Chapter Twenty One: Zaofu

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(Your POV)

It's been... A long week... I haven't really said much about it to anyone... I feel bad about that but I am processing things. Tenzin, Jinora, and Kai left for the northern air temple yesterday. I did hug Tenzin and Jinora and say goodbye to Kai. Me and Korra have been training when we are docked somewhere... She's been practicing on her own and has made some good progress though it is rough... She always checks on me before bed to make sure I'm okay which I am very grateful for. Bolin and Mako haven't said anything about it and neither has Asami. I'll tell them in a way. Right now the airship is headed to Zaofu. There is an Air Bender there that we need to find. As for me... I'm leaning against Naga as she rests her head on my lap. Since I got back she's been clingy to me. Not that I mind too much. I guess she knows I'm a bit off right now. I'm just scratching behind her ears lazily as we watch the landscape go by. I smile slightly as I look up and close my eyes. I smile fades when I remember what I nearly did to Korra... She isn't upset about it or anything... I just wish we... My thoughts are interrupted when I hear the door open. I open my eyes and look to the door. I smile as I see it is Korra and the others. I told them to meet me out hear after breakfast at some point and here they are. I wave them over. They smile and start heading my way. Korra sits next to me leaning on Naga as well. Bolin, Asami, and Mako sit in front of me. I breathe in the fresh air still smiling before speaking.

You: "I imagine you are wondering why you are out here?" I ask them not really changing my expression at all. All but Korra nod. She knows what I'm planning. In fact, she helped me find the word I want to use. My smile fades as I continue. "I also imagine you're curious as to why I've been... So quiet." I said flatly. They again nod at me. Korra looks at me worried. I look at her and just nod. "It involves... My issues." I said rather sadly. All three of the gang in front of me look quite concerned.

Asami: "Are you alright? Do you need to talk?" Asami asked me with her voice heavy with worry and concern. Sort of bob my head side to side before speaking.

You: "I just... It's about my clan." The three go wide eyed. "I'm not going to repeat everything I said to Korra." I said looking at said woman. She smiles and places her hand on my back preemptively. "I'll say one word and I have faith you all are more than smart enough to figure it out." I said flatly with a frown on my face. They all look confused. I look down for a moment.

Asami: "What word?" Asami asked me still sounding concerned. I look back up with sad eyes.

You: "Guilt." That is all I say. They all look at each other as I feel Korra rub circles in my back. I guess she heard the strain in my voice. I had to force it out. It's a quiet few minutes as they look at each other having a silent conversation. Then I hear Asami gasp slightly and I see her look at me wide eyed. I simply nod and she looks slightly shocked as she places her hand over her mouth. Mako and Bolin look at her. They look between us. Asami removes her hand before speaking.

Asami: "(M/n)... It's not your fault." She says slightly shaky as if she's quite upset at my response. I simply look down remembering that's how Korra broke me. I look back up to see Bolin and Mako both slightly wide eyed.

Mako: "You... You blamed yourself? All this time since then?" He asks sounding shocked and concerned. I simply nod and I then feel Naga lick my hand that was on my lap. I look at her and pet her ears to try and keep calm. "Brother... You didn't kill them... Why?" He asks sounding a it surprised at the revalation. I figured I'd have to explain that much. Korra looks at me worried and I simply nod. She knows I may need help through this.

You: "Remember... What the Grandmaster said to me?" I ask them with a sad tone. They all nod and I then continue. "The Temple said the same... They all... Died simply because I was born... Because I existed." I breathe in deep to try and keep calm. I still feel tears in my eyes. I hear Naga make a noise that sounds somewhat like a whimper. She looks up at me with sad dog eyes and I simply nod. She then nuzzles into me more. She's far smarter than I give her credit for. "That's... Why I am the way I am..." The three look down as I lean a bit further into Naga, which she didn't seem to mind to much. "I just... Was scared to be close to people..." I replied sadly. I then gain a small smile when I think of the next line. "But... You all proved me wrong... I know you care." The three looked back up smiling at the statement. "So... Thank you so much." I said as my smile got slightly wider.

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