Chapter Eight: That One Moment

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(Your POV)

It's been a month and a half since the Equalists chased us out. However about a week ago we were able to take back the island. It felt good to be back but I couldn't help but feel guilty for damaging the courtyard. Tenzin said it was fine considering why I did what I did. Still. I've spent every day for the past week trying to clean it up. Bolin, Asami, and Olivia help though. It's nice to be doing something 'normal.' All I can say about the progress is this, it's looking good. I bring my current bucket of water inside so I can be rid of it. Once I am finished dumping the dirty water I walk out to the main room only to be greeted by Tenzin and Korra.

You: "Uh. Hi. Need something? I just finished the courtyard, for the day anyway." I said looking at them. Tenzin just shakes his head at me. Every day he tries to tell me I don't need to do this and I always reply I'll worry about it if I want.

Tenzin: "*Sigh* I told you that you don't need to worry about it." He said looking at me slightly befuddled. See? Once again he says that. I'm almost done so why should I stop now?

You: "Let me worry about what I want. Anyway. Did you guys need something?" I asked. Korra smiled brightly. Crap. Is it time?

Korra: "I'm fnished with Tenzin..." She was waiting for me to finish. I sighed. Yes it's time to start it seems.

You: "Let me take a guess. You want to start training with me?" I asked raising an eyebrow. She smiled wide and nodded,

Korra: "DING DING DING!!! We have a winner!" She replied in a sarcastic tone of voice. I just chuckled. Nice. Game show jokes.

You: "When do you wish to start then?" I asked smiling at her. This will be interesting.

Korra: "As soon as possible of course!" She said sounding excited. I chuckle once more. Very well.

You: "Alright... Meet me in the area you and Tenzin were using tomorrow at 6:00 A.M. I'll be up before that but that's only because I like to watch the sun rise." I said smiling slightly. I do love watching it. It's beautiful and calming and reminds me of... Never mind.

Korra: "I'll join you then! You can explain somethings as we watch." She replied. I look at her suspiciously. Sure she will.

You: "That's at like 4:30 you know..." I said sounding a bit cautious. I'm used to being up that early since I used every minute of daylight I could to continue traveling. She just smirked.

Korra: "Okay then. 4:30 it is. Though I may only do it this once." She said scratching the back of her head. I let out a small laugh. 'This once.' Nice.

You: "Fair enough. Well I'm going to go check on Olivia." I said. I was about to leave till I heard Korra speak once more.

Korra: "You really care about her huh? I'd go as far as saying you're like a parent." She said smiling slightly. What?

I paused for a moment. I never really considered that... I mean... I feel responsible for her well-being for some reason. I take care of her when she's sick, sad, or if she has a nightmare. I make sure she's fed and happy. I get on to her if she misbehaves. Huh... I guess I am...

You: "I... Huh... I never considered that... Maybe I am in a way... I feel responsible for her well-being for some reason." I said a little quieter than before. It's true ever since I met her I feel as if it's my job to take care of her in anyway she may need. She smiled. Tenzin spoke.

Tenzin: "You feel as if you should be the one to care for her. That along with the love you show her proves Korra is right. Have you considered adopting her?" He asked me in a serious tone. Again I was caught off guard. Could I? Would I be a good dad for her?

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