Kaden's POV
I winced as the strange woman pulled the rock from my side. The other one with purple eyes stood back from me a distasteful look on her face.
I growled and managed to shift back finally and the woman with blue eyes handed me some clothes.
"Thanks..." I muttered and slipped on the attire.
The strange women stood aside as I got to my feet.
"What are you doing out here?" The one with blue eyes asked me. The other snorted and pushed aside her white-gray hair. There dark skin was soft looking yet they both had an ancient aura to them. Definitely not human.
"None of your fucking business." I snapped and instead of backing away the woman with purple eyes chuckled.
"I'm Manik." The woman said, "We'll take you home. Alright?" She said and I snorted.
"I can get there on my own, thanks." I growled and started to walk away.
"Well we'll come along with you. We've business to discuss." Manik said and I rolled my eyes.
Couldn't I just be left alone for a while?
I crossed my arms and continued to the house with the peculiar women trailing me.
"No! Get out!" My mom yelled as soon as the door shut.
I looked at her and frowned. Technically this was my home, I wasn't going to be kicked out of it. I opened my mouth to ask her why she was yelling.
"Katlyn calm down child." The woman said and I glanced at her. A cautious look gleamed in her purple eyes.
"Calm down?! You're the reason I lost my family for six years! You damn witch! Get out!" My mom snarled. The woman huffed and the other glanced at her feet.
Witches? That explains the weird vibe.
"I'm Tikil... My sister means no harm." Said the witch with blue eyes.
"So what are you doing here?" My mother snarled.
I don't think I'd ever seen her so angry. Well... besides earlier. Her eyes glared at the witch and I wondered who she was exactly and what was happening.
"I'm Tikil... My sister wishes to apologize and she needs to tell you something about your son." The other woman with glowing eyes said.
"What about me?" I growled.
"Well, Katlyn I'm sorry for what I did, but I was hired to do so. And about you," she said looking at me.
Suddenly I realized who this woman was. I'd never got a name, but it was who my parents told me stories about... why mom was gone for so long.
I frowned and shifted my weight on my feet, not really sure of how to respond to the witch that messed up my family for a long time.
"You're very angry right? Hurt people?" I shrugged.
"You are a hybrid. A Hunter and a wolf mix. The parts are bonded. Your Hunter wants to kill wolves and bring pain. Your wolf is an alpha, strong and monstrous. Together they make you... There's nothing I know of that I could do. But my sister insists I help." The woman Manik said.
"How is this possible?" My mother growled.
"The Hunter gene lived in you. It was never activated until I did so... for you. But inside, deep down, it was alive and well. When you mated with Clayton the wolf and Hunter gene mixed. He's both... this has never happened before. Not once in existence, until now." The purple-eyed woman said eyeing me curiously.
"Your mate... where is she?" The woman asked and I looked away.
"Ahh she left you... Poor girl, you must've been horrid to her." The woman said with pity lacing her voice. Knight whimpered.
"Get to the point. Why are you here?" I growled.
"We're going to try to help you... that is if you want it." Manik said.
"Help me how?" I growled.
"You need you're mate Kaden. Without her... there's a high chance you'll go insane and after that you'll die." Tikil said softly and I frowned.
"What?" I growled feeling as if someone just doused me in icy water.
"You're body's most likely incompatible with itself. It needs a balance. It got it with your mate. Now that she's gone, you'll crave her. Your wolf will be in pain, your Hunter will want blood for this pain. Both will be unpredictable. You will be unpredictable... I suggest you take some time to calm yourself when you're angry... An outburst wouldn't be good." Manik said and looked at me with her peculiar purple eyes.
"You will either kill yourself or you will die." Manik finished and I growled.
"No I won't." I spat, but Knight's words echoed in my head... Shit.
"I'm sorry... but even you know that's a lie." Manik said and I turned away from them.
"Fuck this. I'm going to bed." I growled and marched away, ignoring Knight's whimpers and the pain in my heart.
"Kaden--" my father said and I snarled softly.
"Night." I said gruffly and went to my room. I went inside and shut the door before laying on my bed and groaning.
My heart throbbed... I wanted my Amelia.
I buried my head in a pillow and my breath hitched at the fact that it smelled heavily of my mate.
Fuck this dying bullshit. I didn't even care if I did, but I wanted her. I didn't want her because I could possibly die, I wanted her because I loved her. I loved her angelic voice and her knee-weakening smile. Her glorious laugh. Those heavenly eyes...
I was hopelessly in love with the woman I treated like scum... and I regretted it horribly.
I'll update again soon!
How'd you like it?

Her Son Kaden
WerewolfSequel to *Her Wolf Alpha* Began 9/27/2016 Highest ranking: #2 in twists *COMPLETED* Katlyn and Clayton's son is growing up. Kaden Ravenwolf must find himself in his pack. The alpha title will soon be given to him and he must fight the aggressivenes...