Chapter Twenty Five: I Swear I Will Not Leave You Broken

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(Your POV)

I slowly open my aching eyes. It takes me a moment to focus completely but I realize I am back at the Air Temple in my room. Slowly and painfully I sit up. Raiden worked my ass of it seems. It seems to be... Early Morning? Huh... I go to stretch which, although hurt, felt nice. I then hear footsteps heading in my direction. Before I even call out the door opens to reveal Kya. She looks at me wide eyed for a moment before walking over quickly to hug me. I grunt in pain but hug her back. I smile as we stay that way.

Kya: "I'm so happy you're okay." She says as she pulls away from me. She then slaps the back of my head looking a bit angry. "I said be careful! I was worried sick when I saw you passed out like you were!" She shouts at me as I rub the spot she hit. She then hugs me again.

You: "Sorry... I had to save the benders... And Korra..." I said as I hug her back. I hear her sigh a bit in frustration. "I... Also finally admitted it to myself." I said a bit quietly like it was a secret. She pulls back when I say that and looks at me confused. "I... Admitted I love Korra." She then smiles wide for a moment before it fades. I then go wide eyed and stand quickly. I put on a shirt and look at Kya. "Where is she?" I ask slightly frantic. She stands up quickly from her spot.

Kya: "Her room." She replies quickly knowing i'm worried sick. I nod, give her a quick hug and leave my room quickly. I do not stop to say anything to anyone, my only concern was seeing her. I quickly got to her room and gently opened the door. She had her hair down and was laying on her bed sleeping still. I sigh slightly as I sit next to her. I brush some hair from her face before holding her hand gently.

You: "I... I'm sorry... I'm sorry you had to go through this." I said in a whisper. "If I was faster then..." I shake my head. No, no she wouldn't want me to blame myself. I then just sit there in silence... I intended on telling Korra how I felt when we got to the northern Air Temple but... All this happened. Now I think... I may keep it quiet for now... At least until she's... I don't think better is the word. I then begin to nod off. Just before I go out I feel my head land on her bed.

(Korra's POV)

I wake up slowly feeling completely weak... It's a task just to move my head right now... Maybe it'll pass. I try and move my right arm but I feel my that my hand is being weighed down by something. I turn my head slowly only to met with (M/n) holding my hand while he's sleeping with his head right next to my hand... He must've woke up before me and came here... Worried about others over himself again... Foolish, foolish guy... It's one of the reason I like him so much. I smile at him and gently squeeze his hand in turn. I didn't think it'd wake him up but it somehow did. He began to stir and sit up. He let's go of my hand to my disappointment and rubs his eyes. He then looks at me blankly before realizing I am awake. He immediately jolts slightly and hugs me gently yet deeply. I smile and hug him back to the best of my ability. He lets go after sometime and looks at me.

You: "Do you need anything? I can-" I cut him off by raising my hand up.

Korra: "No... Just stay." He smiles gently at me and nods once to let me know he understands. I, quite bravely, reach for his hand once more. I grab it and he looks at me. I smile at him and he squeezes my hand in turn. I then see him gain a sad look which concerns me. "What's wrong?" I ask with concern. He doesn't respond for a bit. It's like he's concentrating. He then looks at me with sad eyes... This isn't good.

You: "My time... Fighting assassins... Gave me knowledge on poisons." He said as his sad look only intensifies. "They poisoned you with mercury... It... *sigh* it attacks the muscles... And judging by what I can sense... It severely affected the muscles in your legs..." I go slightly wide eyed... Is he saying that... "You... May have to relearn to walk..." He finished very sadly. He is... No...

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