Chapter Sixteen: A Big Surprise and A New Mission

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(Your POV)

It's been a about A month since Vaatu and Unalaq were banished. I'm still recovering from my Broken and Bruised ribs. The damage was far worse than we thought. More were broken and the degree of which they were broken was allot worse than we thought. It's going to take up to another month or two heal completely. We discovered this after a second examination that Katara gave me. Not much has happened. I had to stay down until I could walk properly. Even now it still hurts quite allot. I was able to teach Korra some more basic uses of electricity such as healing and the detecting muscle pulses. She needs to work on the ladder but she'll catch on. I have no doubt. We even celebrated Korra's birthday in the past month. It was a big affair. Lots of people came. It was quite loud but I did enjoy it. Korra even helped me around then even when I told her I could get someone else to do it so she could enjoy her party. She said no she's fine with it and it makes sure she can talk with me at the party, with her normal big smile. I even got to meet her mother Senna. She spent time getting to know me and before she left she told me she 'approved.' For Pete's sake. That's another person that is hoping we get together. I'm willing to bet her father may jump on the idea as well... Anyway before I lose train of thought. Today I am with Korra, Tenzin, and Jinora in the city. I had to go to a doctor for a checkup and they wanted to continue fighting the vines. I burned them as I waited to go back. The damned vines aren't stopping their growth however. That coupled with the random spirits has people on edge. Korra and the other two are trying to destroy the vines but I'm leaning on a wall for two reasons. The main one is that I'm still hurting. They stop and Korra looks around for me. She turns to see me on the wall.

Korra: "Why'd you stop burning them?" She asks referring to the vines. I shake my head and chuckle softly trying to ignore the pain.

You: "The pain is getting to me and I know a losing battle when I see one." She stifles a laugh and shakes her head at me. "You know I'm right." She simply nods. You're damn right I'm right.

Jinora: "I have to agree. I think we've done what we can." I look towards her and nod. As I stand I grunt holding my left side. Korra comes over and makes sure I stay standing.

Korra: "Maybe this was a bad Idea." I have to agree in this case. I'm healing pretty well but I'm still recovering.

You: "Yeah... I think so as well. Can we head back? I need to sit down." She nods and smiles at me. Korra's has been most the most help to me since I broke my ribs. She even watches Olivia when Bolin helps me to a Doctor's appointment. She lets me lean on her a bit as we walk. "I'll have to think of a way to repay you when I get better." She smiles and shakes her head in a no fashion.

Korra: "Nah! You saved me from that spirit beam. And helped save the world. It's the least I could do." She's beaming at me. I smile and nod. I will pay her back with something though I don't know what or how.

As we head back to Oogi I can hear Jinora and Tenzin talking to one another though I can't quite catch what they are saying. Me and Korra chat a bit. It seems that new Air Benders have begun popping up since that portal was opened. I guess there was an Imbalance without them. She and the others along with Tenzin and Jinora will be leaving in a few days to go looking for them all. I won't be able to Join them until I'm healed. Korra was upset by the prospect but knew it wasn't my choice. We've been getting closer over these few weeks. Not that we weren't close as it was when we trained. Still the time she's spent with me was mainly because it's hard for me to walk and even breathe on occasion. She didn't mind. She tells me she likes talking to me allot. I feel the same. Of course Pema kept trying to convince me I was in love with her but... Never mind. Oogi comes into view. Korra and Jinora use their air bending to help me onto his back. He lowers a bit as they do this so it's easier for us. He can sense my pain which is interesting. We take off and begin heading home.

The Electrical Conduit. Male Reader x KorraWhere stories live. Discover now