Roomates And Shirts

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dedicated to stydia_voidd i combined both 34 and 36!!

stiles and his roommate lydia live on the fifth floor of the Beacon Hill's Apartment Complex. is it hard to have the opposite sex roommate? yes. but these two have a special bond that they can't see. yet.

"stiles, it is going to storm tonight so make sure you close the windows up! i am working late tonight!" lydia said before grabbing a waffle. "got it and don't forget to pick up milk from the store." "you betcha! see you after work!" "bye!"

when lydia got home from work, it was midnight. she got caught in the rain and was pooped from her long day at work. all the lights were off and stiles's door was closed. she bumped into the coffee table and couch. "fudge!" she whispered-yelled. she was too tired to look for pajamas so she grabbed the first thing off of the laundry basket and put it on. lydia brought her covers up and fell asleep. for about two hours.

BOOM. BOOM. the thunder shook her room and woke her up. lydia has been deathly scared of thunder and lightning since she was a child. she got up and walked through the apartment. more thunder was heard. the lightning came frequently. a HUGE sound of thunder was heard and she ran so fast into stiles's room. "stiles, stiles wake up!" she tapped him and he woke up quickly. "lyds, what are you doing up?" "i can't sleep because of the thun-" she was interrupted by thunder. lydia jumped into stiles's bed. "i'm sorry but can we cuddle it usually helps." she said putting her hand on his knee. "you come to my room and wake me up at 4am, to cuddle?" "yes! the thunder and lightning is very scary!" she argued back. he opened his arms and blankets to invite her in. "thank you." another big boom came and she flinched back into his arms. his response was putting his arms around her waist. she moved further back, until she was stopped by his chest. lydia was shaking and kept flinching every time she heard a noise. "lyds, you are fine. i won't let anything hurt you!" he whispered into her ear. her tensed muscles became relaxed. he put his head through her shoulder and neck. they were at ease.

when lydia woke up, it was still raining but not as bad. she felt a weight against her stomach and saw stiles's arms. lydia smiled as he got up. "hey scardey cat." she stuck his tongue out at him and he responded by doing the same. "sleep well?" "like a baby." "surprisingly, me too." stiles said getting out of his bed. "well damn it is still raining." he frowned. stiles turned his head to look at lydia getting out of his bed. he recognized something on her. "is that my shirt?" he said with a laugh. "well you see i-um-well-" her face was a deep red. she didn't realize it was his. "no it is fine. it looks cute in you anyway." he said leaving his room. she smiled and sat back down. lydia felt safer than ever in stiles's arms. she felt like she would never be harmed. lydia was interrupted with stiles asking what she wanted for breakfast. "eggs and bacon, please." she said walking out of his room. "anything for you." he said with a wink. it made her heart flutter. she will admit, this wasn't the first time she thought she had feelings for him. that night made them get deeper. "just to let you know, i will be staying over your room more often." "thunderstorms don't happen everyday, lyds." "i know." she said with a wink walking into the bathroom. the feeling lydia got, stiles got too.

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