Chapter Thirty Five: What A Wonderful World

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(Your POV)

I can't believe I'm going to do this... I won't lie I am scared out of my damned mind... But I need to do it... We are currently docking at the Southern Water Tribe so I can go ask Kya if she will come with me... I need her, Korra, and everyone. Hell even Olivia agreed t come with me... I also packed that Grandmaster's mask for... If I manage to find what's left of them. Once the ship docks I tell them all to wait so I can go fetch her. They all agree though Korra seems reluctant to leave me alone to do this. She's been worried sick for me since yesterday and had a death like grip on my body when we went to sleep last night. I begin walking at a decent pace to Kya's house. I don't really look at anyone that I pass by do to wanting to get to Kya's as fast as I can. Not to long later I arrive and knock on the door. After a moment Kya answers and smiles when she sees me though I guess she saw my scared esc expression and grabbed both of my arms.

Kya: "What's wrong? Did something happen?" Kya asked me sounding extremely worried. I sighed a bit shakily bit don't exactly answer her question just yet.

You: "Can we go inside..." I ask in a quiet tone. She nods and leads me inside. Once she shuts the door I look at her and her worried look gets worse when she sees my fear. "I... I've decided that it's time." I said in an almost scared tone. She gains a slight confused look. "I... I've decided to go home..." I said sadly in a hushed tone. She seems to process what I said for a moment and then gains a surprised look and hugs me deeply. I return it weakly. "I... I want you to come... Please." I said in an almost begging like tone of voice.

Kya: "Of course." I smile weakly at that. "How are we getting there?" She asked me in a hushed tone still holding onto me.

You: "Lin's taking us." I said to her as I pulled away. She still has her hands on my shoulders. "Korra, Olivia, Bolin, Asami, and Mako agreed to be with me when I go." I said with a weak smile. She smiled gently at me.

Kya: "I guessed as much... Let me pack and tell my mom where I'm going." She said gently to me. I nod and she hugs me once more before walking off to do what she said. I imply just stand there and wait. She came back with a small bag and smiled at me. "Ready?" She asked me gently. I nod at her and we walk towards the airship. "Are you ready to go home?" Kya asked me sounding worried. I shake my head no to be honest.

You: "No... But I need to regardless... It's been over ten years... It's time." "I said a bit shakily at the thought. She hums and smiles gently in response.

Kya: "It's probably for the best." She said gently as we approached the door to the airship. I nod in response and we headed inside. Once we got inside Olivia hugged Kya tightly which she gladly returned as I simply walked to the couch and plopped down. Not long after I am joined by Olivia, after she let Kya go, and Korra. Olivia leans on me and Korra wraps and arm around me as I do the same to both. Lin leads Kya to a place where she can settle.

Olivia: "You okay dad?" Olivia asked me gently. I sigh deeply and shake my head no.

You: "No... I've never been this scared of anything..." I said sadly. Olivia latched her arms around me as Korra begins to rub my back. "I only came close to this level of fear when Zaheer captured you and Korra." I said as I looked at Olivia whom is looking at me sadly.

Olivia: "I know you're scared but... I know you can do it. After all you did help get Korra walking again AND save me from Zaheer." Olivia said with a small smile on her face. I return it weakly and hug her. "It's hard I know... But you can do it... And we'll be here with you every step of the way." Olivia said in a more confident tone as she pulled away. I smiled at her.

You: "I know... Thanks Pumpkin." I said gently. She giggled a bit before leaning on me again.

Korra: "She's right. You can do this handsome." Korra said in a loving tone. I chuckle weakly and look at her only yo be me with a gentle kiss which I gladly return. After a time sh separates from me. "Got ya." She said smirking. I roll my eyes playfully.

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