Chapter One: The Electrical Conduit

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(F/c) = Favorite Color
(H/c) = Hair Color
(H/l) = Hair Length
(E/c) = Eye Color
(F/n) = First Name
(L/n) = Last Name
(M/n) = Main Name or Preferred Name

(Your P.O.V)

From The Moment I could walk I was trained in the art of rope dart combat. They kept saying I was special. Mainly because I was a prodigy with the Rope Dart... I never understood that though. I never thought I was special. I thought I was average. You know (H/C) (H/L) hair and (E/C) eyes. I might've been a bit more energized than most but that never really meant anything to me. I never understood why I had more energy than most, until my powers surfaced. Then I knew I was different. It was fine for a good while but one day that changed. My difference got my parents killed. My friends yelled at me and abandoned me because of my difference. I have been hunted because of my difference. People have sought to use me for my difference. I was also recently captured by some skilled raiders in my sleep and sold as a weapon because of my damned difference.

Now here I sit. On A Ship headed for an unknown destination. I am shackled and caged like an animal. The room I am in is very dimly lit. The bulb lighting the room above me is flickering ever so slightly. The room itself is a faded brownish color. The paint on the walls is old it seems as it is flaking and tearing off the walls. The chains I am locked in are made of a hardened steel which is smart as my electricity will not pass through it with ease and not being able to stand makes it impossible for me to get my electricity strong enough to break it. Otherwise I could escape. The cell door bars however are simply iron or maybe steel. Hard to tell with how rusted they are. The ship as a whole must be in a similar condition. There are two empty plates in front of me. One had simple stale bread that the rats have since taken away to consume and the other had dirty water. I guess they don't care if I'm in good condition when I arrive at our destination. Apparently the Earth Queen, Hou-Ting, wishes to buy me and enslave me as a living weapon. She's in for a hell of a fight. I won't break... I'll die before I let my powers hurt more people. This whole being special crap is terrible. Sometimes I wonder why i don't just lay down and die... Then I remember my parents would be angry if I did... I am shaken from my thoughts thanks to a loud bang. Then I felt the ship begin to tremble. I heard what sounded like fighting. After a few minutes three men stood in front of my cell. They each wore dark colored robes. red, blue, and green respectively. Their faces are covered by what I assume are bandannas. I decided to play coy. I knew they were part of the Triad.

You: "H-hello.. W-who are y-you?" I said faking my nervousness. I may not be good at lying most of the time but in dire situations I could fool a god. They each smiled at me. The dumb asses bought it. This will be fun. Looks like I'm going to get away... Again. Only to continue wandering alone for the rest of my life...

(???): "We" he said as he gestured to a smaller and a larger man than himself. "are the Triple Threat Triad. We came to bust you out so you can join our gang in Republic City." He finished as the bigger man ripped my cell's door of it's hinges. I would be impressed but I've seen stronger.

I just nodded looking thankful. The man that was speaking proceeded to destroy my shackles and gestured for me to follow. I complied until we reached what I recognized as the exit. I proceeded to but my hands on two of their shoulders. I surged some electricity that shows (F/C) through them. Before the third guy could even react I grabbed both sides of his head and did the same. I ran towards the exit only to have it fly open. A man wearing a suit with a mask and some strange glove was standing there. He charged me without saying a word. I just sent a wave of (F/C) electricity at him slamming him into the wall. I ran up and kicked him in the face knocking him out. I exited the ship to be met with chaos. Two gangs were fighting. I saw a life boat and ran too it. Every time someone tried to stop me they got hit by someone else. I got the boat in the water and jumped in before I could be grabbed. Luckily for me it had a map and i used my electricity to propel the boat towards this "Republic City." What will I find there though?

The Electrical Conduit. Male Reader x KorraWhere stories live. Discover now