Chapter Twelve: Location, Location, Location

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(Your POV)

I wake up with a start... Though I have been able to open up it's still there. The fire, the blood, the screams... I just sigh and wipe my forehead as I calm myself down as much as I can. As I get up and stretch I hear a knock on the door. I walk to it and open it only to be met with General Iroh. I spoke to him on occasion but never to an extreme extent due to his job. He is tall man that is easily 26 maybe twenty-seven. He has black hair in a military style cut. He seemed like an honorable man.

You: "Hello, General Iroh. How can I help you?" I asked politely. He just chuckles.

Iroh: "Nothing. I just wanted to thank you for saving my mother and grandfather from those assassins. Also dinner is ready." He said smiling. That's not needed. But that's okay.

You: "Izumi's your mother? So you're like a prince then." I say smiling back. He just rolls his eyes. I guess he's not fond of the idea or just doesn't care.

Iroh: "Yes but first I'm a general." He chuckles at the end. Fair enough. Duty above all and what not.

You: "Well you're welcome sir. It was the right thing to do. Anyway. Tell them I'll join them in a moment. I took a small nap it seems." I smiled. He just nods and leaves. I shut the door.

I walk back to my bed and pull out my sandals from my pack. I slip them on. Though I sit there for a moment and think. How are we going to find the guild's location? I will not kill without good reason... They won't talk. Wait. Could we use where these assassins have struck to try and find where they came from? I'll ask the Fire Lord. I then stand and leave my room. As I am walking I notice a few guards give me salutes. I'm guessing Iroh told them to do so. I just smile and nod towards each as I walk. I hear some people talking through a specific door so I head inside. Luckily for me it was the right one. The room was a well lit dinig hall. Oddly though there are two seperate eating areas. A small and a large one. I guess the small one they are sitting at is where the family eats when they are alone. The Fire Lord notices me.

Izumi: "Please. Sit." She said signaling me to sit next to Iroh. I smile and nod and do just that. As I sit I look towards the fire lord and speak.

You: "Thank you Fire Lord Izumi. I really appreciate the food." I said with a small bow of my head. As I look back up I see her once again waving it off.

Izumi: "Please, it's fine. And while were alone, Izumi is just fine." She said smiling slightly at me. I smile in kind.

You: "I have an idea on how to track the guild." They all looked at me. "I have encountered three assassins now. If we could try and track their movements we may be able to pinpoint an area that their guild might be in. The more assassins we have the easier that becomes." I finish as a plate of food is placed in front of me. Iroh looks impressed. This is not my first rodeo.

Izumi: "Clever. If you track where they left this Nation to find you or a general direction the other two came from to kill me you think you can track their movements and find their base." She said looking at me. I do not nod. It's not that easy. But It will narrow it down by a hell of allot.

You: "Not it's precise location but a general area it is located in. I'd triangulate that position and scout the area myself. If I find the base. I'd return and prepare." I said before taking a bite of my food. It seemed to be spicy. Also unlike the air benders it seemed that this place wasn't afraid to eat meat. What a nice treat. Though Pema's cooking is better. Not like I'm saying that out loud though.

Iroh: "And you'd have soldiers to back you up." He said after swallowing some food. I'd prefer a small number so we wouldn't be noticed.

You: "As long as they are quiet. They most likely know I am here by now and I thwarted their assassination attempt on your life Fire L- Izumi..." I just thought of something. Hell! "Hell! Odds are they'll have people come kill those assassins!" I said a little louder than intended. Iroh shakes his head. I guess he already figured that out.

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