80| Mother Not I

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"Kinship is important, I suppose."

Amelia's POV

"Amelia get down here and talk to this damn woman before I kill her!" My mate's bellow made me start out of sleep. I tilted my head and looked around. Yesterday was a messy blur. I got up and slipped from our room.

I hurried down the stairs and went to the front door to see-

-my mother.

I glanced at my mother and turned my gaze away before she could say anything.

"Can I get Brent?" She asked and for a while I didn't have an answer then I nodded. Kaden huffed.

"Make it quick and don't try anything." Kaden growled and stepped aside to let her in. A disgusted look marred his face and for a moment he looked at me before turning away with a huff.

"Come on." I said and led her through the house careful to keep a close eye on her. Finally we were to the cellars and I made her wait while I went to my brother's cell and let him out.

"Your mother is here." I growled and he nodded and followed me to meet her.

I led them again through the house and outside and paused as my mother grasped my arm. Kaden had left. I'd avoided her gaze most of the time and now I glanced to meet her eyes. She stared at me with a wondering glance and looked out toward the forest.

"Are you coming?" She asked softly and I shook my head.

"No." I replied. My mother tilted her head.

"I'm not going with you." I finished and my mother frowned.

"But we're family." My mother said and I chuckled bitterly.

"You left me." I growled and turned my glare on her.

"I have no family. I have no love. No one gives a damn about me. So with that, why should I go with you?" I snarled and bitterness clawed at my heart.

My mother looked around before giving me a smile, "That's why. I can give you all of that." She said and I scowled.

"Don't lie to me. Besides I don't want any of it anymore, I'm just tired... and I want you to leave." I said and she slowly frowned the smile fading.

"Mom maybe we should-" my half brother started.

"Quiet Brent." My mother snapped.

"You need to come with me." She said looking back to me with pleading eyes and I shook my head.

"I don't need to do anything. Get out." I spat and felt my claws coming from my fingers. Rain snarled and gave a bark of warning showing her teeth.

"You'll regret not just coming along with me." My mother growled before turning and leaving. I glared after her.

"Peace." Brenton said before bounding after our mother and the two disappeared from my view.

I sighed and went back inside, leaning on the door as I closed it. I let out a long breath and stared at the ceiling.

With a soft frown, I made my way to the stairs and to my room.

I sat on the bed with a groan and clenched my teeth at the pangs rushing through me. I frowned because my heat seemed more aggressive than usual. Every thought of a man's touch was causing more and more tension to grip my abdomen and I wrapped my arms around myself.

I huffed and threw myself against the bed, a poor decision because it just riled me up more, and pulled the covers up over my head. With a growl I forced my eyes closed and tried to induce sleep.

But my brain was alive with one thought in particular:




LADIES AND GENTS, BOYS AND GIRLS.... it's bout to get crazy. Like these next chapters are in most sense, "the fuck?" (You can take that as good or bad lol)

But as an early warning the next chapters hold INTENSE SEXUAL SITUATIONS.

If you start freaking out don't say I didn't warn ya.

But enough of this talkin'.




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