Chapter Forty: Closing The Book

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(Your POV)

This place is about as interesting as I expected. The colors are far more saturated, the plants seem to have minds of their own, and there are spirits everywhere. Some have even come to greet the three of us and congratulate us on our multiple victories which I found kind of strange. I never thought spirits would care enough. Olivia is having the time of her life. When we camp to sleep she's often seen chasing some spirits that glow. They don't speak but they seem to enjoy themselves as they let her pet them in some fashion. We are currently walking through what looks like a field. We are currently walking to where the Owl Spirit Wa Shi Tong lives. I wish to ask of he has any knowledge on my clan's past beyond what I know already. Korra and Olivia like the idea and decided to go with it. That was surprising considering I was suggesting going to a giant library essentially. We've been walking for what felt like hours... But I see a large building form in the distance. I then see a large bird fly from one window to the other. We've found it. We approach the building with caution. Once we are close enough we head inside and take in what the building looks like. It seems to be made of a white stone and has multiple arches that seem to lead to different book aisles. The roof is a dome esc structure and there are sevarl torch staunches giving off smoke. We stand there waiting fir the spirit to come forth. Eventually the large owl lands in front of the three of us. It is completely black except its face which is pure white with black eyes. Like many owls he has a small beak and rather large talons though the majority of them are covered by his feathers.

Wan Shi Tong: "You know humans are not allowed here." Wan said rather flatly to us three. I merely smirk at him before looking him in the eye.

You: "Unless they're allied with Vaatu right?" I asked him with slight irritation in my voice. He looked at me with anger until he sighed in defeat. I cross my arms waiting for his response.

Wan Shi Tong: "Yes that was foolish of me. Still doesn't change..." He stops mid-sentence as his face comes closer to mine. I do not move as he inspects me deeply. After a few minutes he pulls back. "Raiden's vessel." Is all Wan said before tilting his head at me. "I have little knowledge of the six... Could you provide a small amount?" Wan asked me with his head tilted.

You: "Only if you give me knowledge on my clan... I was never able to learn the history before... They were destroyed." I said sadly to him as I uncrossed my arms. He hummed for a moment before nodding to me.

Wan Shi Tong: "I can do just that... My condolences." Wan said as he bowed slightly to me. I nodded my head sadly. I feel two people grab my hands. I smile and look at the two as Wan raises his head back up. "Follow me." Wan requested us flatly. We nodded and began following him through his large library. As we followed him I took in all the books he has. I suppose he's earned his title of 'One who knows a thousand things.' Soon we come to a larger room with a single table. "Sit at the table. I will return." Wan said flatly before flying off.

Olivia: "Why aren't humans allowed here?" Olivia asks me. Korra was about to speak but I do instead.

You: "Because Aang's team Avatar lied to him. He hates people who seek his knowledge to inflict harm on others. Sokka promised that was not their intent but... That wasn't true." I explained to her in a neutral tone. Olivia tilts her head at me before looking at Korra whom has planted her face in the table. I chuckle at that action.

Korra: "Yeah... Sokka wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed." Korra said sounding tired. Me and Olivia laugh slightly at her reaction. I then take another look around.

There are... Thousands of books in this room alone I'd wager. Though I cannot read all the titles I see a few. 'The Sounds Of Silence.' 'The Fourth Dimension.' And several others that would be interesting but nothing I want to read. All I want is my clan's history nothing more. I see Olivia simply looking at the markings on the walls. That makes me smile a bit though I didn't know why. Korra on the other hand already looks bored. I chuckle a bit but grab her hand from across the table. She looks up and smiles at me slightly as I grab her hand. She squeezes it back and soon we hear wing beats telling us Wan is coming back. Soon he lands near the table and places a stack of maybe six books in front of me. He also has blank paper and a writing tool.

The Electrical Conduit. Male Reader x KorraWhere stories live. Discover now