Chapter Four: I'm Sorry Child

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(Your POV)

I awoke the following morning a bit earlier than most. I wanted to practice my bending a bit and sense this "Temple" has a large court yard I figured I'd do it there. I got up and dressed in my old clothes. A raggedy pair of black pants, a (F/C) shirt and boots that look like they are 50 years old. I sighed and could not wait to get clothes that would not only actually be warm but also be nice. I got some water to drink before heading outside. I walk to the open court yard. The sun is just now barely peaking over the horizon of the sleeping Republic City. It's times like this that I wish I could paint. It's such a beautiful scene. At any rate I walk to the middle of the courtyard after removing my shirt. Doing so revealed the multitude of cut, slash, and burn scars I've accumulated over the years. I assumed my stance. Oddly before I begin a memory triggers in my head... No... Why now? I have nothing to trigger it yet here it comes... Gods I hope it doesn't play all the way through... They don't need to know this... Not yet or even ever... Hopefully they'll still be asleep when...

*FLASHBACK (Still Your POV)*

My father woke me up gently before the sun rises. Most kids complain about this but he knew I loved watching the sun rise over the horizon before we trained. I yawned and rubbed my eyes. I got up and dressed myself quickly. I ran outside to our spot on the hill and as normal mother and father were waiting for me. I ran to them and mother grabbed me holding me tight. We sat together and cuddled as the sun rose. No words were spoken. We loved each other and that was enough. Once the sun rose completely me and father began training in the Rope Dart style of combat.

*END FLASHBACK (Still Your Pov)*

I miss those days... I miss... Never mind... I began my fluid movements not yet adding electricity. I move my left hand and over my right until I switch my hands positions so my right palm can be facing out. Now I add my (F/C) electricity. I toss it out like it was one of the ancient Rope Darts and yank it back, flipping as if I was going to punch someone in the face after I yanked them. I followed up with my other whip slamming down on the invisible target. As I continue the memory moves forward in my head. Why? Why do I have to relive this again? Why d I have to go through this over and over again? What did I do to deserve this hell?!

*FLASHBACK (Still Your POV)*

A year after that day I turned 9. That's when my bending surfaced. I was so ecstatic but my parents looked worried. I asked them.

You: "You guys look worried is everything okay? Isn't this a good thing?"

Mom: "Yes it is a wonderful thing sweetie but. This kind of bending isn't supposed to exist. It makes you extremely special we just are unsure how to teach you how to use it." She said looking at me with a gentle smile.

I thought for a moment. Hmm. I remembered how lightning looked in the sky than snapped my fingers and spoke again.

You: "ROPE DART!!! LIGHTNING WHIPS IN THE SKY IT'S NO DIFFERENT!!!" I shouted triumphantly. Typical kid. They shout when they feel like they solved one of life's greatest mysteries.

My dad laughed a deep laugh. He looked at me and ruffled my hair. My mom smiled wide and hugged me tight. Then dad lead me to our normal training spot and we began integrating my electricity in my combat. It took weeks but I was finally able to create whips with my lightning. I quickly became a force to be reckoned with.

*END FLASHBACK (Still Your Pov)*

I felt so damn smart that day... Gods... Little did I know what that bending meant for me... I shake my head as I continue. I continued my movements. Flipping, jabbing, whipping, and so on. I gained an audience but did not notice. Suddenly my powers amp up a bit. I knew why. The one moment that made me realize what I was, began playing in my head. That day... It still hurts. I never had a moment to stop and think about what happened or... grieve. I was always running. My life went from one with a happy family with loving friends to hell in less than a day. The destruction still rings through my mind. My entire clan destroyed because I was "Special." I began to feel the emotions build as the last of the memories played in my mind. I can already feel the anger and tears... No... No... Please gods... Not again...

The Electrical Conduit. Male Reader x KorraWhere stories live. Discover now