Chapter Thirty Nine: A Moment To Breathe

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(Your POV)

I awake feeling someone nudge my shoulder. I grumble but open my eyes after a little bit. I yawned. I look over my shoulder and see Olivia looking at me sadly. I wiggle out of Korra's grasp and turn to face her as I sit up. I rub my eyes for a moment so I can see her clearly. She looks a bit scared.

You: "*Yawn* Sweetie? What's wrong?" I ask her quietly and tiredly. She frowns and hugs me quickly. I hug back and rub her back gently. "Nightmare?" I ask her quietly. She nods her head in a yes fashion. I pull her back slightly and smile at her. "Let me see if you can sleep here." I say in a loving tone. She nods and I begin to nudge Korra. "Korra." I whisper to said person. She grumbles but opens her eyes. She looks at me and I point to Olivia. "She had a nightmare." I said gently. Korra takes a moment to process what I said. She nods weakly and sits up. She then looks at Olivia and pats the bed. Olivia smiles and climbs in between us. Me and Korra lay back down and get comfy. I look at Olivia and smile at her. "Better?" I ask her gently. She nods and scooches closer to me.

She snuggles happily into me before closing her eyes. I begin humming the song I sang her years ago. I hear her sigh happily before her breathing evens out. I then look at Korra whom kisses her head before reaching over to give me a goodnight kiss. I return it and Korra gets comfy in bed once more. I watch Korra as she scooches slightly closer to me and Olivia before closing her eyes. I watch her and see her breathing even out. Once it does I close my eyes and follow suit.


(Asami's POV)

I am currently walking towards (M/n) and Korra's shared room to get them up. We have allot to do today and we need their help... Though we all agreed to let them sleep in a bit considering what they have gone through... I spent that time cuddling with Alistair... or I should say my fiancé. I sigh happily and smile at that as I approach their door. I knock once before opening it. I have to take a moment to process what I'm seeing. (M/n) is at the foot of the bed with his legs half hanging off while using Korra's feet as a pillow. Olivia as sprawled across the front of the bed with her head very close to Korra's side while Korra herself has an arm hanging off the side and legs spread open. The covers are sprawled everywhere and I can hear their soft snoring. I cannot decide if this is cute or funny. I eventually let out a small giggle before knocking on the wall. All three jerk awake. (M/n) falls to the floor, Olivia sits straight looking around panicky while Korra rolls off the bed. Now I'm laughing hard as the three begin to recover. I hear (M/n) groan and see Olivia go help him and Korra up. They all sit on the bed and look at me like they are unamused.

Asami: "Sorry... It was to funny." I said holding back another laugh. All three shake their heads at me as I hear (M/n) sigh at me. "Anyway. Why are you here Olivia?" I ask her with a raised brow. She blushes deeply but (M/n).

You: "Nightmare... And I didn't want to send her away... not after..." (M/n) trailed off at the end. I nod in understanding as Olivia hugs him. She's a bit old for this kind of thing but... In this case I understand. He doesn't want to leave her alone if she doesn't feel safe. That will pass but I get it.

Asami: "Alright... Anyway. (M/n) you need to go with Tonraq to get a suit from a nearby city. Korra. Me, you, Olivia, and some others are going to get some proper clothes for the wedding." I inform them with a smile. Olivia smiles wide and runs up to hug me. I hug her back with a smile.

Olivia: "I'll go get ready now!" Olivia exclaims happily. She runs over and hugs her dad and Korra before running off. (M/n) and Korra chuckle at her antics. (M/n) then stands and stretches. He then looks at me.

You: "I'll go shower then head out with Tonraq." (M/n) said to me tiredly. He yawned a bit before going over to Korra. He kissed her sweetly and smiled at her. "I'll see you later Kadan." He said lovingly. She smiled and nodded at him before he left the room. I look at Korra whom is still smiling gently.

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