Chapter Eighteen: A Correct Suspicion And One Surprising Entrance

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(Your POV)

Two days later the new benders arrived on a small air craft instead of Oogi. I hope he's okay. Maybe he's just tired. They were delayed due to a pretty bad storm or so one of them said. I took note of each one. One of them however stood out. He looked... Off. Almost like he's planning something. I'm going to keep an eye on him. He is an older man. Likely in his late thirties to mid-forties. He has a shaven head and is wearing dark pale green robes. He's much older than the others and has a certain air about him... One of control. He glances at me with his dark brown eyes before walking off. If I am not mistaken he increased his speed slightly. Interesting indeed. I'll keep the suspicion to myself until I have proof. As I shake hands with each one they each took note of certain aspects of my 'aura' as they put it. They each recognized me as the Electric bender. They all were intrigued to say the least. After a while they followed Meelo and Ikki to begin training. I intend to watch before I leave. After all when I watched the first time I met someone who was a professional painter. I ended up asking her about it and she said if I wanted she could teach me. I was ecstatic and said after she trained fully I'd love to learn from her... I could finally capture those beautiful scenes I love so much. As I go back into the Temple I am greeted by Kya who looks slightly annoyed. Oh boy.

You: "What's the matter Kya?" I ask looking at her. She turns to me and her annoyed look does not fade at all.

Kya: "Oogi can't make the trip back. He's been having stomach problems." I shoulders droop slightly. "But... We have a way to get you there." I perk up slightly. I nod wanting her to continue. "Lin can have someone take you in a smaller air craft but you'd have to... Jump." I get a wicked almost crazy smile on my face.

You: "Oh. Hell. Yes." I say still smiling at her. She is slightly taken aback at that.

Kya: "Are you one hundred percent sure? I mean it's dangerous." I just shake my head at her.

You: "I did something similar to try and shake Unalaq when we went to fight him." I smile at the memory. That was tons of fun. She laughs slightly at that.

Kya: "You didn't break your legs though." I nod in response. She looks slightly surprised.

You: "There are two factors that go into that stunt though. One: I can use my electricity fly or float depending on what I need. So I can use it as a make shift parachute if needed. Two: I channeled some electricity into my feet and that helped break the fall. Thus all the dust and small crater... I can't really do that for any other part of my body to the same extent." She smiles slightly and nods. It's also the reason I survived falling down that cliff a few years ago. I still got impaled but neither my got broken when I finally landed on the ground. Gods that stalagmite hurt allot. The cauterizing was even worse though... I shudder at the memory.

Kya: "Only being able to dampen the damage in your feet and legs... Not that useful." I start laughing at that statement. No it's not I've used it a total of... Twice now soon to be three times. I stop laughing shaking my head.

You: "Yeah... I've used it like twice in my whole life. I can't even use it in combat... So you know if someone stomps my foot it hurts." She starts laughing now. I just chuckle a bit. Once she calms down she looks at me shaking her head.

Kya: "Well I'll call Lin and tell her it's fine... Anyway..." She pauses for a bit. "Normally I'd be helping you heal. So what do you want to do?" I put my hand to my chin and think. There isn't all that much I'd like to do... There are a few things I need to do however.

You: "I need to take a trip to a smith and have my armor fixed. Something tells me I may need it." She smiles and nods at me. It got pretty banged up in our fight against Unalaq and Vaatu and I haven't been well enough to take it myself.

The Electrical Conduit. Male Reader x KorraWhere stories live. Discover now