Chapter Fifteen: Step Up To The Plate For A Spirit Showdown

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(Your POV)

Me and Korra spoke on the ride to the southern spirit portal. We mainly talked strategy but I ended up asking why she ended it with Mako. She told me what Bolin did. Just different goals and she realized that it was more of a fling than true love. I slightly smirked and she rolled her eyes. She said I was right and I waved it off. I told her it was better to try than not know what would happen. She laughed at that and agreed. We kept talking until we landed at the southern water tribe. I now am getting a far better look at this tribe. Maybe they should rename it to city. The buildings are covered in a thin layer of ice and have simple shapes. I imagine it's done that way to keep the heat inside. They each were colored in some sort of offset of blue which isn't surprising. They also have a... Ferris wheel? Okay... I did miss the festival I suppose. There is also a large ice spire in the water in front of the walled city. We got off and I offered to carry Jinora to Kya and Kitara. I met Kya and a man named Bumi who I learned was Tenzin and Kya's brother last time I was here. He's nice but seems to complain about his lack of bending quite allot. Tenzin allowed me to since he was afraid that he may break down. I carry her bridal style into Katara's house. I lay her down in the pool that she asked me to.

Katara: "How long has she been out?" She asks waving her hands over the girl's sleeping figure. I suppose she's trying to heal her or something.

You: "A day at most. When Korra entered the spirit world this happened." She nods at my reply and continues to do her thing. She is probably trying to detect her spirit. After some time I speak again. "We'll only get her back if Vaatu is banished or destroyed right?" She looks at me with sad eyes. I just nod knowing my answer. "So we have to kill what is basically a god?" She just nods. I nod silently and leave the hut. I see the others looking at me. "The only way for her to come back is to banish or destroy Vaatu." They all look concerned. Tenzin looks defeated and speaks.

Tenzin: "Meaning... He gets the fight he wanted with Korra and Raava?" He asks while looking at me with his eyes that are heavy with worry.

You: "Yes... However, she won't fight him alone." They look at me. "I'll fight with her." They all went wide eyed. They looked like they were about to speak but I put my hand up. "I believe I know Vaatu's plan. Unalaq is nothing more than a tool for him to use. I'd wager he will fuse with him like Raava does with the Avatar." I say looking at Korra. "I'd wager unlike Raava however he will take full control of the body so he can freely leave the spirit world and potentially kill Korra and Raava." They look at me wide eyed. "I'm not an idiot. I've been thinking about this since you guys told me about Unalaq's dumb allegiance with Vaatu. If I can take down Unalaq at the very least Vaatu's plan goes out the window. Though he will still be a major threat I'd wager with the power of The Avatar and myself we could bring him down. Give me some time to come up with a strategy. Until then I'd recommend we each spar or train. We have sometime till the harmonic convergence. Tenzin... I'm sorry about Jinora..." He looks down. "Stay with her... She needs you. As does your mother." He looks up at me and nods. He walks into the hut and I look back at the others. "So... Who wants to take me on first?" Bolin almost immediately raises his hand. I chuckle. "Alright 'Joke master'. Let's find a spot." And with that we walk off.

(Korra's POV)

Didn't even let me protest. Of course he didn't. Still him offering to help me knowing Vaatu could kill him... Puts him in a slightly different light. Sure he defended us from the Equalists and attacked that guild because he wanted us safe but he knew he'd survive both from what he told me. This though... Vaatu could kill him easily if he's not extremely careful... Yet he's willing to risk his life to help me. To make sure I live and we win... Anyway before I dwell on that strange feeling I look towards Mako. Ever since we ended it he's been a bit awkward. I smile at him and speak.

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