Chapter Seven: The Storm

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(Your POV)

Everything has been going pretty well since the day I spent with Korra a week ago. For me and Olivia anyway. Mako, Korra, and Asami however. Well as Bolin put it, 'You could cut the tension with a knife.' Oh boy. I stayed in the Temple as they went to investigate Korra's claims. I was currently helping Pema do the dishes.

Pema: "I appreciate the help (M/N)" She said with a warm smile. She's said this every time I've helped her was the dishes. Why? I don't know. But I appreciate it.

You: "It's not a problem. It's the least I can do since you guys let me and Olivia stay here. Also I've been meaning to ask. How goes her studies?" I asked with a smile as I put away the last dish. Olivia tells me of things she learns but not much else. She's like a six-year-old sometimes with the things she learns.

Pema: "You'd be surprised and proud with how well she does. She's extremely smart and can grasp new concepts pretty well." She replied with a smile Good. Good. She'll have a nice life if that's true. I smiled back.

You: "Well that's good to hear. I just wish I could get her things you know? As a reward. She deserves it." I finished sounding slightly sad. She doesn't have a whole lot. That's understandable but she deserves it.

Pema: "You sound like her father. Hmm. Well she doesn't seem to mind. She's just happy to have friends... and a small family." She finished with a slight smile. I looked at her slightly confused by she just smiled and went to check on the kids. I just sighed and finished putting the dishes away. When I left the kitchen I saw Mako and Asami... But no Korra. Hell. I run up to them and ask sounding slightly angry. "What. Happened?" They looked at me with sad faces. Mako spoke in a slightly panicked tone.

Mako: "She was taken by the Equalists. Turns out she was right about Hiroshi." He said sounding slightly panicked. I just sighed. Look at who has realized he was an ass. i can find her easily. I then replied.

You: "Mako go fetch Tenzin and inform him on the situation. Asami. Come with me. We're taking a ride on Naga while I focus." I finished. Before they could protest I began to walk towards Naga. Mako would be useless right now. Not that it matters to much I suppose. Asami followed me and asked two questions.

Asami: "What's your plan and why didn't you take Mako instead?" She asked sounding a little surprised. I just shake my head. I have answers for both.

You: "I can sense the electrical impulses in people's muscles as they move. It's how I knew you were following me. If I focus, I'll be able to sense her heart beat. As for why I didn't bring Mako. He'd be controlled by his emotions right now so he would be mostly useless." I finished as I was climbing on Naga. She nodded as I helped her up. We headed towards the city. Once we landed on the docks I spoke. "Lead Naga around at random whilst I focus." We switched places and I assumed my meditative stance.

Time seemed to vanish. At first I could sense all heartbeats at once, however as I focused on her specifically the others seemed to vanish slowly. I focused on her hair, her eyes, her face, anything that was unique to her so I could focus better. There. I sense her in a club three blocks from our current location. I come out of my stance and lean towards Asami.

You: "I sense her heart beat in a club three blocks from here. Take a left up ahead and it'll be on the right." She nodded and seemed to shiver slightly. I guess I got to close. We arrived and got off Naga. I turned to her and asked. "Can you fight or am I doing this alone?" She just smirked. Stupid question I guess.

Asami: "I may be wealthy but I know how to fight. I even snatched one of their gloves." I smirked in turn. That'll be fun. Taste of their own medicine and all.

You: "Well then Madame Asami. Shall we kick their asses and get our friend back?" I asked. She just nodded. I walked up to the door and kicked it down. Some people screamed as we just waltzed in. There were some strange machines with slots in them making some noises. The interior was yellow and red likely to make people feel excited. Some Equalists noticed and began walking to us as I spoke. "Good evening ladies and gentlemen. We are tonight's entertainment. Now I'm only going to ask once and if you don't answer me and my lady friend here will kick your ass six ways from Sunday. Where is the Avatar?" I asked with allot of venom in my voice. The five men that stood before us said nothing so I just sighed. "Fine. Show me what you can do!" I shouted as I took my stance as my body gave off electricity.

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