Chapter Thirty Two: The Dirty Move And Meeting A Hero

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(Korra's POV)

I slowly open my eyes as the clear sunlight seeps into the window of (M/n)'s room. I pull back from (M/n) ever so slightly so I don't wake him up. I smile and sigh happily looking at him. He looks so peaceful and quite cute I might add. His mouth is parted ever so slightly as he's breathing and I can see his eyes fluttering around. I wonder what he's dreaming about. I place a hand on his cheek and begin to stroke it and his eye lashes gently with my thumb. He makes a near purring sound as I do this which makes me smile. A few moments later his nose scrunches and his eyes flutter open. He blinks a few times before looking at me. He smiles at me when he does. I kiss him on the lips and he returns it. Once we separate he smiles again and his eyes are filled with love.

You: "Morning beautiful." He said in a soft and loving tone. I smiled back at him and kissed his cheek.

Korra: "Morning to you to good looking." He chuckles at my compliment and kisses my cheek in return. I hug him closer and snuggle into his chest. I can feel his chest vibrate when he chuckles after I do so.

You: "You know we have to meet with Sue today." He says softly to me. I groan and he chuckles again. "Let's get up." He says to me. I pull back and look at him.

Korra: "Five more minutes?" I ask as I give him puppy dog eyes. He smiles and rolls his eyes.

You: "Fifteen since your so damn cute and I can't resist." He says giving in. I smile and quickly kiss him before placing my ear to his chest as I snuggle back into him. He hugs me a bit tighter but not to the point that its uncomfortable.

He then begins to run his fingers through my hair. I can hear his heartbeat in this position. Slow and strong. I expected as much. I begin to fully relax just enjoying the position I am in. I feel him do the same as his body seems to unstiffen ever so slightly. He starts humming a strange tune not that I minded... Just added to the relaxed atmosphere. I sigh happily and I hear him do the same after his little tune ended. It almost felt like an eternity there. Just embracing each other. I suppose that makes sense considering he's been holding in his feelings for my sake. I smile at that, he showed he loved me without me realizing it. I pull back slightly to kiss him on the lips again. After I do I go back to my spot.

You: "What was that one for?" He asks me a bit surprised. I sigh happily.

Korra; "Just realized something that's all." I say simply. He hums in response but doesn't press further. Some more time passes as I just listen to the sound of his heart and breathe but... Like all good things It has to end.

You: "We have to get up now." He says sounding a bit disappointed. I groan but do so. He lets me go so I can sit up. I get up and turn to face him. I see him burring his face in his pillow.

Korra: "Something wrong?" I ask him sounding concerned. He turns to face me.

You: "I thought you'd want to get dressed with the clothes you brought with you yesterday." He says before going back to his pillow. I then realize he didn't want to peak without my permission. I giggle slightly.

Korra: "Right. Let me get a proper shirt on then you can turn around." He nods in his pillow and I begin to get dressed.

(Your POV)

I keep my face buried in my pillow as I hear Korra's clothes ruffle. I will not lie, the urge to peek is great but if I have a large amount of anything its self-control. I stay this way until she pats my shoulder. I take that as my que and face her. I blush madly as I see her in a top of some kind that does not look like a shirt. It shows a great deal of her mid riff and the top part of her pants. I look away again blushing up a storm. and she just chuckles.

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