Chapter 40

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Give Wolfram Back To Me

A Kyou Kara Maoh Fanfiction.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything but the plot and my OCs of course. Otherwise, this wouldn't be a fanfiction. Any resemblance to real life names, situations, etc. is pure coincidence.

All rights belong to Tomo Takabayashi, Temari Matsumoto, and Studio Deen

Author's note: I am back! I will just be editing every chapter for a while. ^_^ (A special thanks to the person who helped me write this chapter.

Chapter 40

Wolfram's POV

Currently, I am giving some of my fellow mazokus a tour around this castle, namely: my mother (Lady Cecilie) , Anissina, Gisela and Greta. Well, as expected, mother is a head turner. Boys will follow her with their eyes and would blush. It's not something new but it still fascinates me. How can mother keep her charm up to this point of her age! Not to mention her looks! She looks even younger than Aniue! And it's actually funny because some people will look at my mother then at me... then they will blink or rub their eyes and look at both of us again.

Yeah, even I know we look too much alike. But no one would ever mistake me as my mother or the other way around. We may look alike but the difference is also huge. Her height, the length of her hair, her flirty attitude, her *ehem* bossoms, her outfit... and many more.

But actually, I saw paintings of my ancestors Shinou Heika and Rufus von Bielefeld... now I don't know from who I inherited my looks. I mean, the only difference between me and Shinou is our eyes. His is blue and mine is green. Rufus is just a girl version of me with longer hair, not curly hair like my mother, but wavy hair just like mine and Shinou.

Anissina is with us and good thing that she isn't getting bored, my thanks to Greta keeping her occupied when she seems to be starting to get bored. Gisela is also helpful bringing up interesting questions that will get the other's interest and attention as well. Right now, were here in the garden located at the center of this castle... It has a giant fountain in the middle. Just like mother's garden back in Shin Makoku, Queen Amanda also see to it that this garden is at its best condition. She tends to it personally. The only difference is that mother's garden consists of flowers which she bred herself... this garden just consists on common flowers.

Currently, we are sitting on the grass and taking a break from walking. We had a lot of things that we talked about along the tour.

But I really wonder about what's up with Yuuri and Damian back there at breakfast. It's been bothering me since their exchange of looks (glares). And I'm not just bringing it up in our conversation but I really can't help my self anymore. There's really something not quite supposed to there or something... Okay, I'm gonna ask mother and the others.

"Umh... mother, did you notice something different about Yuuri and Damian's behavior a while ago at breakfast?"I asked.

The girls all looked at me as if I've grown another head.

"Wolfie-dear... I think everyone noticed." Hahaue said to me.

"E-eh? Everyone did?! Well, umh, it's just that, I'm wondering what that's all about." So they did notice. Now, Do they know what's up?

"I thought his majesty was the only one who's dense... but I didn't think you could have the same case." Anissina commented.

"Huh? What does this has to do with me?!" I'm confused.

"Everything, Papa." Greta then answered... wow... even my daughter realized what I wasn't able to.

"They're having a tension because of you. They're fighting over you!" Gisela finally quitted the riddles and spilled the beans.

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