but if you set your mind to something, something good will come out of it. Like you! We have been through so much, me and your mom." He laughed reminiscing all of the memories. "We may have lost people or didn't win a battle but we were always there for each other. A few words of advice, never be scared. Fear might come over you but you have to overcome it. I was scared about you, sorry to say, but I am so happy because I lost all that fear." The baby opened her eyes. Her eyes were the same shade as Stiles. "Yes!" He whispered/yelled. Scott came in and smiled. "I never thought you would be a dad. Especially with Lydia Martin's baby but...oh wait I did know that." Scott said. "What's her name?" He asked. "For now, No-Named because my princess fell asleep." Just then, Lydia snored. "May I?" Scott said.  Stiles nodded. "I have to pee anyway."

"Well, you are definitely your dad's kid with those eyes." Scott laughed. "So I am Scott, the leader of my pack and your uncle. Kid, come to me for anything and I promise I will be there. Now, I have a story about a brace huntress who fell in love with a big werewolf." The baby whined once again. "I know, scary, but you have to listen. It starts off with a new girl who needs a pen and a boy who just got Wolf powers. After that, they grew so close together that they thought nothing could tear them apart but a lot did. Sometimes they found a way other times, they didn't. She was brave and always had a beautiful smile." A tear slipped out. "Even at the worse of times. Sadly, she died in the arms of her first love but she is still watching over all of her pack. Like the banshee, your mommy, the human, your dad, the kitsune, your aunt Kira, and me, the werewolf. And now you, the human-banshee." He put his finger in her left hand. "We have gotten many additions to the pack like the were-coyote,your aunt Malia, a beta, Liam, and many more. But no one could replace the huntress, Allison Argent, my first love and your forever aunt."

Everybody got to see the baby. But as time passed the baby needed a name. "Ok, Lyds. You ready?" Stiles asked. "Definitely." She answered. "The babies name is....Allison Claudia Stilinski." She said with tears in her eyes. Stiles kissed her forehead. "The Stilinski's" Scott said with a smile.

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