40| Red and White

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"Sometimes things happen and we have no control over our response or the outcome."

Amelia's POV

Come to the hospital.

That's all the text from Ryan said.

Come to the hospital.

Who would've know such a small thing like that could send multiple horrendous thoughts flying through my mind? Just put those four little words in that particular order and my heart was hammering and I was a mess of nerves. That being said I was there in record timing.

I didn't bother going to the front desk. I didn't have time and part of me just didn't want to. Cold crisp hospital air wrapped around me and I shuddered softly.

I walked briskly down the hallways. White. All I saw was white.

The clean tiled floor was white and my shoes made weird noises against them. The drywall was white, its rigid paint a bumpy work of art. The chairs I passed were white. The chairs full of sick people waiting or families urgent for news. They were mostly if not all from my pack. The people whispered with each other some crying and in pain. I glanced over them and made my way again down the hallway.

The never ending hallway.

I passed a nurse in a white suit, but that suit was smeared with red. Red of a blooming rose, red of a robins feather. The red of an apple sitting patiently on a desk.

The ominous signature of the crimson life source we all must upkeep. Fore without this ruddy liquid we cannot live.

So I stared at the blood on her suit and frowned, because someone needed that blood, but instead it was there on her suit.

"The Ravenwolf boy is that way." She said suddenly pointing down the hall. How did she know that's who I was looking for? Had she been with him? Was the scarlet marring her pearly white clothing his?

I glanced toward were her finger had pointed and gulped softly. My heart pounded. I went to ask her what had happened, but she'd vanished.

So I made my way down the hallway. I felt sick. My stomach churned with wariness and uncertainty.

I finally reached a door and the aluminum knob groaned as it turned in my clammy hands. The door let out a screaming creak as I opened it almost as if it were warning me to leave and not enter.

I saw Nancy first, then realized Ryan, and Kaden's parents were in the room as well as a few nurses and a doctor. I stepped inside and instantly regretted it as the door closed behind me bringing most of the attention to myself and also encasing me in a room of horrors.

"Amelia, you're here." I heard Nancy say, but I was too in denial to acknowledge her as I stared at the trickery on the hospital bed.

There Kaden lay cut up and marred with blood, blood dried and fresh. His hair was a mess and his mouth was slightly open in a silent whisper. Cuts lined his arms and neck. What appeared to be burn marks riddled his arms as well.

The heart monitor beeped slowly. I looked at it and frowned, not liking how long it was taking in between the not so subtle sounds emitted.

I was too fearful to look at Kaden again... not because I was scared to see him, but I was scared of the look of death the shadowed his features.

"What happened...?" I managed to get out and Katlyn cried on Clayton's shoulder whereas Ryan growled, "He did it to himself."

My chest tightened as I risked a glance at my mate and I backed away grabbing frantically at the door handle. I needed out; I needed to breathe.

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